Wednesday, February 17, 2016


'Karma - Phala';  'Action - Result' : The Circle of Births and Deaths; The Cause and Effect philosophy upheld by the Indian Vedanta about 'Being'. and root cause  for this again 'Maya' (Illusion). Affected with the inescapable power of luring by Maya, the Being does involve in actions which invariably bear fruits (results) to be experienced perpetually by taking births time and again. Then where is the end for this vicious circle ?  Is there any exception where it can not cast its attractive net over ?  If so who are those lucky  few that are beyond the reach of the subjugating power of Maya?

In the sankeertana 'Enni Badhalu Betti Echedavu Nivinka', Annamacharya apostrophizes Kaarma and propounds convincing answers  for all those questions raised above. Sufferance is a must for all beings invariably, for being in the circle of births and deaths.  But a way out as a ray of hope, a silver lining in the dark thick cloud is shown facilitating the  means of breaking the chain and putting an end to the vicious circle.

'O Karma! How long still you harass us like this? Yet  how many  more tortures you continue to inflict on us? You are making our lamentations limitless. Unable to bear this, ultimately we are approaching you only to show mercy on us and grant respite. Will you please be kind to us?

'O Karma! Because of you only  we are indulging in numerous sinful misdeeds. And  these entanglements are generating grief and melancholy in us. But you are not touching the few ones who are 'Jitakama'- conqueror of lust. You are subservient to the 'virakta' - detached ones. Why don't you be kind to unwitty like us and show the way of escape?

'O Karma! By binding us with ropes called desires and hopes you surrendered us to a cruel person called Fate. We lost our honour and became your stooges. Please don't  push us down with further disgrace. You are making us restless by forcing us to indulge in  all trivial acts. Why are you so much fond of possessing us by you?  Can't you please relieve us at least for once by disowning?
Won't you say for once, 'I want you no more'?

'O Karma! Even if you are not prepared to hear our entreaties at least pay attention to our advice. After all, it is for your benefit only. The acts of our  being driven by you from pillar to post, is out of the Almighty's Maya (Illusion) only, but not your greatness in anyway. You can not do any harm to us. Since we are under the refuge of the Almighty within.  You can no more tease us. Can any fool standing on the ground ask a majesty seated high in an elephant 'ambari', for a help of 'chunna' (slaked lime) for his 'paan' (betel leaf)?  (That is, seeking paltry things from the  'out of reach' distinguished one). Similarly, beware that we are far out of reach to you. You can not lay your hands on us,  because we are under the refuge of the Almighty Within!'

What more detailed explanation we require about the straight answer for all our dithering in search of 'Life of Bliss' - Unbound by any Actions.? Hope  you realise  now how much 'Blissful,  Being Inward!'

"Enni Badhalu Betti Echedavu Nivinka"

Seeking Paltries From Majesty!

Om Shanti!

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