Wednesday, December 30, 2015


'Uddhare datma natmanam, natmana mavasadayet, 
atmaiva hyatmano bandhuh, atmaiva ripu ratmanah' -Gita 6.8.  

The word Atma (Soul) is used with the connotation of Jivatma (the Individual Soul) and the mind in wider sense. So it is for the Individual Soul either to trek a careful spiritual path and be liberated or be plunged in the vicious bondages earthly matters leading to chains  of births and deaths. His Atma is thus his friend  as well as foe.

An interesting way of addressing to such all important, centre stage occupying role player - 'The Mind' is amusing and at the same time enlightening us in the keertana 'Nammiti Jummi O Manasa' by the great poet savant Annamacharya.  

'O Mind ! See, I have trusted you.  Hence, always be a good counsellor to me. Have solace and comfort in the thought of the Almighty within. Do not be distracted about other dharmas. Contemplate on the dharma of spiritual knowledge. Keep your cool in rough weathers. Having trust in the Almighty within, do not go after other plethoric deities.  Keeping away from the sensual pleasures of the women, be in renunciation about such matters. Always be mindful about the Almighty within.

'O Mind ! Do not wish for the pleasures of the flesh.  Try to spend your time in meditation instead. Never disobey your gurus' orders.Utilise your time as much as possible in reading sacred scriptures and hearing spiritual discourses. Abstain from friendship of the wicked (or men of base character). Have full command over your senses and seek realisation of the Self. Do not be carried away by the results of your actions. Be aware of the 'Cause' of all your actions. (You will be relieved from all the Illusory cause and effect games of the Almighty within).

'O Mind! Do not be afraid about the future births.  Act boldly with wisdom. Avoid all illusory  worldly attractions. Do not indulge in any form of ignoble deeds.  Have unflinching faith in the Almighty within (The Saviour and Ultimate Liberator).'

As  I am writing this now,  I can't but share with you how much immense happiness I am undergoing right at this moment!  You must be able to guess by this time (after reading my mind by going through the various posts by you till date) that the simple reason is my identity with the Do's and Don'ts of the 'Commandments of the Mind' enumerated above.

In this connection, I wish to narrate an incident of about two and a half years back. An article by Sri Ananda Sai in telugu "Antaratma Pilupu...Adhyatmika Prajna" (Call of the Divine Within...Spiritual Wisdom) appeared in Eenadu daily's Sunday annexe booklet dated  21.07.2013.  It is a ten point multiple choice exercise about 'Our Spiritual Status' in the journey of this life; helping to know where we stand and how to improve ourselves. And lo, when I finished it the score was excellent. Our Yoga Guru was also enthused about this interesting article and upon his advice I distributed copies of it among the group.

I reiterate always the truth I discovered; Our spiritual bent of mind and righteous way of living is the only way to have real and perennial spring of blissful life !


Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                 

Monday, December 28, 2015


A shrewd path of devotion towards deities with full awareness of the Ultimate Truth and Realisation of the Formless Supreme Consciousness termed as the "Almighty" - A 'Bhakti en route Jnana' Approach is an ideal sadhana indeed! This is what we come across in the sankeertana "Itara Memiyu Ledu Eraga Minte Kani" by the great  poet-savant, Annamacharya.

'Param Atma ' - The Supreme Consciousness : If 'this' is known nothing else is there to be sought after. 'This' is eulogised by all faiths in this world as The Almighty, in other words. And this Almighty has taken many forms and names in accordance of the imagination and satisfaction of different religions in different regions of this globe. The Cause of the creation has manifested in the form of actions also like Wealth, Deities, Parents, Family raising, The Individual souls, The Liberator - All are manifest form of the un-manifest Almighty. If this source of all action is understood why one should be worried about any thing. Since one's actions emanate from one's mind which in turn is subtle manifestation of the Almighty only. Naturally it's appropriate to lean on only one ultimately, that is, the Almighty.- the root cause of all actlions, 'chaitanya swarupa'.

'Who is the one giving the facility and comfort in the form of wealth with the people? It's He. Who is taking care of us in the form of protecting divine every moment - It's He. In the form of deity of worship  He is receiving our prayers.

'Who is patiently bearing us in womb in the role of mother? - It's He. Who is giving us birth and rearing us as father? It's He. Hence we venerate that Almighty. Not only this, He is satisfying in the role of an amorous wife too. In the form of the children, He is passing on our heredity. In this way He is with us in every form of relation. He is in the form of Sri Hari present in the palms receiving prayers from us. (Karagre Vasate Lakshmi, Kara Madhye Saraswati, Kara Mule Tu Govinda, Prabhate Kara Darshanam) - At the tip of the palm dwells Sri Lakshmi; In the middle of the palm, Saraswati and at the base of the palm dwells Govinda; Hence I see my palms in veneration of these Gods first, as I open my eyes at day break.

'He is the manifestation of this physical body . He is all experiences of this body. He is in these mundane attachments. Ultimately He Himself is the one who forms detachments in us about these mundane things and  becomes our Liberator, Saviour from these Bondages.  Hence it is He on whom one has to have full faith and confidence.'

As one takes to heart the essence of this sankeertana, it  generates  better toleration about all faiths leading towards the Universal Oneness !

"Itara Memiyu Ledu Eraga Mimte Kani"

'He is the Destractor; He is the Saviour'

Om Shanti!

Saturday, December 26, 2015


One being with different roles! I am grandson to one, son to another; father to one, grand father to another; likewise I also play the roles of husband, brother in law, cousin, uncle! In this very birth so many roles to play. That is so many relations I experience.  Like this I spent my previous births as male as well as female. The relations go on unending if enlisted. Thus can I count how many fathers, sons, wives et cetera I had in  my previous countless births? All those relations of the past attachments are present detachment  now and present relations of attachments are detachments of next birth.  Thus one understands that no relations are of permanent nature , like the floating twigs of wood in a flood come together once and float astray  the next moment.

Thus becoming aware about the One factor that is the Eternal Almighty within common in all roles of play in all births, we shall become disillusioned about the being and stay surrendered to the Almighty within for Liberation from these entanglements of relations.

About this theme we have  a good sankeerana from Annamacharya, "Eppude Buddhi Puttuno Teliya Radu"......

'By birth we have mind that tends to have fickle thoughts about which we are unaware.  Our life is fraught with hurdles and dangers.  Since it is the gift of the Almighty, reposing unflinching  faith  in Him we have to steer this life till reaching safe shores.

'We do not know about our previous births. How many places we changed before coming here we do not know. There is only one who is aware of all our previous births.  He is the Eternal Almighty who is pervading within us. Hence my surrender to Him !

'Can I know whereabouts of my previous parents   Can I know the previous whereabouts of my present children?  Hence whatever conscious life  presently living by us is the grace of the Almighty only. So I offer to  the Almighty within  whatever  pleasures He bestowed on me.  How can I know how many  times I entered the Heaven for my unstable stays there?  How can I know  how many times I took births on this earth and how I got these? After all, how can I know why it is happening like this? We are experiencing the effects of our actions of piety  as well as sin (papa punya karma phala) all the way.  The  Almighty being the cause of all our experiences, I offer the results to Him only.'

The wise people's preaching about the illusory impermanent nature of the relations and necessity of not being obsessed with the attachments is a matter of practice for a seeker in search of Liberation!

One With Multiple Roles

Om shanti!                                                                                                                                              

Thursday, December 24, 2015


'Samam Sarveshu Bhuteshu Tishtthantam Parameswaram' of Gita can be taken as reference any number of times as we think about the main driving force behind all 'beings' in the creation. Life is precious for all - be it an ant, fish, animal or plant. All  living beings come into this world, grow among their community and leave this world when  their time comes. But it is not the case with the human being. The Almighty has provided him a great boon called 'Intellect' which is double edged sword just like the nuclear energy which is beneficial to the mankind in providing power supply and at the same time a means  for destructive bombs. Man has capability to use his wisdom to  know about himself, the world and the entire creation - understanding about his very coming into existence. The ultimate Truth about the all pervading Consciousness. Still he is getting entangled in desires  about the possessions of place, persons,  divisions and discriminations being created by bringing in to existence various faiths, religions, customs and practices raising clashes among the followers of each faith and religion. When can he see the truth that all human beings are equally imbued with the the Almighty's Grace within, that the Supreme Consciousness is only one which is the driving force of all the beings without any discrimination.

The importance of understanding this equality among all beings in the eyes of the Grace of the Almighty is upheld by the great savant Annamacharya in his precious  gem like sankeertana 'Brahma Mokkate Para Brahma Mokkate'.- The Almighty, The Supreme Consciousness is only one. It pervades equally in all beings - it's manifestation of creation.

'In this creation of the Almighty, there are no such differences like mean and high, because every being is manifest form of the Consciousness only.

'The sleep of the King on the richly-cushioned beds ('hansa-tulika-talpa' - bed made of tender feathers of swan) and the sleep of his servant on the floor give same relaxation. The place  wherein the high caste brahmin resides and the place in which the low caste (out caste) dwells, are of same earth. No differences whatsoever.

'The sunshine that falls on the majestic, gigantic sized, elephant and the sunshine that falls on the (lowly regarded-ill treated) street dog is same.

'The Grace of  the Almighty does not discriminate among the performers of sinful and pious acts.'

The Almighty has provided enough prosperity for all being to live happily by taking from the nature only what is required for one's existence. We recollect Gandhiji's words, ' The earth holds prosperity enough for each one's need but not for each one's greed'.

A change in the attitude of the people is essential. The Almighty's gift - wisdom is for awakening. Let all the beings be happy with whatever status of living provided by the Almighty. Self contentment is essential for peace of mind. Let's move ahead with this proper understanding of one divinity in  all beings.

Sleep of the King and the Servant Same

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Care thy body! For, you must be thankful to the Almighty for sending in to this world this 'graceful being'  to serve as a shelter and be vehicle for your sublime journey for the ultimate union with the Almighty. Now that our mission in this world is clear, we shall all the more be very caring about the well being (well kept in condition) of the vehicle (human body) in which we are destined to perform the final journey into the eternity.

I purchase a car and use it for taxi purpose.  Result? Long distance journeys,varied plain and rough terrains, rocky paths, due to obligation to obey varied types of passengers. causing  faster wear and tear, frequent repairs and replacements of parts. I realise that whatever few extra chunks earned through the vehicle are squandered on its repairs in turn. I decide to keep the vehicle under my control;  now I have peace of mind.

So is my earthly body; if let lose to go after every bait, it will end up in abysmal pit of sinful swamp. If I devotedly utilise it for noble living,  My mission in  this world will have satisfactory reach. This theme about the body is expressed in the sankeertana, 'Teliyaradu Maya Dehama' by the poet savant, Annamacharya - on the one hand recounting on the illusory and tricky nature of the Body and at the same time ending up with recognition of noble cause for it's inception in to this world.

'O my tricky body! It is incomprehensible for us about your tricky behaviour. You are making us submit to many desires and driving us towards being engaged after them. Your artful acts are highly difficult for us to avoid.

'O my body! You are not permanent and you are ageing day by day towards end. O my frail body! You show off proud and arrogance whenever opportunity arises. you seek variety in tastes day after day.  Thus make me entangled in infatuations about alluring objects, O my cunning body!

'O my body! going to sleep  and rise again are your daily routine.  Being partnered with the Five Elements you do the farming of journey of my life. You go on performing acts discriminating between pious and sinful deeds. Who can advise you when you are heedless and lead life as you like.

'O my body! Your chasing after the earthly pleasures is not going to be fulfilled  at any point of time  in this life journey. Your pursuit after them is insatiable.  Remaining in this illusory misleading path you can never be on the path of liberation. But I have the Grace of Almighty's refuge within. I honestly acknowledge that, after all being said and done, your majestic entry into this world is causal to  serve as a shelter (vehicle) for my union with the Almighty!

'Sound Soul in Sound Body' ! Agreed? So let's have all praise for the graceful body gifted by the Almighty, to serve as a vehicle for reaching the benefactor of the vehicle - Himself !

Pushpak - The Celestial Vehicle

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               

Sunday, December 20, 2015


For the past one week I observed a few yoga colleagues dwindling away one by one. Today I asked one what is the matter. He said in the outskirts of the city, meditation programmes with thousands gathering and sitting in meditation 'en masse' for about a fortnight long.  We hear about certain constructions specially meant for meditation. Of course this may be due to the reasoning that ambiance plays a vital role  for bringing the mind into stable condition. Then I pondered over a doubt. Can this type of occasional sittings be sufficient to otherwise boggling mind  after coming back into the city?

It reminded me of the devotees of Swamy Ayyappa.  They observe very stringent austere measures during the mandalam (forty days) period.  During this period they will be away from family life, drinks,  footwear, sleeping on cots, spicy foods et cetera.  I used to wish that such banning of drinks, smoking and other vices should have been practised by them for the rest of their life, with changing in attitudes towards them instead of resuming after the mandalam.

So, coming to the point that it is the attitude of the mind that matters and not the places, I request you to see the story of Chudala and King Sikhi Dwaja (post: Liberation If...16.12.15) once again.  In addition to this, I remember  a story in which a king fond of fines arts, declares competition in painting.  Of all paintings submitted in competition, he selects one in which the scene is stormy weather condition, with tress swaying to gusty winds. King's appreciation went for a bird which was coolly feeding her chicks in a rock crevice regardless of the stormy weather condition -"Calm amidst Storm".

This achievement of  "Calm Amidst Storm" is essential for any seeker who is on the path of liberation  right amidst 'gruhastha' - family life conditions, as our sages could do before us.

We have metaphorical way of dealing with such condition of our attitudes through the sankeertana by Annamacharya,  'Gaddapara Mingite Akali Direna'.

'Hunger is satisfied by only food.  Nothing else. One cannot satisfy hunger by swallowing iron implements.  Same way, the ensnaring material pre occupations  can be overcome only by taking refuge in the Almighty within.

'By nature, stags' gait is jumping away hither thither. If such animals are tied to a cart to pull, can any one have control over them?  Power of sense organs can  never be estimated by any one.  They steal away every opportunity possible to subdue the individual in to their control.

'If  live fire is wrapped in a soiled cloth and kept in the house can it be safe? So is the powerful play of attachments towards the worldly things and people, which persistently engage one  till  making slave to them.

'Is it safe to place a highly poisonous snake under one's pillow and sleep comfortably?  Does the snake remain quiet without showing it's nature?

'The worldly objects are so powerful that people invariably fall prey to their attractive beseeches. The only escape from this situation is to awaken, to realise and to turn inwards seeking the Almighty' Grace.'

So, it is very plain and simple to understand that  a little effort by keeping our cool, we have to give proper weightage to the Almighty within. He will guide us - what to do, when to do, and whether to do at all - in every walk of our life, beyond the bondage of Illusory attractions !

"Calm Amidst Storm"

Om shanti!                                                                                                                                               

Friday, December 18, 2015


Years pass by ; our prayers at yoga are same all the way. Contents of them which seemed  hard nut to crack at the joining time slowly started unravelling themselves in the deep spiritual pursuit. As the curiosity started in  knowing what is Truth behind all these cycles of births  and deaths and the bound nature of  the existence in this material world; the contemplations about the knowledge imparted by the great seers  of ancient ages and of recent centuries ; what a pleasant journey undertaken now with so much mental relaxation; the satisfactory feeling of having crossed over difficult terrains, hills and dales; Now everything is clear picturesque view of path of lush green lawns.  How can I express gratefully to the Almighty within for this blissful state!

Yes, the Eternal Truth about our deathless being from millions of years against our illusory frequently changing attires called bodies - is the only proper knowledge in making anybody  a wise man. This wisdom will however  don to the attuned minds of all seekers within no time.

We come across some interesting way of knowing about the above mentioned spiritual reality in a down to earth simple sankeertana 'Gonele Kotthalu Kode Leppativi' by Annamacharya.

'Only these bodies are new. But the Individual Souls  within are of unknown past.  Their nature itself is being in ignorance.  Can the iron item become soft even if immersed in water for long period? Same is with this Soul.  This does not come out of ignorance.

' This world is old; This Universe is old; Upon observation , it will be known that only the births  and deaths are new.  But the illusion-generated ignorance is same through its existence.  Just by being  in contact with the wise and reading scriptures can I become Liberated in  just one or two births  from now. Can I become a Jnani.  Can I see the Paramatma -  The Almighty !

'My mind piled up and carrying the previous births'  karmas  in the form of  ' Vasanas'  from times unknown. Attachments from time unknown  with the past  life  continues. It feels that the worldly pleasures it is enjoying are anew every time.  Even if I am exposed to the holy scriptures in abundance, can I become gentle  with noble attributes now? Even if I wish to come out of my ignorance can I shake off this disease of Illusion ?

'What is the way out then? There is one. The Almighty- existing beyond times, the Soul of all , The Universal Soul, is within.  The Individual souls are playing their part in keeping in Illusion  and misguiding the individual towards committing  all unwelcome Actions resulting in  further births. The Liberation  to the Individual Soul is possible only by the grace of the Almighty within , the Supreme Consciousness!'

The Park is same; The Prayers are same ; The Yoga practice is same; for years ! But The grace of the Almighty within gradddually blossoms in the form of wonderful revelations as shared earlier in The Pilgrim's Progress and others.  My convictions about 'His grace within' is humbly to serve you all as sincere encouragement in your individual spiritual pursuit !

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                         

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


'I' am always blissful because 'i" am no more. This constant musing in me keeps me detached, since I had said on an earlier occasion that every seeker is gifted by the Almighty his unique way towards liberation. When 'Param Guru' inside is at the helm,  rest is always relaxed.

Opening up further I may say that running away from the material world is not at all necessary to find liberation. Renunciation  should totally be the aspect of the mind.  Here I would like to bring before you the less known story of king Sikhi Dwaja. His wife Chudala though detached was looking normal to the rest of the world. On the other hand the king Sikhi Dwaja was becoming weary about mundane affairs, decided to leave his kingdom and perform tapas in the forest to find eternal peace. After a few days  Chudala wished to check up the progress of the king in his pursuit.  She donned the garb of a male ascetic (sanyasi) and went into the forest. finding the king under a tree she (being in disguise) asked, 'Sir, may I know who you are and what for you are performing tapas ?"   The king replied, " I am the king of this kingdom. In persuasion of eternal peace, I have forsaken my kingdom,  my family, my properties, my people and every thing and doing tapas here." Then Chudala enquuired if he  had found the eternal peace. The king putting up a disappointed face said "No Sir, I am not getting my desire fulfilled even by tapas"  Then Chudala said, " O Raja, The hitch lies in the fact that your possessive nature is not lost.  You feel  that you are foregoing  'your' things. That is not 'detachment'. Being  amidst all these things your mind should be in renunciation of all." Impressed by this Tatva jnana imparted from the ascetic the king tried to bow down to touch his feet, but Chudala immediately cast off her male ascetic dress to reveal herself to the king. The king admired at the Jnana of his wife. They returned to the palace.'.....

Such anecdotes as above I feel shall be enthusing to every serious seeker.  And one more thing about awareness of the "knowledge".  Annamcharya says, 'It is Liberation if known;  It is bondage if unknown' in his keertana 'Telisite Mokshamu, Teliyakunna Bandhamu'.

'Those who are conscious about 'Consciousness' are ever liberated. Others remain in the bondages of the sansara (worldly matters). The wise ones always see this worldly living as, like a dream, an illusion only.

'Where are the pleasures  and pains for jnani  who does not have body consciousness? They are only illusion of the mind.  There is no concern about pious or sinful deeds for one who does not seek results for his actions ( karma phala nirasaktata).

'Those who can get on  without food, will not show any interest in 'Amruta' (manna,ambrosia); they have least fear about any poisonous food. For the one who relinquished the world, there are no friends nor foes.  All are equal.

'For those who totally surrendered to the Almighty within, there is least worry about tasks on hand, nor forgetting them. For such ever blissful wise ones there is no bother  about duality of mundane and celestial worlds.'

The 'Know'ledge Annamacharya mentions is the much sought after to realise in this very existence. So let us have enthusiastic effort towards this - the 'cynosure' of all faculties of knowledge on this earth.

                                           "Telisite Mokshamu, Teliyakunna Bandhamu"

"Chudala and  King Sikhi Dwaja"

Om Santhi!

Monday, December 14, 2015


Nainam chindanti sastrani nainam dahati pavakah,
nachainam kledayantyapo na soshayati marutah || (Gita 2.23)
(The Soul can never be cut into pieces by any weapon, nor can he be burned by fire, nor dampened by water, nor withered by the wind)

Na jayate mriyate va kada chinnayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah, 
ajo nityassasvatoyam purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire || (Gita 2.20)
(For the Soul there in no birth  nor death, He was never born nor ceases to exist, He is eternal. Even if body is slain , He si not slain)

Vasansi jirnani yadha vihaya navani gruhyati nato parani, 
tatha sarirani vihaya jirna nyanyani sanyati navani dehi || (Gita 2.22)
(As a person casts off old clothes and dons now garbs, in thesame way, the soul drops down withered physical body and takes on new one)

So goes on the invaluable Sankhya yoga teachings by the Lord Si Krishna to Arjuna on the battle field of Kurukshetra - describing the attributes of the very single Truth - transcending time and space - the Supreme Consciousness that is termed the Atman (Supreme Soul).

This is such a piece of spiritual knowledge which is very difficult  to comprehend  and realise by even the elite in their day to day life. No doubt It turns out hard nut to crack when it comes to trying for it's being imparted to the layman.- the illiterate common man on the street. When a  great sanskrit scholar, like Annamacharya,  well conversant in all vedic scriptures is concerned about the rich Indian Advaita Vedanta knowledge reaching the common man through his own intelligible local language, it must be stupendous job  undertaken as one's life mission. And now even after passing of many centuries his meticulous efforts in the form of sankeertanas are spreading  far and wide. From soul soothing lullabies to serious Soul knowledge, Advaita - he touched every aspect of human life from womb to tomb - and after.

So the sankhya jnana  mentioned  above, which he translated into the sankeertana is, 'Dehi Nityudu Dehamu Lanityalu' (Jivatma the Individual Soul is permanent and the bodies impermanent)

'The Soul (Atma) is Eternal but the body is impermanent.  O Mind, that harbours incessant thoughts, do not forget this.

'Just as the man shreds off his old torn clothes, The soul shreds off decaying old body and enters  a new body. It can not be cut by any weapon, it can not be burned by fire, can not be dampened by water, nor dried up  by wind, nor suffocated.

'This Soul is from the primordial times, It neither being born  nor dies. Omni present, All pervading
Has no attributes affecting Him.He is pure , transcending beyond space and time.

'The Soul perceives every thing of this creation. But can not be perceived by any of the sense organs of the beings. Even ever-probing mind can not visualise it. He is  not affected by the Trigunas (attributes) of the beings He is residing in.

'It is the 'Hrudguha'. (dark spiritual heart on the right side of the chest as explained by Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi) in  which it resnides as Angushta matra (thumb size) jyoti (light)  in a lotus flower as described by the upanishads. This is the abode of the Almighty mentioned in the keertanas.

With this clear awareness  about  the location  of our 'True Eternal  Being' we gradually realise the all pervading nature of this Soul - the Supreme Consciousness.

Angushtamatra(thumb size)
Jyoti (light) -  The Soul

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               


Saturday, December 12, 2015


Of all said and done, it is human nature to be of strong conviction  that he would live for not less than a hundred years.  Fine, zeal for life is such in all mortal beings. But a little rational pondering 
about what he is left with, if his 'wishful thinking' becomes a reality, at the fag end of his earthly sojourn, is not at all things to savour deliciously like ice cream.  A nonagenarian comes to realise that the tongue lost it's taste consciousness;  the wealth amassed and made him feel and be a Lord of the house, is almost taken away by the relatives and whatever remains goes to maintain health; the expensive silks once adorned the graceful body find their way into the hands of the younger kith and kin; All those whom he thought his - siblings, children and other relatives will not be there, preceding him in leaving this world.  Then what he is left with to come over grief on account of losing all these? Only by turning inwards can he realise the true Compassion, Soul Mate that can give relief and solace for the rest of his life.

This brooding is a stage no one can escape in one's life at one time or other.  All these practical experiences with suitable solutions is provided by Annamacharya in a musical form of sankeertanas for which we shall be grateful. The keertana 'Chavi Nora Keda Dettu ' vividly depicts the old age predicaments and relief thereby.........

'Now my tongue lost its tasting capacity. Can I regain it again? No more can I think about earning wealth once again. Even if it is possible, it is of no use for me now at this stage. Where from can I get again those precious silks ? Where from can I possess again warm mansions ?  What I possess in now, at the fag end, is this mortal body only.  Because of old age problems looming large about the body, can I forsake and say to it, 'No, I don't want  you now?'

'Once as a Master I lead a royal life; decorated my body with precious ornaments of gold and diamonds.  But all those left me. How can I bring them back now?  Where has gone all that fortune of mine ? But I don' t seek  from others any more such matters.  I have my Almighty as a true patron for seeking if anything I wanted. Is it not graceful attitude from my side?

'Today I am left with no siblings, relatives and bosom ones. No love lost with my children.  Can I reverse these things again ?  No.  Hence it is better to take refuge in my 'Soul Mate',  the Almighty within. I am contented !'............

'Soul Mate '!  Looks like heard word before ?  Certainly so; for, regular readers of this blog will recapitulate earlier post 'Atma Bandhu - Soul Mate' (23.08.2015) with an 'appealing' story in which, I had said 'a drop or two trickled down the cheeks'.  So why grope in the darkness of ignorance when the great savants and sages provided the torch - The Almighty Within !

"Chavi Nora Keda Dettu (bettu), Sampadeda Dettu Dini"

Autumn of Life

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               

Thursday, December 10, 2015


The dictum ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind’ can be attributed to the play of 'Illusion" in many ways.  For a seeker, finding of the root cause of passions in this world is a must so as to overcome them.  Hence once understanding the role of Illusion in swaying the lives of the beings, he has to be in constant guard to play safe in this mortal journey through births and deaths.  Thus, the realisation of the Truth and wakeful steering through traps of passions will make passage for the final liberation.

When the great  poet savant, Annamacharya wrote more than 32,000 sankeertanas, naturally there is no dearth of his tatva abounding works about the play of Illusion.  One such sankeertana is, ‘Maya Mohamu Manadidi’.  (This Passion out of Illusion is Endless)......

‘The Almighty gave to all living beings the ‘mind’ which is subservient to the ‘Illusion’. On account this illusion, mind being engrossed with desires, side tracks from the right path into the wrong ways and forgets the Almighty Himself in the process. The desires and aspirations are never ending. Hence the only way is pray for the Almighty’s attention towards this individual soul for escape from the Illusion. Just as an employer without any favouritism or prejudice towards his labour, pays wages according to the work performed, the Almighty too does same. Births are the Phalas (wages) dispensed by the Almighty for the Karmas (work) of the beings - 'The Karma-Phala Concept!'

‘O Almighty! In this Creation of yours, the darkness is as much as there is light; the accompanying risks (dangers) are as many as there is wealth; the unhealthy plants are as many as the health saving medicinal herbals; (potions and poisons both are Your Creation) It is really a wonder the way you make us bear all these contrasts of Your Creation.

‘O Almighty! You dispense with wages according to the work performed. You are granting rebirths according to the accumulated actions of the beings (Prarabda karmas). You give life and take it away too. The life you give is replete with unending desires and resultant karmas due to the play of Illusion. (vasanas, sanskaras thus  getting accumulated are paving way for rebirth).

'Once taking form of a being in this world, the body is subject invariably to becoming old. Then what is the way out? Yes, there is, in turning towards You ‘within’ the beings. All will be well by overcoming the Illusion.’............

This knowledge of awakening is as much clear as the clean and sweet fresh water lake. One who is thirsty has only to make a little effort of reaching the lake nearby. He can take a plunge in to the state of Boundless Bliss !

"Maya Mohamu Manadidi"

Employer(Almighty) and Labourer(Human Being)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                             

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Yadhaa nadyah syandamaanaah samudre, stam gacchanti naamaroope vihaaya |
Tadhaa vidyaannamarpppaadvimuktah, paraatparam purushamupaiti divyam ||
---Mundakopanishad 3.2.8
(Gushing and over flowing rivers lose their names and forms as they merge with ocean. In the same manner, knower  of the Truth, freeing himself from  his name and form, is imbued with  the Supreme, Illuminating Consciousness)

Indian Vedanta exponents had propounded way back that 'I'  is not at all the gross body, it is the Atma - Soul that resides in the body; the  'I' consciousness is there only with the Atma's presence, the moment Atma is liberated, the body is just like a firewood stick consumed by the fire.  Though the the consciousness that is Atma may appear to be in different forms, it is but a part of the Supreme consciousness, Paramatma.  Before merging away into the latter, it undergoes many many illusions on account of the play of Trigunas (Satva, Rajo, Tamo - Attributes), Six vices namely, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya) and bound by the Five powerful sense organs, causing to indulge in all sorts of sins and pious acts as well with an admixture of elations and dejections. This is the sum up of Jivatma's earthly sojourn.

'Beings' on earth, who are conscious about good and bad, the illusory material world  are  compared to supreme swan which is capable of segregating the cream of milk from the whey.  Other beings are compared to parrot that, being ignorant of what is good and bad lives in  whiling away in tasting sweet as well as sour fruits.

A detailed description of the allegorical two bird Illusion is in the Mundakopanishad:--

'Dva suvarna sayuja sakhaya samanam vriksham parishasvajayate |
Tayoranyah pippalam svadvatti anasnan anyo abhichaka seeti ||' (3.1.1)
(Two birds of same kind and never being separated are sitting on the same tree. Of them one is tasting fruits and the other sitting calm)

'Samane vrikshe purusho nimagno nisaya sochati muhyamanah |
Jushtam yada pasyatyanyam Isamasya mahimanamiti vitasokah ||' (3.1.2)
(Jiva and Atma are in  the same body. Jiva, that is man, being in ignorance, suffering in illusion. He is  coming out of this woeful situation only when he is becoming aware of his nature of Atma  and its magnificence)

In all simplicity for the common man, the keertana ' Jivatumai Vundu Chiluka' Annamacharya has described the Individual Soul's bound life being ignorant of it's identity with the Supreme consciousness , Universal Soul - Paramatma.

' O parrot! You are the Jivatma (Individual Soul); Looked from the other side you are verily Paramatma (Supreme Soul). But because of ignorance, you are not able to realise this fact.

'O Parrot! You are bound in the cage called Atma.  You are brought up by none other than Myself. Do you know how you got this bondage? It is on account of Karmas ( Actions of previous and present births).  Your limbs are shackled.

'O Parrot! Making me studious day and night  you learnt various studies.  You feel cosy under the wide feathers but you cannot tolerate the vagaries of  cold and heat. That is, you cannot tolerate the difficult and dire conditions.

'O Parrot! You are befriending with Five aimless vagabonds. They by threatening,  make you obey them.  How long will you be scared by them?

 Six kind less foes  (Arishadvaarga - Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya) are trying to keep you under their subjugation constantly. Your life is under the risk of down fall due to them. O Parrot! you have in addition a 'weakness'. You cannot survive without food. To fetch it you make un necessary, un warranted  chatterings. O Parrot! You enter into attachments with all and lose your virtues.  Strange thing is, you don't learn a lesson and become wise  even after losing.

'O Parrot! Ponder over with wisdom. Who are 'You'? Who am 'I'? I am yourself  and you are myself.(All souls are one, though looking as many due to illusion). The Almighty residing in as 'Antaratma'  is all pervading Paramatma (Supreme Soul). Be bold being aware of thisTruth.

'O Parrot! Things happening to you are some by human acts, some of which may be rectifiable and others not. Some are divine (by Jivatma) which are Prarabda karmas. Knowing that these are all part of divine illusion please don't forsake me. Be vigilant and follow the Almighty. I owe to you  for awakening me from vanity of all these worldly matters.'

One more 'Tatvic' lyric on the allegorical Parrot that is Jivatma, we have from melody par excellence, Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna (in YT) - "Gudu China Boyera".  You can have a glimpse of this from the 'Arenar Songs' blog under the  category "Kadamba Mala" (other than Annamayya).

As of the sincere seekers' quest, such illuminating knowledge about non dual nature of the birds is helpful in daily spiritual sadhana.

"Jivatumai Vundu Chiluka"

Paramatma -Supreme Soul (Top)
                                                     Jivatma - Indiavidual Soul (Bottom)                                                                                                           

Om Shanti!


Sunday, December 6, 2015


'Sat' - The Truth about the 'Being' is sought after by the seeker through ages. The paths for the inquisitive search  are many. Gita  mentioned about them as yogas, like karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Raia yoga, Jnana yoga and others. Among these  Bhakti path is concerned about devotee deity relationship. Initially, a form for  un-manifest Consciousness is envisioned and worshipped devotedly. The devotee's search culminates in realisation  of wisdom about the The Ultimate Truth - all pervading, one single  Supreme Consciousness.  So, the concept of the Form of the  deity has grown and  scriptures reveal various accounts of  these deities generally residing in heavens above, and descending down on the earth down, periodically with a purpose - to attend to the devotees, to take cudgel against the wicked, extermination  of rampant evil doers etc.  These descents  may be of either human or animal form depending on the necessity of the occasion.  Their births will generally have illustrious reputation  on this earth. Such descents of the deities on the earth  are termed as 'avatars' or incarnations. Bhagavatha deals of various avatars of Lord Vishnu. Commonly we hear
about Sri Rama and Sri Krishna as incarnations  being worshipped  by the maximum Indian house hold.

The description of these avatars were well woven in to the fabric of a sankeertana by the  deft master weaver,  Annamacharya in his "Timmireddi Maku Nicche Dishta Maina Polamu, Bommireddi kappaginchi Podi sese Bolamu".

'Timmanna or Tiammareddi alludes to Lord Venkateswara, manifest Form of the 'Param Atma', Almighty - The Universal Soul - Supreme Consciousness.  Bommireddi alludes to the Jivatma - the Individual Soul on earth. Bhoomi or Kshetra is monitored by Kshetrajna, the Individual Soul. The Land Lord (Paramatma, Supreme Soul) gave for tilling the 'gracious' land (human body) to the Cultivator (Jivatma, Individual Soul).  Now we admire at various Lands that descended on earth.

"Tinnireddi maku nicche dishtamaina polamu, bommireddi kappaginchi podisese bolamu ||

Nindinatti madugula niruvanka polamu, kondalu mochina pedda gobbarapu bolamu,
Andane polamu rajulundeti polamu, chendivesi makulella selagina polamu ||

Asapadi vara dana madagina polamu, basalato gadu netru pattamaina polamu,
Rasikekke Munulaku racchaina polamu, vesaraka Nageta vegilaina polamu ||

Manchi gurutaina ravimani cheni polamu, vanchina gurramu dole vayyali polamu,
Yenchaga Srivenkatesu niravaina polamu, panchukoni lokulella bradiketi polamu ||"

'Nindina madugula niruvanka polamu' -            The body (Form) in waters aplenty (Matsya Avatara)

'Kondalu mochina pedda gobbarapu polamu' - The body which lifted Mandara mountain during                                                                                     churning of milk of ocean,Ksheera sagara madanam,                                                                               alluding to turtle (Kurma Avatara)

'Andane polamu rajului vundeti' -                    The body (land) inhabited by pigs (Varaha Avatara)

'Chendivesi makulalla chelagina polamu' -       The body pouncing on the wicked, sinful (Narasimha                                                                               Avatara)

'Asapadi vadanam adigina poolkamu'ra  -        The body that asked for alms of land (Vamana                                                                                        Avatara)

'Basalato kadu netru paa miana polamu' -        The body that indulged in much bloodshed by vow                                                                                   (Parasurama Avatara)

'Munulaku racchai rasi kekkina polamu' -         The body that protected the sages (in yagas) (Rama                                                                                 Avatara)

'Vesaraka nageta vegilaina polamu' -                The body carrying on shoulder the heavy plough                                                                                     (Balarama Avatara)

'Manchi gurutaina ravimani cheni polamu' -     The body that became famous under the  Ashwattha                                                                                tree (Buddha Avatara)

'Vanchina gurramu dole vayyali polamu' -        The  body that trotted on well groomed horse (Kalki                                                                               Avatara)'

The Universal Soul's varied manifestations described above in different Forms of Fields (Lands) grows in us more admiration and awareness about our identity with it.!

'Dasa Avatara'
(Photo taken from

Om Shanti!


Friday, December 4, 2015


Happiness and well being are any body's wish in general. In our practical day to day life we come across people very rarely with the assertion that they are absolutely satisfied with what  the Almighty provided for them to live in  on this earth comfortably. Every one has his own list of desires, wants, aspirations which knows only one trend, that is, the graph  scaling new heights as the age advances - indeed 'An Endless Scroll!'

People get education. But does it bring in them any awakening? Mostly, eduction  has become a passport  for getting some occupation.  Is that all?  Who tells 'What is the Way of Living' in this world to realise the aims of 'happiness  and well being'.  Proper bringing up right from child hood with due parental care and school education by devoted teachers will go a long way in the character building of every child which assures to the child comfortable well being in the society as he grows up.  

If you can recollect, in one of the earlier posts - 'Self Control - Waiting for A Delayed Gratification' (28.09.2015) - we had discussed the Marshmallow Experiment , it's findings about the children who became highly successful in their later career,  that 1) Waiting for gratification  is worth it and 2) I Have the Capacity to Wait! Taking cue from these findings, how can one under estimate the noble attributes of  'Meditation and Self- Control'.

Lack of such care of imbibing morals and ethics in child hood, results in blossoming up of discontented souls on various counts.  The traits which are resulting  in unsatisfied, dejected spirits is narrated by Annamacharya in the sankeertana 'Enta Chadivina Enta Vinina'.

'By academic education one may find livelihood and by hearing discourses on may become aware of the subjects unknown hither to. But these will in no way drive away one's blues. One who has the habit of blaming others, one who indulges in sensual pleasures and one who has always wavering and fickle mind, unless being ridden off these vices can not have happy life on this earth and thereafter. Hell is the destination  for such bound  beings.

' One who eyes on others' legitimate properties, one who indulges in insinuations at others, and one who has arrogant attitude towards others, unless being cleared off these vices,  cannot have happy life on this earth and thereafter.  Besides his calamities will not give way.

' One who comes out of uncertainty, disbelief and gets rid of anger, untruthfulness and surrenders himself totally to the inner Almighty, he will have the ultimate triumph. Otherwise no respite from his woes.'.........

Thus we can understand  the innate qualities. which mould the personality of the being, apart from education  and discourses. have to seek the Almighty within, which would only can drive away the woes of this world.

Catch them young! That is the approach, to our children  to present a beautiful world with noble qualities in every body in the society, which in turn assures happiness and well-being in one and all . Our awareness of this concept if  put in to sincere practice, can turn hell to heaven !

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                              

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I am not a professional! Still the response of the noble souls about my views and songs is causing dampening of my eyes.  An encouraging sign for my continuation of sharing of more and more spiritual knowledge. This has become possible only by the awareness in you of the presence of One Almighty in all beings of this creation.

When one is aware that the whole creation itself is manifestation  of the Almighty, he obliterates  the disparities of 'status' of birth, and Form taken by him, because he knows every being is resided by Almighty only. Thus every being revels in its birth as of being in  paradise.  Annamacharya gives us this knowledge through the keertana 'Edayanemi Hari Icchina Janmame Chalu'.

'Whatever be the birth, why one should worry about it, once having the knowledge that it is given by the Almighty only. Not only that. He actually residing in all of them in equal proportion - (Samam Sarveshu Bhuteshu Tishtthantam Visweswaram... from Gita, discussed in previous blogs).  A dog revels in it's birth and never thinks it is mean. An insect  in its mud pool habitat feels being in the paradise. It is all in the 'mind set'.  This applies to the 'realised souls' on this earth who are ever blissful about their birth, with the awareness of all pervading Almighty in every being.....

'When every being is the Almighty Himself, why bother about what Form (birth) one takes on this earth.  For a dog it's life is majestic one. It never feels that it's birth is 'mean'. Once the mind is accustomed to its own life, what difference does it make about good birth and otherwise.  The all pervading Almighty is present as Supreme Consciousness in the being. That is why every being has passion for life.

'For an insect, the place it resides in, the muddy pool, is like paradise. It is the best place enjoyable in this world for it. It is enough if the place is stable and comfortable (in the mind of the being); why bother about higher plane or lower plane of existence, since all these planes are pervaded by the  One Almighty only.  So in what ever place one nay be it is enough if he is conscious about and be with the Almighty within.

'For a true Jnani (the realised soul), every place is Paradise. Taking his life in to his stride as Almighty's, he is liberated! Every astute  devotee and seeker with total surrender to the Almighty has no more sense of disparities of low or high birth in this world.'......

In Mahabharata we have a character by name Vyadha, a realised soul in the profession of a butcher ! 'Vyadha gita' is the knowledge imparted by him to an astute brahmin, Kaushika..

How much 'heavenly' a pig's  life is - for a pig,  is in an anecdote retold here.....'King of the Gods, Indra, once became a pig. He had a cosy family with wife  and children. He was so amorous about his beautiful wife ( dark lady pig) that he could not live even for a minute without her, wallowing  in the dark muddy pool, paradise for him. The gods in the heaven searching for  Indra, came down to earth and saw the plight of Indra. When exhorted by them to leave the body of pig and assume the post of King of the Gods in heaven once again, Indra refused to oblige and said on the contrary, " Never mind! I am very much happy here with this beauty and children. I don't believe  in better paradise (Heaven, his real abode) than this kingdom of mine - dark muddy swamp with fellow pigs)"  When their beseechings to their Lord were falling on deaf ears, they had no other go but to cut through the pig body, thus liberating Indra. Upon realisation  of what had happened to him, Indra felt shy about Illusion undergone in Pig's life.'

Thus what matters is  the all pervading Almighty inside not the external bodies of the beings, taking different 'forms' in the nature (Prakruti - Illusion).  This awareness and association with the Almighty in a seeker brings about blissful existence in this world!

(King of Gods, Indra's Illusion)

Om Shanti!