Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Care thy body! For, you must be thankful to the Almighty for sending in to this world this 'graceful being'  to serve as a shelter and be vehicle for your sublime journey for the ultimate union with the Almighty. Now that our mission in this world is clear, we shall all the more be very caring about the well being (well kept in condition) of the vehicle (human body) in which we are destined to perform the final journey into the eternity.

I purchase a car and use it for taxi purpose.  Result? Long distance journeys,varied plain and rough terrains, rocky paths, due to obligation to obey varied types of passengers. causing  faster wear and tear, frequent repairs and replacements of parts. I realise that whatever few extra chunks earned through the vehicle are squandered on its repairs in turn. I decide to keep the vehicle under my control;  now I have peace of mind.

So is my earthly body; if let lose to go after every bait, it will end up in abysmal pit of sinful swamp. If I devotedly utilise it for noble living,  My mission in  this world will have satisfactory reach. This theme about the body is expressed in the sankeertana, 'Teliyaradu Maya Dehama' by the poet savant, Annamacharya - on the one hand recounting on the illusory and tricky nature of the Body and at the same time ending up with recognition of noble cause for it's inception in to this world.

'O my tricky body! It is incomprehensible for us about your tricky behaviour. You are making us submit to many desires and driving us towards being engaged after them. Your artful acts are highly difficult for us to avoid.

'O my body! You are not permanent and you are ageing day by day towards end. O my frail body! You show off proud and arrogance whenever opportunity arises. you seek variety in tastes day after day.  Thus make me entangled in infatuations about alluring objects, O my cunning body!

'O my body! going to sleep  and rise again are your daily routine.  Being partnered with the Five Elements you do the farming of journey of my life. You go on performing acts discriminating between pious and sinful deeds. Who can advise you when you are heedless and lead life as you like.

'O my body! Your chasing after the earthly pleasures is not going to be fulfilled  at any point of time  in this life journey. Your pursuit after them is insatiable.  Remaining in this illusory misleading path you can never be on the path of liberation. But I have the Grace of Almighty's refuge within. I honestly acknowledge that, after all being said and done, your majestic entry into this world is causal to  serve as a shelter (vehicle) for my union with the Almighty!

'Sound Soul in Sound Body' ! Agreed? So let's have all praise for the graceful body gifted by the Almighty, to serve as a vehicle for reaching the benefactor of the vehicle - Himself !

Pushpak - The Celestial Vehicle

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               

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