Monday, February 15, 2016


Divine Sounds, in the form of a mantra, a japa, a hymn, a sankeertana effect Divine Manifestation. The Power of Sound - from deep within - from the heart has immense impact.  The invigorating activeness in daily life  can be experienced by anybody who invokes AUM from the  Nabhi (navel) to Sahasrara (crown of head). The mantras of Yajna  effect desired results like fall of rain.  Musicians like Tansen, Tyagaraja had  shown miracles like blooming of flowers, breaking of stones et cetera with their devout performance.

A sankeertana ardently sung by enchained Annamacharya effected  breaking of iron chains, right in front of the king Salwa Narasimharaya, who imprisoned Annamacharya  for denying to write sankeertana in eulogy of the king. Coming into senses and realising the divine power of Annamacharya the king Salwa Narasimharaya prostrated before him. So it is desirable for us to see the inherent power of the words used by the great  poet savant that caused the  divine miracle.  The keertana is,   "Akati Velala Alupaina Velalanu".

'In the pangs of hunger, in the tedious condition of hard work, the power of solace and succour is obtainable only in the faith of Almighty within. In dire situations,  of jobless difficult days in eking oust livelihood,  of becoming disgraced in one's community, of  being imprisoned by others, one has to seek refuge in the Almighty within. There is no alternative.

'When one is encountered with unforeseen mishaps, subjected to blemish, involved in  deeds of ignominy,  trembled in fear, the encouraging fillip is refuge in  the Almighty within. There is no alternative, even if toiling fruitless in other means.

'When one suffers on account of imprisonment by another due to animosity (enmity), being threatened on life, embarrassed by the obstructing lenders, it is the refuge in  the Almighty only that can give respite.  Other means of hard pursuit for relief  is in vain. Hence total surrender to the Almighty Within is the only  solution to overcome in one's all trials and tribulations.'

The 'faith in  the divinity within' is well brought out in the above keertana. All acts of ours yield positive results when coupled with unflinching faith.  Some time back  (Faith - That Works Wonders dated 24.09.'15 ) we had the quotation  from Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,  "God can be attained through faith alone. He who has faith has all and he who lacks faith lacks all....It's faith that works wonders, for faith is life and doubt is death." A  relevant anecdote to follow.....

'When a kingdom was faced with severe drought conditions for three years continuously, the  worried king consulted the royal priest.  He told that the famines were on account of growing atheism in the public and suggested for conducting Varuna yaga (appeasing the Rain God for rains and prosperity) for three days, but upon one condition that the Yaga would bear fruit only if at least one among the populace had belief in the divinity. As the Yaga was through, on the first day and second day there was no sign of any clouds. And as the third day was coming to end the  king was getting worried. But all of a sudden at the fag end of Yaga in the evening, dark clouds loomed large in the sky and it started to rain. When king wondered about who might be the God - believing among the gathered folk, the  Royal Priest lifted his finger towards a little girl who alone was carrying an umbrella in her hand in staunch faith of God.' - while all others had come as spectators for a curious event !

So, unflinching Faith in the Divinity Within is the Success Mantra through thick and thin !

'Faith in Almighty'

Om Shanti!

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