'Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya' ! In one single precept the whole vedantic divine knowledge is encrypted. Just as a tiny banyan seed could sprawl, by ramifications far and wide, into a mighty tree. voluminous scriptures, commentaries emerged over a period of ages in an effort to explain this Brahma Jnana.
And when one wonders why Annamacharya had to produce more than thirty two thousand sankeertanas, the possible reply would be that, even that score is not sufficient to awaken the bound, immersed neck deep in the illusory worldly life. Thus we find some times exhortations by way of repetition of themes but through different kritis of Annamacharya.
The theme of one Jiva -Individual Soul, having multiple roles in this as well as in the previous births was brought out in the sankeertana "Eppude Buddhi Puttuno Eraga Radu" ( DP 26.12.'15 titled One With Multiple Roles). And it is being reiterated in the present sankeertana, "Evvarevvari Vado Yi Jivudu".................
'If one ventures to elicit identity of a 'Jiva' - an 'Individual Soul', will it be really possible? Can one comprehend the various connections, bonds of a Jiva with others, in relative terms, on this earth?
'To how many persons he was born as son in previous births? To how many people he became sibling in previous births? To how many he became bosom mate and plunged them into grief by his abrupt exit from this world??
'Who knows, in how many places he wandered in his previous births? In how many places he took birth? How many sorts of relations he had with various people? Who knows, where he would end up after these umpteen number of births by him? Can any body know and reveal?
'In truth, this Jiva, the Individual Soul, is imperishable. Ever lasting. Keeps on donning various garbs of earthly forms and gaining countless titles in the process. After all it is in the firmament of the Illusory play of the One Almighty'..........
Here we may recollect the Abhimanyu episode. Deeply shaken by the premature death of his fond son, Abhimanyu in the battle field, Arjuna feels sore even on Krishna. Realising that all his Gita Bodha to Arjuna going waste, Krishna took Arjuna to Deva Loka to show Abhimanyu. When Arjuna tried to go near and hug his son, the latter however pushed away saying 'But Who Are You, Sir?' - A good example of illusory ephemeral relations on mundane plane!
Though the sankeertana ends with a note of interminable journey of the Jiva, the Jiva becoming Siva is also feasible within this birth but with steadfast sadhana!
And when one wonders why Annamacharya had to produce more than thirty two thousand sankeertanas, the possible reply would be that, even that score is not sufficient to awaken the bound, immersed neck deep in the illusory worldly life. Thus we find some times exhortations by way of repetition of themes but through different kritis of Annamacharya.
The theme of one Jiva -Individual Soul, having multiple roles in this as well as in the previous births was brought out in the sankeertana "Eppude Buddhi Puttuno Eraga Radu" ( DP 26.12.'15 titled One With Multiple Roles). And it is being reiterated in the present sankeertana, "Evvarevvari Vado Yi Jivudu".................
'If one ventures to elicit identity of a 'Jiva' - an 'Individual Soul', will it be really possible? Can one comprehend the various connections, bonds of a Jiva with others, in relative terms, on this earth?
'To how many persons he was born as son in previous births? To how many people he became sibling in previous births? To how many he became bosom mate and plunged them into grief by his abrupt exit from this world??
'Who knows, in how many places he wandered in his previous births? In how many places he took birth? How many sorts of relations he had with various people? Who knows, where he would end up after these umpteen number of births by him? Can any body know and reveal?
'In truth, this Jiva, the Individual Soul, is imperishable. Ever lasting. Keeps on donning various garbs of earthly forms and gaining countless titles in the process. After all it is in the firmament of the Illusory play of the One Almighty'..........
Here we may recollect the Abhimanyu episode. Deeply shaken by the premature death of his fond son, Abhimanyu in the battle field, Arjuna feels sore even on Krishna. Realising that all his Gita Bodha to Arjuna going waste, Krishna took Arjuna to Deva Loka to show Abhimanyu. When Arjuna tried to go near and hug his son, the latter however pushed away saying 'But Who Are You, Sir?' - A good example of illusory ephemeral relations on mundane plane!
Though the sankeertana ends with a note of interminable journey of the Jiva, the Jiva becoming Siva is also feasible within this birth but with steadfast sadhana!
"My Son!"; "But Who Are You Sir?"
Om Shanti!
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