Wednesday, February 24, 2016


"Jantunam Nara Janma Durlabham" said Sankaracharya connoting the supremacy of human birth of all living beings on this earth.  Certainly there must be  some decisive factor exclusive to the human being to differentiate and uplift his status from others. That is the Intellect -  the Abode of Wisdom, Knowledge, Awareness helpful in leading a better life here in this world and understanding and aspiring for the 'existence beyond mortal plane', getting liberated from the bonds of Illusion.

So  from time to time many philosophers have propounded various means of Salvation with the basic requirements of possessing noble attributes of love, passion, kindness, benevolence towards other beings, with righteous living. Some expounded the devotional and spiritual acts of intensive prayers, chantings, penance.

Now let us see what Annamcharya intended to convey about this subject in his sankeertana, "Jnanam Bokate Jagamuna Kadhikam Mari"......

'It's 'Knowledge' that makes the human supreme among other beings. But without this, whatsoever useless educational, technical, vocational skills and masteries one may possess,  they  might be helpful, at the most, in earning one's livelihood. But these acts are certainly not for Salvation. The straight path to Liberation is 'Knowledge' only.

'Leading a detached life is far better than performance of getting benefits out of may acts of charity and generosity.  Having unflinching  devotion in the Almighty is superior than the performance  of various  acts  prescribed by the society of which one is part of.

'Leading a peaceful existence and having the blessings of the elderly of the society is better than uncountable penances in this world. Chanting the Almighty is far superior to performance of various, some times contradictory, rites and rituals.

'In this society there are umpteen 'vratas' (performance with austerity  of  specific acts of devotion for a specific period, to propitiate a specific God for a specific purpose). But it is wiser to be steadfast to one Almighty - Hari day in  and day out.

'Being aware of the true driving force behind and monitor of all our actions,that is the Almighty Within,  it is far  more wiser, than any thing else, to be with Him.  This is the True Knowledge and Wisdom !'.....

One must have observed by this that the words in the previous post (22.02.'16), " Rising above all pluralistic personified Gods, experience One Almighty, One Divinity, The All Pervading, Within and Without, Suddha Chaitanya (Supreme Consciousness) !"  is very much relevant here too.

'Dawn of Knowledge' 

Om Shanti!

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