Hope all of you enjoyed 'special treat' garnish of six language devotional songs along with partial, being conscious about space constraint, recapitulation of gems of spiritual knowledge in the previous one hundredth post on 19.02.2016, "Sanctum of Divine Revelation", picking up from the earlier ninety nine posts. The points covered were, 1. Relegation of Desires, 2. Being Mindful, 3. Being Unconcerned (No Expectations or Anticipations) About Results, 4. Unflinching Faith, 5. Respond But Not React and lastly, 6. Turn Inward.
Let us take up today a few more gems worthy of cherishing as a matter of regular sadhana (practice) in our daily spiritual based noble human living.
1. Restraint of Anger : - 'Watch your thoughts; for, your thoughts become your actions !' (Lao Tzu). Anger is the prime enemy in distorting proper thought process in the mind, particularly when subjected to stress. Once balance is lost, our mind generates actions of deplorable nature, vitiating the atmosphere around us. So practise, with conscious effort, keeping your cool under any circumstances. Thus remaining in a stable and poised state, one's mind would be able to take right and appropriate decisions for the situation warranted.
2. Abstain From Sins (wrongful deeds) : - In fact there are no sins as such. it is only committing mistakes in view of Swamy Vivekananda. Hence, let us take in a broader sense and inculcate in such a way that our actions should be of non-hurting nature to the other beings. This is possible when with a conscious effort,we train our mind to contemplate only on thoughts of actions that behoves of a self less character. More over our 'Antaratma Bodha' (Advice of the Inner Voice) is the best guide in cautioning against nurturing any wrongful wicked thoughts and deeds. For seekers, heeding to the Inner Voice is quintessential - a 'sine qua non' - for self realisation.
3. Keeping Away From Women : - Brahmacharya (celibacy) in a broader sense extends to Eka Patni Vrata (committed to one wife only). So in spiritual pursuit, 'para dara vyamoha' ( infatuation about extra marital relations) is a distracting and alluring attraction to be shunned and eliminated with firm and pious convictions in one's mind. We recollect here what Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa had told - 'Women and Wealth are two major evils in Kaliyuga'.
4. Practise Silence : - As a seeker one must start right from the beginning faith in the 'Real Self Within'. So accepting it as the actual driving force behind every action in this world, it's guidance has to be pursued up carefully which requires one's becoming silent observer for the most part of the time. And being in silence, ours decisions will be naturally highly rational and fruitful. Silence is, above all, 'conservation of our vital force' to be utilised for spiritual progress.
5. Remain A Witness : - A Jnani's (Sage) supreme attribute is remaining as a silent spectator, an unaffected and detached witness through thick and thin. That is, maintaining one's cool under all circumstances of pleasures and pains, bloom to gloom vicissitudes. Whatever happens in his stride, his composed response would be, "So It Be !" And this noble gesture and trait is a matter of Sadhana for any serious spiritual practitioner on the path of Self Realisation.
6. Constant Contemplation : - Above all, one's progress would be remarkably high when all the traits discussed in the present and the previous (19.02.'16) posts are imbued into one's personality by one main steadfast contemplation of 'Being Perpetual Universal Self' while breath in and breath out every moment. This is the secret of ever blissful state for any body to achieve by faith and practice. Rising above all pluralistic personified Gods, experience One Almighty, One Divinity, the All Pervading, Within and Without, 'Suddha Chaitanya' (Supreme Consciousness) !
A noteworthy jewel like sankeertana of Annmacharya, "Viswa Prakasunaku Veli Yeda Loneda", covering the noble attributes/traits was already dealt in the recent past post of 10.02.'16, "Kudos to Awareness!". Hence today a general but soft and soul soothing, mellifluously worded, Sankeertana of Annamacharya, "Palukula Deniya Lolikedi Chakkani Veladulu Koneti Vibhuni Badedare" is presented for your pleasant relish!
Let us take up today a few more gems worthy of cherishing as a matter of regular sadhana (practice) in our daily spiritual based noble human living.
1. Restraint of Anger : - 'Watch your thoughts; for, your thoughts become your actions !' (Lao Tzu). Anger is the prime enemy in distorting proper thought process in the mind, particularly when subjected to stress. Once balance is lost, our mind generates actions of deplorable nature, vitiating the atmosphere around us. So practise, with conscious effort, keeping your cool under any circumstances. Thus remaining in a stable and poised state, one's mind would be able to take right and appropriate decisions for the situation warranted.
2. Abstain From Sins (wrongful deeds) : - In fact there are no sins as such. it is only committing mistakes in view of Swamy Vivekananda. Hence, let us take in a broader sense and inculcate in such a way that our actions should be of non-hurting nature to the other beings. This is possible when with a conscious effort,we train our mind to contemplate only on thoughts of actions that behoves of a self less character. More over our 'Antaratma Bodha' (Advice of the Inner Voice) is the best guide in cautioning against nurturing any wrongful wicked thoughts and deeds. For seekers, heeding to the Inner Voice is quintessential - a 'sine qua non' - for self realisation.
3. Keeping Away From Women : - Brahmacharya (celibacy) in a broader sense extends to Eka Patni Vrata (committed to one wife only). So in spiritual pursuit, 'para dara vyamoha' ( infatuation about extra marital relations) is a distracting and alluring attraction to be shunned and eliminated with firm and pious convictions in one's mind. We recollect here what Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa had told - 'Women and Wealth are two major evils in Kaliyuga'.
4. Practise Silence : - As a seeker one must start right from the beginning faith in the 'Real Self Within'. So accepting it as the actual driving force behind every action in this world, it's guidance has to be pursued up carefully which requires one's becoming silent observer for the most part of the time. And being in silence, ours decisions will be naturally highly rational and fruitful. Silence is, above all, 'conservation of our vital force' to be utilised for spiritual progress.
5. Remain A Witness : - A Jnani's (Sage) supreme attribute is remaining as a silent spectator, an unaffected and detached witness through thick and thin. That is, maintaining one's cool under all circumstances of pleasures and pains, bloom to gloom vicissitudes. Whatever happens in his stride, his composed response would be, "So It Be !" And this noble gesture and trait is a matter of Sadhana for any serious spiritual practitioner on the path of Self Realisation.
6. Constant Contemplation : - Above all, one's progress would be remarkably high when all the traits discussed in the present and the previous (19.02.'16) posts are imbued into one's personality by one main steadfast contemplation of 'Being Perpetual Universal Self' while breath in and breath out every moment. This is the secret of ever blissful state for any body to achieve by faith and practice. Rising above all pluralistic personified Gods, experience One Almighty, One Divinity, the All Pervading, Within and Without, 'Suddha Chaitanya' (Supreme Consciousness) !
A noteworthy jewel like sankeertana of Annmacharya, "Viswa Prakasunaku Veli Yeda Loneda", covering the noble attributes/traits was already dealt in the recent past post of 10.02.'16, "Kudos to Awareness!". Hence today a general but soft and soul soothing, mellifluously worded, Sankeertana of Annamacharya, "Palukula Deniya Lolikedi Chakkani Veladulu Koneti Vibhuni Badedare" is presented for your pleasant relish!
"Thou Are That!"
Om Shanti!
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