Monday, May 30, 2016


'Let there be light' God said;  and there was light ! This biblical quote testifies the emergence of light from formless, dark, emptiness. Ignorance to knowledge  is the natural course ordained by the Almighty in His creation.  Aimless wanderings of the human beings about temporal pleasures come to rest with finding of the source of eternal bliss in the service of the Almighty.

This process of gradual awakening in the mortals is dealt by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Kalushapu Chikati Galugaganu".....

'From the initial darkness light emerged. In the same way, only after passing through the travails of earthly pains and pleasures one becomes worthy for grace of the Almighty.

'People initially are drawn towards committing sinful deeds in the world.  But gradually they turn towards doing good deeds.  Initially people knew only about the iron metal.  But gradually gold came in to existence giving immense happiness as a valuable treasure to possess.

'In the epic lore, at the time of 'Ksheera Sagara Madhanam'  (churning of Ocean of Milk) [For allegorical KSM within one's Mind, please go through the DP post of 30.05.'2015 with the same title],  'poison' emerged first and the nectar of immortality later.  Only those who bear the hardships of pains and pleasures of the earthly trials and tribulations, later on get immense bliss in their life.  But both stages pass off in turns.

'When in  difficult times men run  after various gods and goddesses to worship for  their relief from grief.  Those who realise that both pains and pleasures on this earth are of transitory nature to be discarded for the sake of lasting bliss, the Almighty sanctions to them salvation out of grace'........

Knowledge is power. The basic attributes namely Viveka (knowledge)and Vairagya (detachment) are the pillars on which one's spiritual progress depends. In gospel of Ramakrishna we find that, just as crocodiles are driven away when a person enters into waters after anointment all over his body with 'Turmeric'; the Arishadvargas namely kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya are at bay in a person attributed with Viveka and Vairagya. This awareness is helpful for the seekers on the quest for salvation!

"Let There Be Light"!

Om Shanti!

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