Wednesday, May 25, 2016


"You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf ;  I am the smaller one on it's upper side !" 
said the dew drop to the lake 
- Rabindra Nath Tagore

Vedanta is necessitated by the Maya (Mithya) Jagat - the Illusory Universe.  That is, a 'disillusioned' doesn't need vedanta.  Subsisting consciousness of 'Nama Rupa Bheda' - 'Name and Form' in the Bound human being is the 'raison d'etre' (reason for existence) of entrenchment of Ahankara (Ego). And Ahankara Nivrutti (dissolution of Ego) is precondition for Mukti or Moksha (salvation).

The havoc played by the 'Panchendriyas' - Five sense organs in one's life cycle of births and deaths - Sansara, and how 'Vairagya' - detachment by disillusion, becomes sheet anchor as success mantra to salvation, is adeptly woven in metaphors by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Idivo Sansara Menta Sukhamo Kani"............

'O My Men! It is doubtful about whether the worldly life fetches one, comforts and pleasures; but for sure, be realised that it is like the woman wearing jewellery called 'melancholy'.

'The human being befriends with wicked natured sinners - the five sense organs. Being tempted by
them, resorts to short lived sensual pleasures and begets a son called Kama (lust) who misguides the 'being' into vices for amassing of wealth.  Thus finally, the human being is subjected to downfall  along with accumulation of bundle of sins.

'In addition to the above maligned mates, the human being befriends with another sinner called 'Praya' - Youth; engages with pleasure called Maya and begets another son called 'Moha' (Infatuation).  This offspring is even more worse than the earlier son. He wipes off all the noble attributes of the human being; purchases and offers a gift of a town called 'Narak' - Hell, to his father.  The human being becomes wrecked and loses his bearings in that town of Hell.

'However, ultimately with the grace of the Almighty Within, the human begets a daughter called - 'Virakti' (detachment).  She becomes instrumental in raising interest in lasting treasure - 'salvation',  in the mind of the human being as well as in  'realisation' of it!'.........

The description of journey of the  Ignorant Bound human being from Entanglement of 'Maya', through gradual awakening by Virakti, Vairagya - the Detachment like a drop on the lotus leaf - into the Embodiment of Knowledge -  'Chinmaya', is educative in navigation of one's spiritual pursuit!

"Idivo Sansara Menta Sukhamo Kani"

The Drop on Lotus @ Chinmaya!

Om Shanti!

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