One being with different roles! I am grandson to one, son to another; father to one, grand father to another; likewise I also play the roles of husband, brother in law, cousin, uncle! In this very birth so many roles to play. That is so many relations I experience. Like this I spent my previous births as male as well as female. The relations go on unending if enlisted. Thus can I count how many fathers, sons, wives et cetera I had in my previous countless births? All those relations of the past attachments are present detachment now and present relations of attachments are detachments of next birth. Thus one understands that no relations are of permanent nature , like the floating twigs of wood in a flood come together once and float astray the next moment.
Thus becoming aware about the One factor that is the Eternal Almighty within common in all roles of play in all births, we shall become disillusioned about the being and stay surrendered to the Almighty within for Liberation from these entanglements of relations.
About this theme we have a good sankeerana from Annamacharya, "Eppude Buddhi Puttuno Teliya Radu"......
'By birth we have mind that tends to have fickle thoughts about which we are unaware. Our life is fraught with hurdles and dangers. Since it is the gift of the Almighty, reposing unflinching faith in Him we have to steer this life till reaching safe shores.
'We do not know about our previous births. How many places we changed before coming here we do not know. There is only one who is aware of all our previous births. He is the Eternal Almighty who is pervading within us. Hence my surrender to Him !
'Can I know whereabouts of my previous parents Can I know the previous whereabouts of my present children? Hence whatever conscious life presently living by us is the grace of the Almighty only. So I offer to the Almighty within whatever pleasures He bestowed on me. How can I know how many times I entered the Heaven for my unstable stays there? How can I know how many times I took births on this earth and how I got these? After all, how can I know why it is happening like this? We are experiencing the effects of our actions of piety as well as sin (papa punya karma phala) all the way. The Almighty being the cause of all our experiences, I offer the results to Him only.'
The wise people's preaching about the illusory impermanent nature of the relations and necessity of not being obsessed with the attachments is a matter of practice for a seeker in search of Liberation!
Thus becoming aware about the One factor that is the Eternal Almighty within common in all roles of play in all births, we shall become disillusioned about the being and stay surrendered to the Almighty within for Liberation from these entanglements of relations.
About this theme we have a good sankeerana from Annamacharya, "Eppude Buddhi Puttuno Teliya Radu"......
'By birth we have mind that tends to have fickle thoughts about which we are unaware. Our life is fraught with hurdles and dangers. Since it is the gift of the Almighty, reposing unflinching faith in Him we have to steer this life till reaching safe shores.
'We do not know about our previous births. How many places we changed before coming here we do not know. There is only one who is aware of all our previous births. He is the Eternal Almighty who is pervading within us. Hence my surrender to Him !
'Can I know whereabouts of my previous parents Can I know the previous whereabouts of my present children? Hence whatever conscious life presently living by us is the grace of the Almighty only. So I offer to the Almighty within whatever pleasures He bestowed on me. How can I know how many times I entered the Heaven for my unstable stays there? How can I know how many times I took births on this earth and how I got these? After all, how can I know why it is happening like this? We are experiencing the effects of our actions of piety as well as sin (papa punya karma phala) all the way. The Almighty being the cause of all our experiences, I offer the results to Him only.'
The wise people's preaching about the illusory impermanent nature of the relations and necessity of not being obsessed with the attachments is a matter of practice for a seeker in search of Liberation!
One With Multiple Roles
Om shanti!
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