Wednesday, December 30, 2015


'Uddhare datma natmanam, natmana mavasadayet, 
atmaiva hyatmano bandhuh, atmaiva ripu ratmanah' -Gita 6.8.  

The word Atma (Soul) is used with the connotation of Jivatma (the Individual Soul) and the mind in wider sense. So it is for the Individual Soul either to trek a careful spiritual path and be liberated or be plunged in the vicious bondages earthly matters leading to chains  of births and deaths. His Atma is thus his friend  as well as foe.

An interesting way of addressing to such all important, centre stage occupying role player - 'The Mind' is amusing and at the same time enlightening us in the keertana 'Nammiti Jummi O Manasa' by the great poet savant Annamacharya.  

'O Mind ! See, I have trusted you.  Hence, always be a good counsellor to me. Have solace and comfort in the thought of the Almighty within. Do not be distracted about other dharmas. Contemplate on the dharma of spiritual knowledge. Keep your cool in rough weathers. Having trust in the Almighty within, do not go after other plethoric deities.  Keeping away from the sensual pleasures of the women, be in renunciation about such matters. Always be mindful about the Almighty within.

'O Mind ! Do not wish for the pleasures of the flesh.  Try to spend your time in meditation instead. Never disobey your gurus' orders.Utilise your time as much as possible in reading sacred scriptures and hearing spiritual discourses. Abstain from friendship of the wicked (or men of base character). Have full command over your senses and seek realisation of the Self. Do not be carried away by the results of your actions. Be aware of the 'Cause' of all your actions. (You will be relieved from all the Illusory cause and effect games of the Almighty within).

'O Mind! Do not be afraid about the future births.  Act boldly with wisdom. Avoid all illusory  worldly attractions. Do not indulge in any form of ignoble deeds.  Have unflinching faith in the Almighty within (The Saviour and Ultimate Liberator).'

As  I am writing this now,  I can't but share with you how much immense happiness I am undergoing right at this moment!  You must be able to guess by this time (after reading my mind by going through the various posts by you till date) that the simple reason is my identity with the Do's and Don'ts of the 'Commandments of the Mind' enumerated above.

In this connection, I wish to narrate an incident of about two and a half years back. An article by Sri Ananda Sai in telugu "Antaratma Pilupu...Adhyatmika Prajna" (Call of the Divine Within...Spiritual Wisdom) appeared in Eenadu daily's Sunday annexe booklet dated  21.07.2013.  It is a ten point multiple choice exercise about 'Our Spiritual Status' in the journey of this life; helping to know where we stand and how to improve ourselves. And lo, when I finished it the score was excellent. Our Yoga Guru was also enthused about this interesting article and upon his advice I distributed copies of it among the group.

I reiterate always the truth I discovered; Our spiritual bent of mind and righteous way of living is the only way to have real and perennial spring of blissful life !


Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                 

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