Friday, December 18, 2015


Years pass by ; our prayers at yoga are same all the way. Contents of them which seemed  hard nut to crack at the joining time slowly started unravelling themselves in the deep spiritual pursuit. As the curiosity started in  knowing what is Truth behind all these cycles of births  and deaths and the bound nature of  the existence in this material world; the contemplations about the knowledge imparted by the great seers  of ancient ages and of recent centuries ; what a pleasant journey undertaken now with so much mental relaxation; the satisfactory feeling of having crossed over difficult terrains, hills and dales; Now everything is clear picturesque view of path of lush green lawns.  How can I express gratefully to the Almighty within for this blissful state!

Yes, the Eternal Truth about our deathless being from millions of years against our illusory frequently changing attires called bodies - is the only proper knowledge in making anybody  a wise man. This wisdom will however  don to the attuned minds of all seekers within no time.

We come across some interesting way of knowing about the above mentioned spiritual reality in a down to earth simple sankeertana 'Gonele Kotthalu Kode Leppativi' by Annamacharya.

'Only these bodies are new. But the Individual Souls  within are of unknown past.  Their nature itself is being in ignorance.  Can the iron item become soft even if immersed in water for long period? Same is with this Soul.  This does not come out of ignorance.

' This world is old; This Universe is old; Upon observation , it will be known that only the births  and deaths are new.  But the illusion-generated ignorance is same through its existence.  Just by being  in contact with the wise and reading scriptures can I become Liberated in  just one or two births  from now. Can I become a Jnani.  Can I see the Paramatma -  The Almighty !

'My mind piled up and carrying the previous births'  karmas  in the form of  ' Vasanas'  from times unknown. Attachments from time unknown  with the past  life  continues. It feels that the worldly pleasures it is enjoying are anew every time.  Even if I am exposed to the holy scriptures in abundance, can I become gentle  with noble attributes now? Even if I wish to come out of my ignorance can I shake off this disease of Illusion ?

'What is the way out then? There is one. The Almighty- existing beyond times, the Soul of all , The Universal Soul, is within.  The Individual souls are playing their part in keeping in Illusion  and misguiding the individual towards committing  all unwelcome Actions resulting in  further births. The Liberation  to the Individual Soul is possible only by the grace of the Almighty within , the Supreme Consciousness!'

The Park is same; The Prayers are same ; The Yoga practice is same; for years ! But The grace of the Almighty within gradddually blossoms in the form of wonderful revelations as shared earlier in The Pilgrim's Progress and others.  My convictions about 'His grace within' is humbly to serve you all as sincere encouragement in your individual spiritual pursuit !

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                         

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