Monday, May 23, 2016


Why while away in voracious perusal of Vedas and other scriptures ?  The inexplicable Sublime Fruit (of Salvation) is within your reach. Only thing one has to do is; subjugation of 'Arishadvargas' (six passions of mind, namely Kama - lust, Krodha - anger, Lobha - greed, Moha - attachment, Mada - pride, Matsarya - jealousy) and 'Sampurna Saranagati (unconditional total surrender) to the Almighty Within.  Sanctimony with sinful heart does not sanctify the soul for salvation.

Such is the simplified approach for salvation suggested by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Urake Vedaka Nela Unnavi Chaduva Nela"..............

'O My Men! Why do you waste away your time in voracious perusal of as many as holy scriptures that you come across? The inexplicable Sublime Fruit (of Salvation) is within your  reach.

'If one discards Anger (most damaging of the six passions mentioned earlier), all sins fade away without notice.  Then the divine knowledge shines of its own accord.  A hypocrite with an outward demeanour of pious deeds but sinful at heart, cannot be a holy person.

'One has to forsake ambitious desires and expectations to be relieved from the attendant hindrances of bondages.  Giving up all desires and passions is must for realisation of salvation.  If the internal thoughts and attributes within the body and external behaviour in the world differ, salvation cannot be obtained.

'If one avoids passion for women, he becomes free from grief and woes.  Even a wise one cannot escape from the multiple rebirths, if he does not turn introvert and seek the Almighty Within'..........

In a dwarf variety mango grove is it wise to grope hither and thither for the luscious fruit when it is within one's hand stretch?  You are served the leads of eternal happiness. Decision is yours!

Luscious Fruit  Within Reach!

Om Shanti!

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