Wednesday, December 16, 2015


'I' am always blissful because 'i" am no more. This constant musing in me keeps me detached, since I had said on an earlier occasion that every seeker is gifted by the Almighty his unique way towards liberation. When 'Param Guru' inside is at the helm,  rest is always relaxed.

Opening up further I may say that running away from the material world is not at all necessary to find liberation. Renunciation  should totally be the aspect of the mind.  Here I would like to bring before you the less known story of king Sikhi Dwaja. His wife Chudala though detached was looking normal to the rest of the world. On the other hand the king Sikhi Dwaja was becoming weary about mundane affairs, decided to leave his kingdom and perform tapas in the forest to find eternal peace. After a few days  Chudala wished to check up the progress of the king in his pursuit.  She donned the garb of a male ascetic (sanyasi) and went into the forest. finding the king under a tree she (being in disguise) asked, 'Sir, may I know who you are and what for you are performing tapas ?"   The king replied, " I am the king of this kingdom. In persuasion of eternal peace, I have forsaken my kingdom,  my family, my properties, my people and every thing and doing tapas here." Then Chudala enquuired if he  had found the eternal peace. The king putting up a disappointed face said "No Sir, I am not getting my desire fulfilled even by tapas"  Then Chudala said, " O Raja, The hitch lies in the fact that your possessive nature is not lost.  You feel  that you are foregoing  'your' things. That is not 'detachment'. Being  amidst all these things your mind should be in renunciation of all." Impressed by this Tatva jnana imparted from the ascetic the king tried to bow down to touch his feet, but Chudala immediately cast off her male ascetic dress to reveal herself to the king. The king admired at the Jnana of his wife. They returned to the palace.'.....

Such anecdotes as above I feel shall be enthusing to every serious seeker.  And one more thing about awareness of the "knowledge".  Annamcharya says, 'It is Liberation if known;  It is bondage if unknown' in his keertana 'Telisite Mokshamu, Teliyakunna Bandhamu'.

'Those who are conscious about 'Consciousness' are ever liberated. Others remain in the bondages of the sansara (worldly matters). The wise ones always see this worldly living as, like a dream, an illusion only.

'Where are the pleasures  and pains for jnani  who does not have body consciousness? They are only illusion of the mind.  There is no concern about pious or sinful deeds for one who does not seek results for his actions ( karma phala nirasaktata).

'Those who can get on  without food, will not show any interest in 'Amruta' (manna,ambrosia); they have least fear about any poisonous food. For the one who relinquished the world, there are no friends nor foes.  All are equal.

'For those who totally surrendered to the Almighty within, there is least worry about tasks on hand, nor forgetting them. For such ever blissful wise ones there is no bother  about duality of mundane and celestial worlds.'

The 'Know'ledge Annamacharya mentions is the much sought after to realise in this very existence. So let us have enthusiastic effort towards this - the 'cynosure' of all faculties of knowledge on this earth.

                                           "Telisite Mokshamu, Teliyakunna Bandhamu"

"Chudala and  King Sikhi Dwaja"

Om Santhi!

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