Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Our spiritual practice should be such that, it should be with full awareness of the real driving force behind our day to day actions. Once we understand that it is the Almighty within, we come to know that whatever happenings that take place in around us; they are ordained by the Almighty only.  A cool and relaxed mind only can have proper trust and faith in the Almighty within.  Hence there is the necessity of calming the mind.

In the sankeertana,"Chanchala Padaga Vaddu, Sare Sare Gora Vaddu", Annamacharya advises the necessity of harnessing the wavering mind..........

'One should not become anxious and restless in mind.  And it is not proper for one to go on pestering the Almighty with asking this or that every time. If we have faith in Him, He will give us good intellect.

'The Guardian of all worlds, is within me. He protects me. He will take care of my  well being and grant me what ever is 'good and beneficial' for me. (In most cases we misjudge about what is beneficial for us and 'propose' to Him.  But He 'disposes' only those things which are  really beneficial for us, which will be understood by us in the long run).  He is within me and protecting me from all vicissitudes.  He pardons all my mistakes with a noble heart.

'The Almighty within me is responsible for all my devotional activities.  (Other wise how can one understand the incessant flow of new sankeertanas everyday in Arenar Songs blog right from it's inception, without ever hamstrung by any sore throat?). Whatever best results I am fetching out of my actions it is because of Him only.  In short, He is the driving force behind every act of mine. He is taking care of me not only in  this mundane world but also my existence in the other'.........

Thus unflinching faith in the 'driving force' behind us all, The Almighty Within, works wonders in taming the otherwise restless mind; and in particular graces 'the detached' with benevolence !

 Serene Solitude

Om Shanti!


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