Friday, December 4, 2015


Happiness and well being are any body's wish in general. In our practical day to day life we come across people very rarely with the assertion that they are absolutely satisfied with what  the Almighty provided for them to live in  on this earth comfortably. Every one has his own list of desires, wants, aspirations which knows only one trend, that is, the graph  scaling new heights as the age advances - indeed 'An Endless Scroll!'

People get education. But does it bring in them any awakening? Mostly, eduction  has become a passport  for getting some occupation.  Is that all?  Who tells 'What is the Way of Living' in this world to realise the aims of 'happiness  and well being'.  Proper bringing up right from child hood with due parental care and school education by devoted teachers will go a long way in the character building of every child which assures to the child comfortable well being in the society as he grows up.  

If you can recollect, in one of the earlier posts - 'Self Control - Waiting for A Delayed Gratification' (28.09.2015) - we had discussed the Marshmallow Experiment , it's findings about the children who became highly successful in their later career,  that 1) Waiting for gratification  is worth it and 2) I Have the Capacity to Wait! Taking cue from these findings, how can one under estimate the noble attributes of  'Meditation and Self- Control'.

Lack of such care of imbibing morals and ethics in child hood, results in blossoming up of discontented souls on various counts.  The traits which are resulting  in unsatisfied, dejected spirits is narrated by Annamacharya in the sankeertana 'Enta Chadivina Enta Vinina'.

'By academic education one may find livelihood and by hearing discourses on may become aware of the subjects unknown hither to. But these will in no way drive away one's blues. One who has the habit of blaming others, one who indulges in sensual pleasures and one who has always wavering and fickle mind, unless being ridden off these vices can not have happy life on this earth and thereafter. Hell is the destination  for such bound  beings.

' One who eyes on others' legitimate properties, one who indulges in insinuations at others, and one who has arrogant attitude towards others, unless being cleared off these vices,  cannot have happy life on this earth and thereafter.  Besides his calamities will not give way.

' One who comes out of uncertainty, disbelief and gets rid of anger, untruthfulness and surrenders himself totally to the inner Almighty, he will have the ultimate triumph. Otherwise no respite from his woes.'.........

Thus we can understand  the innate qualities. which mould the personality of the being, apart from education  and discourses. have to seek the Almighty within, which would only can drive away the woes of this world.

Catch them young! That is the approach, to our children  to present a beautiful world with noble qualities in every body in the society, which in turn assures happiness and well-being in one and all . Our awareness of this concept if  put in to sincere practice, can turn hell to heaven !

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                              

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