In Mahabharata, Bhishma tells Yudhishtara, among other things relating to righteousness, about non attachment through episode of Janaka, the 'Videha' (Beyond Body Consciousness). When the King Janaka was informed that the city of Mithila was ablaze, he kept his cool and remarked thus;
"Limitless is my wealth, boundless my possessions are, yet nothing is my own, indeed nothing;
If Mithila city is ablaze in fire, nothing do I lose, Nothing of mine would be burning".
Again in same epic, when Sri Krishna (who had come as an ambassador to the court of Duryodhana for thwarting of impending war) was walking along with Vidura - playing host to Lord Krishna in Hastinapura, the latter introduced the houses of Bhishma, Drona and other dignitaries as such. But upon nearing his own house,Vidura referred it as belonging to the Lord Krishna, the Almighty.
These two anecdotes speak of what? It is the 'Realisation' that 'each and every iota of this creation is the manifestation of and solely belongs to the One and Only One - The Creator, The Almighty. There is nothing worthy of being termed 'mine' or 'thine' !
This awareness about the True Ownership of Creation is well brought out in the sankeertana, "Jagadiswaruni Lila Chakramu Lopala Nundi", by the poet savant, Annamacharya.
'All things are part of the flux in the spinning wheel of Illusion belonging to the Almighty. Except for those who have taken refuge in the Almighty, for the rest, it is impossible to overcome this Illusion.
'Where is the independence to the Beings to declare that 'this body is mine'? In fact, it belongs to the Almighty residing within (and acting as driving force of) that body. Once this realisation is dawned in one's mind, there is least botheration about the past births and future birth of a 'being'.
'If one says 'these ornaments are mine', does the Almighty not laugh at him? Because, the ornaments as well as the wearer of them both belong to the Almighty only. Hence they do not belong to any particular human being. In accordance with reasoning thus, one can rest peacefully in all aspects of life.
'Is the one, who says 'these servants are mine', not ignorant of the fact that himself is the servant of the Almighty within? Then how to come over this ignorance? It is be seeking the servitude of the Almighty Within, the Being can overcome all hurdles and become the worthiest'.............
'The Awareness that, "after all we are only the Trustees of the temporal possessions in this earthly existence; and when time comes, with the attitude of relinquishment -'Nothing Is Mine', we have to coolly consign them back to the True Owner, The Almighty", gives us great relief on account of non - attachment and contentment !
"Limitless is my wealth, boundless my possessions are, yet nothing is my own, indeed nothing;
If Mithila city is ablaze in fire, nothing do I lose, Nothing of mine would be burning".
Again in same epic, when Sri Krishna (who had come as an ambassador to the court of Duryodhana for thwarting of impending war) was walking along with Vidura - playing host to Lord Krishna in Hastinapura, the latter introduced the houses of Bhishma, Drona and other dignitaries as such. But upon nearing his own house,Vidura referred it as belonging to the Lord Krishna, the Almighty.
These two anecdotes speak of what? It is the 'Realisation' that 'each and every iota of this creation is the manifestation of and solely belongs to the One and Only One - The Creator, The Almighty. There is nothing worthy of being termed 'mine' or 'thine' !
This awareness about the True Ownership of Creation is well brought out in the sankeertana, "Jagadiswaruni Lila Chakramu Lopala Nundi", by the poet savant, Annamacharya.
'All things are part of the flux in the spinning wheel of Illusion belonging to the Almighty. Except for those who have taken refuge in the Almighty, for the rest, it is impossible to overcome this Illusion.
'Where is the independence to the Beings to declare that 'this body is mine'? In fact, it belongs to the Almighty residing within (and acting as driving force of) that body. Once this realisation is dawned in one's mind, there is least botheration about the past births and future birth of a 'being'.
'If one says 'these ornaments are mine', does the Almighty not laugh at him? Because, the ornaments as well as the wearer of them both belong to the Almighty only. Hence they do not belong to any particular human being. In accordance with reasoning thus, one can rest peacefully in all aspects of life.
'Is the one, who says 'these servants are mine', not ignorant of the fact that himself is the servant of the Almighty within? Then how to come over this ignorance? It is be seeking the servitude of the Almighty Within, the Being can overcome all hurdles and become the worthiest'.............
'The Awareness that, "after all we are only the Trustees of the temporal possessions in this earthly existence; and when time comes, with the attitude of relinquishment -'Nothing Is Mine', we have to coolly consign them back to the True Owner, The Almighty", gives us great relief on account of non - attachment and contentment !
"It's Lord's!"
Om Shanti!
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