Thursday, April 7, 2016


A moralistic advice from the wise ! Studies, everybody does have at least to the extent of their being helpful in eking out one's livelihood. But what is the use, if one doesn't have that education which is inquisitive and helpful in realisation of the Almighty?  One spends on finding faults with others, being oblivious of his own shortcomings. Pity is, one tends to forget that, if one finger is raised to point out at the mistakes of others, at the same time there would be three fingers pointing back at one's own mistakes. In what way it is beneficial if one preaches sermons to others on one hand and being unaware about the Almighty Within on the other?

The real purpose of education is knowing 'Thyself'! Let us see in the sankeertsna "Chadiviti Dolli Konta,Chadive Ninka Gonta", what Annamacharya has to say about this aspect of education.....

'O Lord! I had education to some extent in the past.  Even after that I had studied something more.  But I am utterly ignorant about understanding the nature of the person standing before me.  For that matter, I don't know my own nature.

'While at work, I rebuke others; but I do not despise my own misdeeds.  More over, I rather justify appropriateness of my own deeds. I laugh boisterously at others' actions, but I do not get any laughter on seeing the plight of my impure body taking endless rebirths.  Is it not like making fun of cobwebs stuck up on others' heads, being ignorant about those stuck up  on one's own head?

'I exhibit anger on others, but I am not aware of the wily enemies residing in disguise within my body;  I am not able to express anger against the six enemies (Arishad vargas) - Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya,  swaying in me.  I preach umpteen sermons to others un-hesitatingly, about good behaviour, but I am not putting enough effort to realise within me,the 'Antaryami'- All pervading Almighty; in spite of guidance from the 'Antaratma' (Inner Voice).

'I deplore at the vices of the other people, but I am not  able to get rid of, from my unending, perpetual desires and passions. These are hurting me like eternal bondages.  At last some how, I am able to visualise the Truth about the Almighty; but I am not able to realise Him. I do not know if it is possible for me to realise Him within this birth'.......

The real purpose of education is thus creating enthusiasm, inquisitiveness and furtherance of one's awareness of the 'Being', of the Illusion, of the True Self and Realisation. Any faculty of knowledge other than the above is only part and parcel of tools of bondage in  extension of eternal rebirths.  Hence, let us take advantage of the content of sankeertana as an 'eye opener'!

Unmindful of Own Mistakes !

Om Shanti!

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