Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Caught in the Play of Illusion of the Almighty  men behave  with the pretension of things unknown as known and things known as unknown. They lack the shrewdness of  judging what is Real and what is Unreal.  This dilemma can however  be overcome by becoming aware of and total surrender to the Almighty Within!

The nature of the eternal maya and how men may overcome this  in realisation of salvation is dealt in the sankeertana, "Tala Ledu Toka Ledu Daivama Ni Mayalaku", by Annamacharya..............

'O My Lord! Your 'Maya Lila' (Illusory Play) doesn't have either Head or Tail  -  that is, the beginning or end; since it is said to be as old as the Creator, Yourself!  As long as we are under its influence, we are wandering in known and unknown delusions.

'We are unaware of how we got this mortal body.  We don't know how thoughts are cropping up in it. We are ignorant of what is all about pleasures and pains of this worldly existence (Sansara bandha). We are not shrewd enough to know our past and future births.  We are spending this life daily moving about restlessly.

'We are ignorant of how we came into our mother's womb and we don't know when we exit from this world.  We don't know how our wealth accumulated; how long would it stay with us and when it deserts us unaware. We are ceaselessly revolving in the Nirmana Chakra - Cycle of Contraption (of Creation) of the Almighty.  Strangely enough we feel complacent in this flux of the Almighty.

'The bestowal of Grace by You has made me become aware of what is wise to follow and what is ignoble  to avoid.  Now I have attained tranquil state about realisation of You.  Without disowning me please accept me as Your Protege!'.................

Creation is solid design of the Creator. And the motion of all celestial bodies, the life cycles of all beings, flora and fauna; everything carried in perfect symmetry as ordained by the Almighty. Instead of wasting on pondering about the incomprehensible schemes of the Almighty, it is wise to become aware of the purpose of our coming into this world and complete our mission in realisation  of salvation by the Grace of the Almighty!

Cycle of Creation
DP 01.06.'16

Om Shanti!

Monday, May 30, 2016


'Let there be light' God said;  and there was light ! This biblical quote testifies the emergence of light from formless, dark, emptiness. Ignorance to knowledge  is the natural course ordained by the Almighty in His creation.  Aimless wanderings of the human beings about temporal pleasures come to rest with finding of the source of eternal bliss in the service of the Almighty.

This process of gradual awakening in the mortals is dealt by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Kalushapu Chikati Galugaganu".....

'From the initial darkness light emerged. In the same way, only after passing through the travails of earthly pains and pleasures one becomes worthy for grace of the Almighty.

'People initially are drawn towards committing sinful deeds in the world.  But gradually they turn towards doing good deeds.  Initially people knew only about the iron metal.  But gradually gold came in to existence giving immense happiness as a valuable treasure to possess.

'In the epic lore, at the time of 'Ksheera Sagara Madhanam'  (churning of Ocean of Milk) [For allegorical KSM within one's Mind, please go through the DP post of 30.05.'2015 with the same title],  'poison' emerged first and the nectar of immortality later.  Only those who bear the hardships of pains and pleasures of the earthly trials and tribulations, later on get immense bliss in their life.  But both stages pass off in turns.

'When in  difficult times men run  after various gods and goddesses to worship for  their relief from grief.  Those who realise that both pains and pleasures on this earth are of transitory nature to be discarded for the sake of lasting bliss, the Almighty sanctions to them salvation out of grace'........

Knowledge is power. The basic attributes namely Viveka (knowledge)and Vairagya (detachment) are the pillars on which one's spiritual progress depends. In gospel of Ramakrishna we find that, just as crocodiles are driven away when a person enters into waters after anointment all over his body with 'Turmeric'; the Arishadvargas namely kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya are at bay in a person attributed with Viveka and Vairagya. This awareness is helpful for the seekers on the quest for salvation!

"Let There Be Light"!

Om Shanti!

Friday, May 27, 2016


Seeking the Formless through the manifest Form is the backbone of all 'devotional' pursuits of the Almighty. Salvation through unflinching devotional surrender is exemplified in the all time
cherishable Devotee-Deity relations of Meerabai-Sri krishna;  Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu-Sri Krishna; Tyagaraja- Sri Rama; Annmacharya-Sri Venkateswara; Ramakrishna-Kalimata.

Annamacharya opines that salvation is made possible by pure devotion to the Almighty manifested in a Form.  Much is heard about the incarnations; could anyone had the chance of glancing at least one incarnation?  When realising the Formless Almighty Within is easier said than done, it is preferable to seek the Almighty in  a Form.  This is being conveyed by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Kaladi Yi Murti Valla Gati Gana Valenu"..................

'O My Men! We have to realise salvation through the apparent Form of the Almighty on earth.  And liberation is nowhere else but here on this earth only.  It is not something to be sought in the other Divya Lokas (divine planes) of the universe.

'Could we see the Almighty as the formless, attribute-less, spotless consciousness?  Or, having only glimpses of imagination about the stories in epics regarding the incarnations of the Almighty, could we see the form of half lion  and half human - the Narasimha?  Having known that the Almighty is 'within' us, could we realise Him in our inner realm?   Is it really possible  to seek the Almighty in the higher Lokas (planes)?  Are the above mentioned 'means to Salvation',   as easy as that of serving the Almighty in Form right in front of us?

'The power of the Almighty in Form can be experienced even by the common man, but can we realise the enormous qualities, attributes of the Almighty?  When we seek salvation by resorting to holy scriptures like Vedas, only doubts pile up but not realisation of divine knowledge.  Can we comprehend the play of Illusion of the Almighty, by exhaustive reading of Vedas and other holy scriptures?  Even after probing deeply, can we ever foresee our future rebirths?

'For the worldly pleasure-hunting human being is it possible to pay attention of his mind on the Almighty in Form?  Unless panting for it, can one have his mind ever engaged in the Almighty?  Can he understand the passage of Time which has history of Infinity?  Can he have real peace of mind envisaged by the learned ones?'.......

Being fully aware of our true being - Suddha Chatanya Stithi, the state of Vibrant Energy, the Supreme Consciousness; we are here on this earth to fulfil the mission of our 'Name and Form' before salvation. Hence even the savants with realised souls about the Formless, continue the judicious combination of devotional surrender to the Almighty in Form which is rather easy to make other people to believe in the Almighty.

We have an interesting story about whether the Almighty is Form or Formless in Gospel of Ramakrishna. Doctor Mahendralal Sarkar attending on Ramakrishna Paramahansa asked once,"Is the Almighty Form or Formless?" Then Gurudev answered,"Hear this story! Once a sanyasin (ascetic) on his itinerary reached Lord Jagannatha temple and after entering into it got a doubt, 'whether the God was Form or Formless'. Then he was holding a Danda (stick) in his hand. To clarify his doubt, he lightly touched the statue of the Deity. Surprisingly it passed through the statue as if there was no statue at all there.  He came to the conclusion that the God was Formless.  To withdraw back towards him, he tried to pass the stick from the other side. To his bewilderment the stick was obstructed by the statue this time. Then the sanyasin realised that God has Form also. Thus he concluded that the Almighty was both Form and Formless".

Our happiness lies in cordially welcoming the entwined nature of the Almighty's Form and Formless attributes!

Both Form and Formless!

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


"You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf ;  I am the smaller one on it's upper side !" 
said the dew drop to the lake 
- Rabindra Nath Tagore

Vedanta is necessitated by the Maya (Mithya) Jagat - the Illusory Universe.  That is, a 'disillusioned' doesn't need vedanta.  Subsisting consciousness of 'Nama Rupa Bheda' - 'Name and Form' in the Bound human being is the 'raison d'etre' (reason for existence) of entrenchment of Ahankara (Ego). And Ahankara Nivrutti (dissolution of Ego) is precondition for Mukti or Moksha (salvation).

The havoc played by the 'Panchendriyas' - Five sense organs in one's life cycle of births and deaths - Sansara, and how 'Vairagya' - detachment by disillusion, becomes sheet anchor as success mantra to salvation, is adeptly woven in metaphors by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Idivo Sansara Menta Sukhamo Kani"............

'O My Men! It is doubtful about whether the worldly life fetches one, comforts and pleasures; but for sure, be realised that it is like the woman wearing jewellery called 'melancholy'.

'The human being befriends with wicked natured sinners - the five sense organs. Being tempted by
them, resorts to short lived sensual pleasures and begets a son called Kama (lust) who misguides the 'being' into vices for amassing of wealth.  Thus finally, the human being is subjected to downfall  along with accumulation of bundle of sins.

'In addition to the above maligned mates, the human being befriends with another sinner called 'Praya' - Youth; engages with pleasure called Maya and begets another son called 'Moha' (Infatuation).  This offspring is even more worse than the earlier son. He wipes off all the noble attributes of the human being; purchases and offers a gift of a town called 'Narak' - Hell, to his father.  The human being becomes wrecked and loses his bearings in that town of Hell.

'However, ultimately with the grace of the Almighty Within, the human begets a daughter called - 'Virakti' (detachment).  She becomes instrumental in raising interest in lasting treasure - 'salvation',  in the mind of the human being as well as in  'realisation' of it!'.........

The description of journey of the  Ignorant Bound human being from Entanglement of 'Maya', through gradual awakening by Virakti, Vairagya - the Detachment like a drop on the lotus leaf - into the Embodiment of Knowledge -  'Chinmaya', is educative in navigation of one's spiritual pursuit!

"Idivo Sansara Menta Sukhamo Kani"

The Drop on Lotus @ Chinmaya!

Om Shanti!

Monday, May 23, 2016


Why while away in voracious perusal of Vedas and other scriptures ?  The inexplicable Sublime Fruit (of Salvation) is within your reach. Only thing one has to do is; subjugation of 'Arishadvargas' (six passions of mind, namely Kama - lust, Krodha - anger, Lobha - greed, Moha - attachment, Mada - pride, Matsarya - jealousy) and 'Sampurna Saranagati (unconditional total surrender) to the Almighty Within.  Sanctimony with sinful heart does not sanctify the soul for salvation.

Such is the simplified approach for salvation suggested by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Urake Vedaka Nela Unnavi Chaduva Nela"..............

'O My Men! Why do you waste away your time in voracious perusal of as many as holy scriptures that you come across? The inexplicable Sublime Fruit (of Salvation) is within your  reach.

'If one discards Anger (most damaging of the six passions mentioned earlier), all sins fade away without notice.  Then the divine knowledge shines of its own accord.  A hypocrite with an outward demeanour of pious deeds but sinful at heart, cannot be a holy person.

'One has to forsake ambitious desires and expectations to be relieved from the attendant hindrances of bondages.  Giving up all desires and passions is must for realisation of salvation.  If the internal thoughts and attributes within the body and external behaviour in the world differ, salvation cannot be obtained.

'If one avoids passion for women, he becomes free from grief and woes.  Even a wise one cannot escape from the multiple rebirths, if he does not turn introvert and seek the Almighty Within'..........

In a dwarf variety mango grove is it wise to grope hither and thither for the luscious fruit when it is within one's hand stretch?  You are served the leads of eternal happiness. Decision is yours!

Luscious Fruit  Within Reach!

Om Shanti!

Thursday, May 19, 2016


Sages and saints realised the Ultimate as 'Nitya - Suddha - Buddha - Mukta - Sat - Chit - Brahma - Ananda - Chaitanya Stithi' the state of  Formless, Attributeless, All Pervading 'Supreme Consciousness' being termed as  'Nirakara Nirguna Parabrahma', the Almighty! And they attained that state through deep meditation - Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Some have taken the path of envisioning the Supreme Consciousness in 'Manifested Form' - termed as 'Sakara Sadguna Parabrahma' and realised it through total surrender in deep devotion.

The poet savant Annamacharya extolled the second path as easier one to follow even by the common man, saying any one could realise the Almighty by regularly chanting His Name and by Worship, Dedication, Devotion to Him. This aspect is detailed in his sankeertana, "Oho Nilichina Dokatidiye"......

'O My Men! There is only one thing that is Stable and Permanent in this world.  That is 'Sakara Parabrahma' - the Awareness of the Almighty in Form continuing through ages till date, though all the rest in this creation is unstable and transitory.

'Of the various forms of incarnation, He was the Lord Krishna in the period of Mahabharata.  Chanting of His name relieves one from all negative karmas of sins.  Devotional surrender to Him drives away ignorance in the devotee.

'Praise of the Almighty  fulfils everybody just as deriving of satisfaction in the sumptuous dining of a festive gathering. The regular worship of Him is the ladder to Liberation.

'The Offerings of vow to the Lord have the power of annihilation of all sins.  And the grace of the  Almighty saves one from the engagements of the sansara (worldly problems) like the hold (for grip) of a stout branch of a tree'..........

We find copious examples of the saints, to name a few - Sankaracharya,  Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Ramana Maharshi, Eknath, Ramdas, Tyagaraja, Annamacharya; who have attained Salvation through devout worship of the Almighty in Form.  Total surrender to the Almighty in Form  leads to Realisation of the Formless!

'Sakarra Saguna Brahma'

Om Shanti!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


'Ahankara Nivrutti' - 'Annihilation of Ego' is the sine qua non of Self Realisation.  This is achieved by deep devotional process of surrender to the Almighty Within and attitudinal broadening of the connotation of 'Individual I',  to encompass the boundless whole, 'Universal I' !

Implications of total surrender to the Almighty are well described in the sankeertana, "Ni Dasya Mokkate Nilichi Namma Galadi", by the poet savant Annamacharya.  In this creation, if at all  there is anything Trustworthy, it is only one - Servitude to Almighty !............

'O Almighty! The only thing in which I can trust  unconditionally in this world is taking 'Refuge in You'.  Since You know well about our well being, our prosperity lies in  Your protecting shelter.

'O Almighty! Even if I ponder over the path of reaching You through austere rites, their 'delivering of  the goods' can not be trusted since, this mortal body is filled with filthy excreta.  Then how can this body bes considered pure, clean and tidy ?  Even if I wish to consider my birth as the 'noblest one' (in case, birth in exalted class ranks for Divine Grace)  among the human beings,  it is not possible.  Since, my births are wrapped with Karmas plunging me in Papas and Punyas, resulting in rebirths in this world time and again.

'O Almighty! Even if I think of following the scriptural knowledge I educated in, they are not trustworthy.  Since, they highlight with a tinge of rivalry about the individual supremacies among the various religious sects.  Even if I decide to follow my Mind, being highly fickle, it is also not trustworthy.  It became subservient  to the enticing sense organs very long ago.

'O Almighty! Even I wish to trust on my family members (wife and children) and my possessions, it is not possible.  Since, they are all accrued to me in bondage as per my worthiness for them.  O Almighty! You only can save me under the circumstances detailed.  But I can not express my trust in You except in the form of simpler offering of  a Flower, a Holy Basil Leaf , a Fruit !'...........

'What is the cost of Divine Grace?'  For sure, last line of the text of sankeertana above is the prompt and befitting answer. In our Simplicity lies Satisfaction  of the Almighty!

Holy Basil !

Om Shanti!

Monday, May 16, 2016


'Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya' ! In one single precept the whole vedantic divine knowledge is encrypted. Just as a tiny banyan seed could sprawl, by ramifications far and wide, into a mighty tree. voluminous scriptures, commentaries emerged over a period of ages in an effort  to explain  this Brahma Jnana.

And when one wonders why Annamacharya had to produce more than thirty two thousand sankeertanas, the possible reply would be that, even that score is not sufficient to awaken the bound, immersed neck deep in the illusory worldly life. Thus we find some times exhortations by way of repetition of themes but through different kritis of Annamacharya.

The theme of one Jiva -Individual Soul, having multiple roles in this as well as in the previous births was brought out in the sankeertana "Eppude Buddhi Puttuno Eraga Radu" ( DP 26.12.'15 titled One With Multiple Roles).  And it is being reiterated in the present sankeertana, "Evvarevvari Vado Yi Jivudu".................

'If one ventures to elicit identity of a 'Jiva' - an 'Individual Soul', will it be really possible?  Can one comprehend the  various connections, bonds of a Jiva with others, in relative terms, on this earth?

'To how many persons he was born as son  in previous births?  To how many people he became sibling in previous births?  To how many he became bosom mate and plunged them into  grief by his abrupt exit from this world??

'Who knows, in how many places he wandered in his previous births? In how many places he took birth?  How many sorts of relations he had with various people? Who knows, where he would end up after these umpteen number of births by him? Can any body know and reveal?

'In truth, this Jiva, the Individual Soul, is imperishable. Ever lasting. Keeps on donning various garbs of earthly forms and gaining countless titles in the process.  After all it is in the firmament of the Illusory play of the One Almighty'..........

Here we may recollect the Abhimanyu episode. Deeply shaken by the premature death of his fond son, Abhimanyu in the battle field, Arjuna feels sore even on Krishna. Realising that  all his Gita Bodha  to Arjuna going waste, Krishna took Arjuna to Deva Loka to show Abhimanyu. When Arjuna tried to go near and hug his son, the latter however pushed away saying 'But Who Are You, Sir?' - A good example of illusory ephemeral relations on mundane plane!

Though the sankeertana ends with a note of interminable journey of the Jiva, the Jiva becoming Siva is also feasible within this birth but with steadfast sadhana!

"My Son!";   "But Who Are You Sir?"

Om Shanti!

Friday, May 13, 2016


When 'essential thing' is missing the superficial things of the object are not worthwhile. Can one imagine of boundaries without village, ashram or monastery without guru and shrine without Deity?

With feast of similes, Annamacharya explains the above aspect in  his sankeertana, "Uruleni Polimera"...............

'Extent of a village is defined by its boundaries.  But is there any significance for the borders if there is no village at all?  Life without respect and good name is worthless.  Exhibiting love, without affection within, is drab. It is meaningless to have such things; namely, boundaries, life and love in the circumstances mentioned above.

'When there is no chance of lover's meeting again, what is the use of expressing undue pangs of separation?  Shade has value when there is bright sunshine.  but is it required at all when there is no sunshine?  When it does not culminate in union by wedlock and consummation, is the profuse exhortations of love not in vain?

'It is not suffice to simply do some help to others.  It should be followed by some words of encouragement to the persons receiving help.  There is no meaning in expressing sweet words to person in whom one does not have concern. What is the benefit of pleasing words from an employer, if it is not reflected in enhancement of one's salary?  What is the use of having a beautiful wife if one doesn't have any desire?

'True friendship does not inhibit one from going in for a little lie in exigencies of friendship.  If not so, that friendship is not worthwhile.  Relations should be cordial arising from the bosom, otherwise what is the use of having superficial acquaintances?  Devotion to the Almighty should be unflinching. Can any one imagine the festive procession of devotees without Deity?'........

Extension of the above subject in our spiritual pursuit is rather simple.What is the use of following laborious, tedious and sometimes even expensive rites and  rituals in the society if one fails to respect the presence of Almighty (Supreme Consciousness) in every 'Being' of this creation; 'Pipilikadi Brahma Paryantam" - from micro level tiny ant to macro level boundless cosmos!

"Uruleni Polimera"

Love Lorn ?

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Reminiscing in to the past gems, I may bring to your recollection,  that  beautiful article on Indra's Enlightenment - titled "Kah Satruh" (who is the enemy), DP dated 17.10.2015, which proved a valuable mile stone in my spiritual journey. One Truth! In Multiple Forms! The Illusory Play of the Almighty understanding of which brings unbound bliss in the seeker.

This aspect of Maya- Illusory play of the Almighty, is dealt in the sankeertana, "Vedamu Dirchadu Vere Sastramulu Yediyu Dirchadu Yidi Ni Maya", of Annamacharya..........

'Who can explain Maya - The 'Illusion' of the Creator? All the Vedas and Scriptures, even if assimilated, can not aptly describe this unsolved riddle of the Almighty. When the nature of Maya itself is incomprehensible then untangling it is even more difficult.

'O Almighty! You have the unaffected role of a witness but your Illusory world exhibits many a diverse scenario.  All good - natured 'devatas' (inhabitants of higher realms) prosper on one hand and the wicked natured  'rakshasas' (of lower realms)  perish on the other! But strangely enough, You are the driving force residing within both of them. After all, the entanglements of your Maya play havoc in intimidating us. Is it really possible for us to overcome them?

'In the  Krishna Avatar (Incarnaion of the Almighty), You took the side of Pandavas. But Your blood relation extended to Kavuravas too. Yet You protected the former and punished the latter. Being present in all of them in parity, how to understand your play of Illusion of discrimination? Your Maya is fidgeting me.

'Above all, you are the One with unbridled independence of action. And all the beings of this creation are your children. They look up to you as their father, Creator, the Almighty!The ardent devotees of yours  only do understand this Truth about Your Maya.  O Lord, I surrender to You. Hence,  please give me that stre  and wisdom by which I too can comprehend Your Play!'..........

Ever heard of 'Pankti Bhojana'? It is, in contrast with the modern Buffet system, common custom of sitting in rows for meals being served in a wide Aritaku (banana leaf), or Vistari (plate stitched with natural leaves). Lot of  murmurs to noisy conversations, shouts rent the air before serving of food and other items.  But once signal for starting to eat is received, everybody becomes calm to relish the items. The plateful sweets and savouries that makes you happy and calm is the Wisdom of Illusory Plurality of the Absolute One!

Pankti Bhojana!

Om Shanti!

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Education has a Purpose  - Imparting Knowledge. But what  sort of knowledge it should be? Knowledge that dawns in one about the way one has to live in this society, realise the Truth in that process.

The poet savant Annamacharya  has dealt with this aspect in his sankeertana, "Kadupenta Ta Kuduchu, Kudupenta Dinikai"............

'Is it really possible to devour ten days of meal at once and store it in the stomach?  Is there no limit for the capacity of the stomach?  What is the worth of this life, if it is not for rendering help to the fellow beings?  What is the use of education if it does not impart the quality of wishing well of others?  Is it not futile to waste one's life in harbouring endless desires and passions without peace of mind?  Instead of wasting in going after the temporal possessions, it is worthwhile for a wise person to seek the Almighty Within for Liberation.

'No one can consume even a morsel more, once his hunger is satiated.  Thus the capacity of one's stomach is quite limited.  In such a case, why one should waste energies towards more and more food, the possessions?

'Why one should lead a hellish life of causing problems, difficulties to others?  It is of no benefit in any way, to anybody.  Is it good at all for anyone, in having a heinous body with heartburn about the amelioration of living standards in others?

'It is not at all a proper education which does not impart the knowledge that helping others is helping own self.  What is the use of leading an unpleasant, restless life with overcrowded desires?

'What is the use of earthly possessions if they cannot help in one's progress towards realisation  of the Almighty? Sapping off one's energies in getting such possessions is foolhardy.  Instead of wasting one's time in  external pompous rites and rituals, it is wise to turn inwards and seek the Almighty Within.'............

Thus, the fruition of one's education  lies in being contented with the necessaries of earthly possessions and  having heart full of compassion and helping nature  towards the other beings. Such a noble path of living in this world paves the way for realisation of the Almighty Within!

Two Spoons of Korralu (Foxtail Millet) -
Ever Happy's Main Course for Lunch!

Om Shanti!


Friday, May 6, 2016


'Advaita' - Non-Duality is the Supreme Knowledge that unravels the  illusory plurality of all matter in this creation. After all,  the duality, the plurality are all part of the play of Illusion by the Creator, the Almighty!

The awakening of an ignorant believing in the semblance of reality in the plurality in the nature around,  towards the ultimate reality of Oneness is well brought out by the poet savant Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Pacchiga Teliya Kunte Bahu Mukhamai Tochu"..........

'For an ignorant, the plurality of this material world looks real.  But in fact, all creation being the conception of the Almighty only, the plurality too is His illusory manifestation.

'Some people scold us; some praise us; this duality is the nature of the world.  The Time keeps on fleeting, with alternating visits of Day and Night.  Then who has created this time factor and Moods of Mind? It is the Almighty residing in all the beings in equal measure.

'We sometimes exhibit unwarranted anger on some  and undue favour on others.  These contradictory traits, attributes are natural to all human beings.  The 'Ivy Gourd' when raw, is called 'Donda Kaya' and when ripe it is named 'Donda Pandu'.  Both forms are in one and the same body only.  Hence let it be known that the Creator of both forms is one Almighty only.

'In the vast expanse of universe at one place are the human beings and at another place (in other planes) there are Devas, extra-terrestrials! In change of birth cycles, some of those here go there and some of those from that plane come here.  Who decides this but for the Almighty! The sugar cane when raw is insipid and acrid; but when fully ripe the same sugar cane becomes very sweet.  All these are the illusory play of the Almighty only!'..........

This knowledge of the  illusory play of the Almighty within helps one to become wiser and emancipate himself from the lures of the worldly distractions; then seek and realise the Real Self!

Two in  One !

Om Shanti!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Early...  Early... Early... Be early in every thing. See how I enjoy, at Krishna Kant Park, cool breeze, pleasant atmosphere, beautiful sceneries with melodious chirps of colourful birds all around in the early hours of day break. When some internationally acclaimed top CEOs were interviewed, they disclosed that they would get up between three and four of early morn daily for walk, jog, yoga, take decisions about company matters.  Our sages stressed the importance of Brahmi Muhurta, for doing auspicious things with sure success.

As we know the oft repeated quote, "Jantunam nara janma durlabham", we must also be aware of the inlaid mission of this existence. And Annamacharya says in his sankeerana, "Chaduvu Lone Harini Jatti Gona Vale Gaka", that one must be shrewd enough to realise the Almighty in the early stage of education itself when  there are no entanglements of 'Sansara'. Otherwise the impediments of 'Bandhas' are difficult to overcome............

'It is wise to be aware of the purpose of one's  human birth even at the early stage of education; that one's precious chance of fulfilling this birth is in realising the Almighty and not in earning for transitory material possessions.  This should be as early as possible for, once one becomes head strong on account of the possessions and achievements it is hard to realise.

'For a dullard painful suffering of worldly bondages is natural.  In spite of the difficulties undergoing in this existence one should not lose sight of the pursuit of Liberation.  Is it not wise to winnow when the wind is high,  since no winnowing can be done when the wind is still?

'For the one plunged in the 'Sansara Sagara', his deeds of both piety and sin entwine him. Nevertheless, he has to make efforts gradually to divert to the right path of seeking Salvation.  The relations with wife, children and others are inseparable in one's life span,  but being with them with a sense of detachment, like a drop of water on the lotus leaf, should be inculcated with firm determination.  Time lost can never be retrieved back.

'For all the beings, the menace of sense organs is quite difficult to get rid of.  Still one can overcome this challenging situation by boldly diverting towards devotional path by being in the company of other seekers of the Almighty and fulfilling the real purpose of this existence.  Otherwise, one's life is wasted in perpetual bondages of births and deaths'.........

Message is clear! If we are the 'early bird', we are on the right spiritual path of Realisation about the Almighty Within!

"Chaduvu Lone Harini Jatti Gona Vale Gaka"

Early Bird Catches Worm !

Om Shanti!

Monday, May 2, 2016


When  Deva Guru Bruhaspati cursed Indra to be born as pig on earth, the plight of pig's life  was conceived by all other gods but Indra could not understand the power of Maya (Illusion) that seized him. For, when some gods went to 'Indra in Pig incarnation' and reminded him about his majestic powers as 'King of Gods' in heaven, he refused to leave  the pig form and declared his life with his she pig and baby pigs was heavenly enough. Becoming desperate in convincing him, the gods had to kill all his pig family and even tear up the pig body of  Indra, only after which Indra came out with realisation  of his true identity.

Only time has to ripe, for an ignorant frog which is complacent and even feels luxurious about it's habitat of shallow muddy pool, to become aware of the awesome grandeur of the gigantic ocean.

The ensnaring Maya of pseudo happiness in the material pleasures of the 'bound'  human beings is described well in the sankeertana, "Asamida Visupoudaka", of Annamacharya.

'It is in their nature for the human beings, to revel in teasing others as log as they are not fed up with their selfish desires and aspirations in this world.  In their state of ignorance they feel comfortable even in their pains.

'He thrives in his entanglements with semblance of complacence till all his karmas are nullified; as long as others keep on applauding his life of pleasure-pursuit; till he becomes tired of his infatuation about worldly comforts and his mind turns towards the Eternal.

'His own ugly physique looks adorable, till it becomes corpse; till the illusion of transitory nature of the body does not leave him; till he remains in high spirits of accolades, trophies from the rulers.

'The arrogance arising on account of having servants waiting for one's orders remains; till all his periodical hand loans are cleared off;  till he realises about putting a halt to the cycle of  births and deaths; till he becomes aware of the Almighty within.........

If one feels the Self Realisation -  expanding from  Micro Terrestrial Being to the Macro Celestial Being -  is a 'Dream',  let us learn what sort of dream it should be from Sri Abdul Kalam; "Dream is not what you see in sleep; Dream is the thing which doesn't let you sleep!" Ultimately it hints  again at Salient Sadhana !

Kupastha Manduka

Om Shanti!