'Samam Sarveshu Bhuteshu Tishtthantam Parameswaram' of Gita can be taken as reference any number of times as we think about the main driving force behind all 'beings' in the creation. Life is precious for all - be it an ant, fish, animal or plant. All living beings come into this world, grow among their community and leave this world when their time comes. But it is not the case with the human being. The Almighty has provided him a great boon called 'Intellect' which is double edged sword just like the nuclear energy which is beneficial to the mankind in providing power supply and at the same time a means for destructive bombs. Man has capability to use his wisdom to know about himself, the world and the entire creation - understanding about his very coming into existence. The ultimate Truth about the all pervading Consciousness. Still he is getting entangled in desires about the possessions of place, persons, divisions and discriminations being created by bringing in to existence various faiths, religions, customs and practices raising clashes among the followers of each faith and religion. When can he see the truth that all human beings are equally imbued with the the Almighty's Grace within, that the Supreme Consciousness is only one which is the driving force of all the beings without any discrimination.
The importance of understanding this equality among all beings in the eyes of the Grace of the Almighty is upheld by the great savant Annamacharya in his precious gem like sankeertana 'Brahma Mokkate Para Brahma Mokkate'.- The Almighty, The Supreme Consciousness is only one. It pervades equally in all beings - it's manifestation of creation.
'In this creation of the Almighty, there are no such differences like mean and high, because every being is manifest form of the Consciousness only.
'The sleep of the King on the richly-cushioned beds ('hansa-tulika-talpa' - bed made of tender feathers of swan) and the sleep of his servant on the floor give same relaxation. The place wherein the high caste brahmin resides and the place in which the low caste (out caste) dwells, are of same earth. No differences whatsoever.
'The sunshine that falls on the majestic, gigantic sized, elephant and the sunshine that falls on the (lowly regarded-ill treated) street dog is same.
'The Grace of the Almighty does not discriminate among the performers of sinful and pious acts.'
The Almighty has provided enough prosperity for all being to live happily by taking from the nature only what is required for one's existence. We recollect Gandhiji's words, ' The earth holds prosperity enough for each one's need but not for each one's greed'.
A change in the attitude of the people is essential. The Almighty's gift - wisdom is for awakening. Let all the beings be happy with whatever status of living provided by the Almighty. Self contentment is essential for peace of mind. Let's move ahead with this proper understanding of one divinity in all beings.
The importance of understanding this equality among all beings in the eyes of the Grace of the Almighty is upheld by the great savant Annamacharya in his precious gem like sankeertana 'Brahma Mokkate Para Brahma Mokkate'.- The Almighty, The Supreme Consciousness is only one. It pervades equally in all beings - it's manifestation of creation.
'In this creation of the Almighty, there are no such differences like mean and high, because every being is manifest form of the Consciousness only.
'The sleep of the King on the richly-cushioned beds ('hansa-tulika-talpa' - bed made of tender feathers of swan) and the sleep of his servant on the floor give same relaxation. The place wherein the high caste brahmin resides and the place in which the low caste (out caste) dwells, are of same earth. No differences whatsoever.
'The sunshine that falls on the majestic, gigantic sized, elephant and the sunshine that falls on the (lowly regarded-ill treated) street dog is same.
'The Grace of the Almighty does not discriminate among the performers of sinful and pious acts.'
The Almighty has provided enough prosperity for all being to live happily by taking from the nature only what is required for one's existence. We recollect Gandhiji's words, ' The earth holds prosperity enough for each one's need but not for each one's greed'.
A change in the attitude of the people is essential. The Almighty's gift - wisdom is for awakening. Let all the beings be happy with whatever status of living provided by the Almighty. Self contentment is essential for peace of mind. Let's move ahead with this proper understanding of one divinity in all beings.
Sleep of the King and the Servant Same
Om Shanti!
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