Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Reminiscing in to the past gems, I may bring to your recollection,  that  beautiful article on Indra's Enlightenment - titled "Kah Satruh" (who is the enemy), DP dated 17.10.2015, which proved a valuable mile stone in my spiritual journey. One Truth! In Multiple Forms! The Illusory Play of the Almighty understanding of which brings unbound bliss in the seeker.

This aspect of Maya- Illusory play of the Almighty, is dealt in the sankeertana, "Vedamu Dirchadu Vere Sastramulu Yediyu Dirchadu Yidi Ni Maya", of Annamacharya..........

'Who can explain Maya - The 'Illusion' of the Creator? All the Vedas and Scriptures, even if assimilated, can not aptly describe this unsolved riddle of the Almighty. When the nature of Maya itself is incomprehensible then untangling it is even more difficult.

'O Almighty! You have the unaffected role of a witness but your Illusory world exhibits many a diverse scenario.  All good - natured 'devatas' (inhabitants of higher realms) prosper on one hand and the wicked natured  'rakshasas' (of lower realms)  perish on the other! But strangely enough, You are the driving force residing within both of them. After all, the entanglements of your Maya play havoc in intimidating us. Is it really possible for us to overcome them?

'In the  Krishna Avatar (Incarnaion of the Almighty), You took the side of Pandavas. But Your blood relation extended to Kavuravas too. Yet You protected the former and punished the latter. Being present in all of them in parity, how to understand your play of Illusion of discrimination? Your Maya is fidgeting me.

'Above all, you are the One with unbridled independence of action. And all the beings of this creation are your children. They look up to you as their father, Creator, the Almighty!The ardent devotees of yours  only do understand this Truth about Your Maya.  O Lord, I surrender to You. Hence,  please give me that stre  and wisdom by which I too can comprehend Your Play!'..........

Ever heard of 'Pankti Bhojana'? It is, in contrast with the modern Buffet system, common custom of sitting in rows for meals being served in a wide Aritaku (banana leaf), or Vistari (plate stitched with natural leaves). Lot of  murmurs to noisy conversations, shouts rent the air before serving of food and other items.  But once signal for starting to eat is received, everybody becomes calm to relish the items. The plateful sweets and savouries that makes you happy and calm is the Wisdom of Illusory Plurality of the Absolute One!

Pankti Bhojana!

Om Shanti!

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