Friday, February 19, 2016


'Cool Breeze, Pleasant Atmosphere, Beautiful Scenery !'
- Our Yogacharya, Krishna Kanth Park

'Ninety Minutes Of Precious Stay, Makes Me Joyous Rest of Day !'
'My Soul Is Full of Rapture, When In Lap of Mother Nature !' 
- DP 15.08.'15

One Hundredth Post of Divine Persuit! A Mile Stone Indeed!  My humble thanks to all the spiritual seekers world over for having shown such a keen interest in my posts that, I ponder always with the satisfaction of having conveyed the traits of our lives, what we actually are and what we are ought to be.  My oil paintings of the recent past, free strokes in crayon and my gathering of information  on Tatva Jnana (Spiritual Knowledge) disseminated by great Poet Savant Annamacharya, have come handy in showcasing these colourful  and fragrant spiritual flowers. Variegated experience of introduction of subject matter, suitable anecdote,  or story, relevant audio, and an image presentation; all at one place culled together must have offered, I feel, a satisfactory menu for the seekers.

In a relaxed stance for breathing respite, I would like to reminisce about the valuable gems worthy of being picked up from these vibrant floral display for cherishing in our daily  sadhana (practice) as a sincere seeker about self realization. Though the list is exhaustive, only six will be dealt now due to space constraint and the rest will be taken up in due course.

1 Relegation of Desires : -They being the cause of all our worries, we have to make a conscious effort to take up each desire  separately and say with polite but firm voice, "Look,  I am pre occupied with some VIP Thoughts. So leave me alone for today and take your seat  in the back bench.  I will take up your case tomorrow".  Likewise  every individual desire is to be addressed and pushed back into relegation for today.  And on the next day surprisingly you will find that the desires would be in the oblivion. Thus we understand that every desire seeming imminent at the present moment is an illusion only since you are happy the next day even without recollecting those relegated desires. With bulk of such desires vanished from the mind you have a sigh of relief  with feather light  mind. (Read Mahazana story, DP 26.09.'15).

2 Being Mindful : - I have a piece of golden advice from my late wife. 'Do not run after tasks without proper judgement about their necessity to discharge.  But once you decide to take up a task, be mindful, that is, exert hundred percent concentration, devotion along with physical effort, perseverance which brings invariably sure success in your favour!'

3 Being Unconcerned About Results : -   "Karmanyeshu Varaste...."  oft-quoted Gita sloka clearly advises not to expect results. The concern or worry about the end result, outcome will only compound our distraction from the tasks on hand.  Whether one worries about  or not the course of events can never be judged before hand and one has to realise that the result is ordained by various other factors beyond one's comprehension, to  put in a single word, The Fate, Hence the proverb 'Man Proposes ; But God Disposes'.   So, leaving the results to the Almighty's disposition, our job should be limited to 'hundred percent justification' of our  Effort.

4 Unflinching Faith : - 'Faith is Life and Doubt is Death'.  Have faith in the Almighty Within, He is the driving force behind,  in every act of our physical being.  Disown your false notion of physical supremacy feeling  arising out of 'I'm the Body' consciousness'.  It is the 'Universal I' in you that is the Real Factor of your success in all fields.  Thus understanding the reality, have the audacity of total surrender to the Almighty Within. The Real Journey in spiritual ecstasy will be your new experience.

5 Respond But Not React : -  What do you do when you are travelling on a plain road and unexpectedly find some hurdle like a small rock boulder blocking your way?  Just approach it, try to move it to a side of the road if necessary with the help of a few passers by, and continue your journey forgetting the event then and there.  That is the cool response of mind to the situation.  Apply the same principle to any problem encountered in daily life. Otherwise over- reactive mind would be bogged down in confused thoughts, and confusion gets worse confounded, misleading in arriving at right and appropriate decisions  for tiding over the problem on hand.

6 Turn Inwards : -  I dwelt several times on this aspect of turning inwards and taking refuge in  the Almighty Within.  It implies that we have to take the cognisance of the existence of 'Antaratma' and it's Bodha' - The guidance of the Inner Voice.  This is possible only when we become calm and listen carefully inside us. The Divine Guidance showers like manna from the sky following which with all respect, yields  desired results for you.  All the problems arise because of one's egoistic disregarding and stifling this Inner Voice and landing into untold misery.  I had shared my divine revelations in DP 09.09.'15 and DP 13.10.'15.

Mission for Mankind - Vasudaika Kutumbakam : - My Utopian Dream some time back used to be, 'Can I ever realise,  One Universe with One Race - The Sublime Human Race !'  -  With all peace loving populace without exception  though culturally variegated,  reflecting diverse hues. No more religious paraphernalia of pompous rites and rituals of colossal expenditures, due to the awareness of divine equanimity in  every Being on this earth.

Now and then we see in media about strange things like  gigantic Sri Yantra glyph of 13.3 miles lines in Oregon, Emanation of AUM (OM) sound from the Sun recorded by NASA,  OM shaped ice formation on Om Parbat,  ubiquitous finding of lingas (symbolic of worship of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction process),  in various parts of the globe, Mortal remains burnt by radiation in Mohanzodaro indicating use of atomic energy in the ancient India, Vayu Purana detailing about air borne vehicles in ancient times, presence of Rama Sethu (Adam's Bridge) and submerged Dwaraka testifying authenticity of our old scriptures ; All such findings should be acknowledged with open mind by all nations and with due honour help together with common funding  for serious research of our old scriptures and unearth the divine secrecies embedded by the sages of yore, for the common benefit of all human race ! I am optimistic about my Present Utopian Dream to become a Future Reality like a few fictions of H. G. Wells that became reality in later times.

On this hundredth mark, I acknowledge earnestly with thanks the continued interest in spiritual awareness by all seekers around the globe. As a 'special treat',  I present seven devotional songs from seven languages and a few images of the Abode of my Turning Point in Awareness !

                                                  Bengali : -  Tathaiya Tathaiya Nache Bhola (Vivekananda)
                                                  Budhist : -  Ena Dhammam Pravartitam
                                                  Hindi : -     Chhote Chhote Gayiyan, Chhote Chhote Gwal
                                                  Kannada : -Bhgyada Lakshmi Baramma (Purandaradasa)
                                                  Marathi : - Anandacha Kanda Harila (Tukaram)
                                                  Sanskrit : - Govindam Parmanandam
                                                  Tamil : -    Chinna Chinna Padam Vaitthu, Kanna Ni Va Va Va

Cool Breeze, Pleasant Atmosphere, Beautiful Scenery !
                                                   - Sanctum of Spiritual Yoga, "Krishna Kant Park" !

Om Shanti!

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