Friday, May 13, 2016


When 'essential thing' is missing the superficial things of the object are not worthwhile. Can one imagine of boundaries without village, ashram or monastery without guru and shrine without Deity?

With feast of similes, Annamacharya explains the above aspect in  his sankeertana, "Uruleni Polimera"...............

'Extent of a village is defined by its boundaries.  But is there any significance for the borders if there is no village at all?  Life without respect and good name is worthless.  Exhibiting love, without affection within, is drab. It is meaningless to have such things; namely, boundaries, life and love in the circumstances mentioned above.

'When there is no chance of lover's meeting again, what is the use of expressing undue pangs of separation?  Shade has value when there is bright sunshine.  but is it required at all when there is no sunshine?  When it does not culminate in union by wedlock and consummation, is the profuse exhortations of love not in vain?

'It is not suffice to simply do some help to others.  It should be followed by some words of encouragement to the persons receiving help.  There is no meaning in expressing sweet words to person in whom one does not have concern. What is the benefit of pleasing words from an employer, if it is not reflected in enhancement of one's salary?  What is the use of having a beautiful wife if one doesn't have any desire?

'True friendship does not inhibit one from going in for a little lie in exigencies of friendship.  If not so, that friendship is not worthwhile.  Relations should be cordial arising from the bosom, otherwise what is the use of having superficial acquaintances?  Devotion to the Almighty should be unflinching. Can any one imagine the festive procession of devotees without Deity?'........

Extension of the above subject in our spiritual pursuit is rather simple.What is the use of following laborious, tedious and sometimes even expensive rites and  rituals in the society if one fails to respect the presence of Almighty (Supreme Consciousness) in every 'Being' of this creation; 'Pipilikadi Brahma Paryantam" - from micro level tiny ant to macro level boundless cosmos!

"Uruleni Polimera"

Love Lorn ?

Om Shanti!

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