Friday, February 12, 2016


Seeing 'Drop in the Ocean' is Innocence;  Realising 'Ocean in the Drop' is Wisdom !

The whole world is within us. Burst of blooming flora with rich colours and intoxicating fragrances of harmonious and peaceful living  on one hand and filth and rubble of restless squabbles on the other. All the battles of Kurukshetra magnitude occur in our mind only. we have lots of fights between deities and demons within us. To siege the Fort of 'Magnificent Divine Graced Human Body' and bring it into their control,  an incessant warfare is waged between two Super Powers, Virtues (all noble traits grouped together,  supported by mutually cooperative and well balanced Three Commanders - Trigunas namely Satva, Rajo and Tamo) and Vices (backed by the Arishadvargas, namely, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya)  -  All within us ! Then,  why amuse about external phenomena ! The post of 30.08.2015, "Ksheera Sagara Madhanam (Churning of Ocean of Milk)" provides detailed metaphorical mention about this subject.

Amusing nature of our foolish run to behold performances of magic, trickery, wire walk, acrobatics in the external world, while already being engrossed with such intriguing art of performances within us, is adeptly described by Annamacharya in the Sankeertana, "Anniyu Nalo Nundaga Navvala Nemi Chuchemu" (When all are within me, what do we  see  out ?)

'O My Mind ! When all those things (going to be detailed by me) are within me why should I seek  for them somewhere else outside ? Can n't you realise that this is on account of the 'Illusion'  unknown ever before ?

'This very material world (samsara) before my eyes is in itself a greatly enthusing magic show. What a strange person am I ? Apart from this magic show before me,  I am embarking on beholding another show some where else. Occurring in sequence, one after another, all my births are of different Forms. Once an animal, once a bird, once an insect and once a marine creature. Still I run after some magic show performing creation of different Forms (like rabbit, pigeon etc.)  What a brainless am I ?

'Already I am living this life like an actor with an assignment to perform on  a stage show. But I go after seeing dramas with  performance by fictitious characters,  foregoing sleep in the night. Already overwhelmed by illusion I behave  on many occasions as if in a trance or  hypnotism in my daily life ; Still, I run after seeing  trickeries  of other magicians. What a witless am I?

'Already I am struggling with highly risky balancing in difficult performance of 'Papa Punyas' (righteous and sinful deeds).  Still I run after gazing at high wire walking performers. But today, I am being awakened to the Truth  by the Almighty within. And amusingly smile within,  for my deeds of the past !'

There are enough performances  within us to execute  with devout balancing.  While discussing about the scourge of war within, we had highlighted the importance of Meditation ( in the  earlier post referred above). Constant practice of meditation, gradually purges off all evil thoughts and acts, purifies the mind, involves only in ennobled thoughts and actions and finally leads one to attain 'True Knowledge' !

"Anniyu Nalo Nundaga Navvala Nemi Chuchemu"

High Wire Walk
 Balancing Papa Punyas (Pious, Sinful Deeds)

Om Shanti!

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