Monday, April 11, 2016


Humility is the keynote of successful exemplary character of all seers that trod on this earth. The Deity - Devotee relationship reaches high scales in the aspect of devotional surrender to the Almighty. Their ardent worship of the Lord finally culminates in realisation 'Within'.

The absolute necessity of knowing to what extent a seeker should have humility to realise the Almighty is found in the Sankeertana, "E Noru Vettuka Ninnu Nemani Kavu Mandunu" of Annamacharya........

'O My Almighty! With what face can I request you to take care of me as I hadn't thought of you ever for even a single minute.

'All of my prime life span was preoccupied with  worldly matters only.  But I never utilised my hands for your service.  All of my physical vigour was spent in the company of paramours only.  But I didn't spare my strength in search of you.  Now how can I request you for showering  your grace on me.

'O My Almighty! I wasted all my life in  the preoccupation of various useless desires and passions .  But I never spent even for a while, contemplating on you.   My tongue which would have been engaged in speaking truth only, was sold out for relishing in various tastes.  I never utilised it properly for singing hymns of praise about you..  Then how can I request you to show mercy on me now.

'I spent all my age in ignorance about you and never attempted the true knowledge about you.  Then how can I venture, without any shy, to think of asking you to pardon me and take me in to your protection.  Because of this, I remained calm. However, despite of whatever has transpired till now, O My Almighty, please forgive and show grace on me!'........

When a great seer like Annmacharya himself had taken such a stance of humiliation, then what about the present day seekers like us in the aspect of nurturing humility all through.  This is the reason why I enthuse in sharing with you the necessity of imbuing and radiating noble traits all along our journey of seeking through Self Realisation!

Haughtiness and Humbleness 
(in one statue of Mephistopheles and Margaretta,
Salar Jung Museum)

Om Shanti!

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