Monday, February 29, 2016


Ignorance perpetuates the cycle of births and deaths;  Knowledge breaks the vicious circle and liberates the being  into the Supreme Consciousness.  But out of illusion, human beings are prone to feel that these worldly things are pleasant and ever lasting. In fact there is no pleasure at all in  this for, the seeming happiness is highly volatile. On the other hand, the 'bound' beings are not fortunate to have the  ever blissful life at ease of 'others' - the detached seekers. However, having awareness about the spiritual reality of one's existence,  there is the way of being happy in this material world by attaining detachment.

By saying that the bound people in this mundane world can not have the grace of the Almighty, as they point their finger towards the Almighty for their woeful conditions, Annamacharya tries to caution the bound to come out of the sorrowful situation through his sankeertana, "Itte Sansari Kediyu Ledaya".

'For the ignorant  ones bound in the material world there is no happiness.He will only suffer but can not reach other side of the shore.

'For those carrying heavy weights on their back, there is chance of unloading by their side and take rest for a while. But for worldly person there is no such chance of respite for,  he can not unload his luggage of worries any where.

'If a person by chance consumes the bitter neem (margosa), he can within no time come out of the awkward situation by swallowing any sweetmeats. But for the bound one it is no way of coming over the bitter difficult conditions. For him there is no chance of counter balancing sweet things in the material life leading.

'One who ekes out his livelihood by working in the fowl smelling garbage and toilets, can, after completion of his job, bathe and cleanse himself thoroughly and apply perfumes  to his body to nullify the bad odours.  But for the bound there is no such chance of cleansing. So long as he is ignorant about the true knowledge, the Almighty can not bestow grace upon him.'

Through this sankeertana the poet tries to awaken, with some note of caution,  the bound in  this transitory material world. It is worthwhile for those who are neck deep in their false pleasures. But at the same time we should acknowledge the optimistic approach of the poet savant who on many occasions had clearly tried to awaken us in coming out of the Great Illusion of this material world and seek  refuge in the Almighty Within  for our Salvation.

In this context let us have some knowledge about the classification of people in this world in to four categories by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.  When a fisherman casts his net in the waters, the fish caught in  the net feeling the muddy surrounding think they are safe and heavenly within that net 2. some fish realise the bondage and make some effort to jump out of the net 3. Some fish by making serious effort succeed in jumping out of the net  and slip away into the waters. and 4. Some fish are shrewd enough to be
aware of the net and avoid it totally by keeping far away from it. In this allegory, God is the fisherman casting net called bondage of 'wealth and women' in the waters called 'sansara sagara' (worldly matters). 1. Those who are complacent in the illusion of worldly pleasures are first category of bound fish; 2. People making effort to escape from net are 'Mumukshuvu' (aspiring for liberation); 3. Those who successfully jump out are the 'Jivanmukta' (liberated) and 4. those who are shrewd enough keeping away from the worldly bondages are 'Nitya Mukta' (Ever Free) like Narada and Swamy Vivekananda.

Thus having clear awareness of the destiny of the first category of the bound fish - Kitchen; we shall leave no stone unturned in our efforts for  becoming 'Jivanmukta' !

Baddha, Mumukshuvu, Jivanmukta, Nitya Mukta !
(1 Bound , 2 Aspiring for Liberation, 3 Liberated, 4 Ever Free)

Om Shanti!

Friday, February 26, 2016


When one's Antahkaranas (Subtle components of the human body) like mind, intellect are clean and pure, there is no need for much exertion on external cleanliness.  If one has lot of attention on external cleanliness but his mind is not pure then he can not be graced with spiritual awareness.  One can  not get the inner purity if he hangs after merely on external aspects. It is usual in this world to be aware of external beauty only forgetting the inner cleanliness.   Too long sleeping time and too short sleeping  time both are not conducive for getting spiritual knowledge.  Awareness is possible only by sitting in isolation turning inwards and having peaceful contemplation.  All this is possible only if concerted effort is there for self-realisation.  But this is only initial attempt while in  body consciousness still.

The utmost  import of 'cleansing subtle body  and becoming introvert' for Self Realisation is brought out in the Sankertana , "Velupala Maruvaka Lopala Ledu" by Annamacharya.

'Unless the outside(external) concern (about cleanliness) is left out, there is no inside (purifying the subtle components).  One who is too much meticulous about the external cleanliness ignores about the inner purity.  This is the most vital aspect in the spiritual path.  And once the inner purity and cleanliness is achieved, bliss is obtained.

'While being in the bright day light, one can not see the inner most darkness of a house.  Similarly, spiritual knowledge is not possible for a person proud of vast worldly knowledge acquired.  for the one whose eyes are accustomed to pitch darkness, even a little twilight appears to be bright sunlight.  Similarly, when an introvert pursues steadfastly, then self-realisation is achieved.  Those are the 'liberated'.

One who is accustomed to continuously awakened position, does not get sleep at all.  Similarly, one who is always in sleepy condition, his inactive mind does not receive any worldly knowledge.  Since mind gets accustomed to whatever situation is exposed to, for prolonged period.  Similarly, when accustomed to meditative contemplation, one can eliminate all external worldly matters and realise the Almighty within.

'In the sky called 'human body' if a sigh develops from within, it has to escape invariably from the body.  Thus it subsides by coming out only.  Similarly births and deaths of the living beings rise and fall with the inhalation and exhalation activity.  By regular practising of control over the breathing rhythms following the stipulated yogic procedure - of  converging Prana and Apana vayus of the Pancha Pranas  into the Soul - one can realise the Self Within.'

Thus 'Pranayama', regulation of life-force, has an important role to play in the spiritual awakening. And of course only  a Sadguru  can  initiate and guide in the proper technique of this ancient but highly valued yogic practice!

'The Light Within'

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


"Jantunam Nara Janma Durlabham" said Sankaracharya connoting the supremacy of human birth of all living beings on this earth.  Certainly there must be  some decisive factor exclusive to the human being to differentiate and uplift his status from others. That is the Intellect -  the Abode of Wisdom, Knowledge, Awareness helpful in leading a better life here in this world and understanding and aspiring for the 'existence beyond mortal plane', getting liberated from the bonds of Illusion.

So  from time to time many philosophers have propounded various means of Salvation with the basic requirements of possessing noble attributes of love, passion, kindness, benevolence towards other beings, with righteous living. Some expounded the devotional and spiritual acts of intensive prayers, chantings, penance.

Now let us see what Annamcharya intended to convey about this subject in his sankeertana, "Jnanam Bokate Jagamuna Kadhikam Mari"......

'It's 'Knowledge' that makes the human supreme among other beings. But without this, whatsoever useless educational, technical, vocational skills and masteries one may possess,  they  might be helpful, at the most, in earning one's livelihood. But these acts are certainly not for Salvation. The straight path to Liberation is 'Knowledge' only.

'Leading a detached life is far better than performance of getting benefits out of may acts of charity and generosity.  Having unflinching  devotion in the Almighty is superior than the performance  of various  acts  prescribed by the society of which one is part of.

'Leading a peaceful existence and having the blessings of the elderly of the society is better than uncountable penances in this world. Chanting the Almighty is far superior to performance of various, some times contradictory, rites and rituals.

'In this society there are umpteen 'vratas' (performance with austerity  of  specific acts of devotion for a specific period, to propitiate a specific God for a specific purpose). But it is wiser to be steadfast to one Almighty - Hari day in  and day out.

'Being aware of the true driving force behind and monitor of all our actions,that is the Almighty Within,  it is far  more wiser, than any thing else, to be with Him.  This is the True Knowledge and Wisdom !'.....

One must have observed by this that the words in the previous post (22.02.'16), " Rising above all pluralistic personified Gods, experience One Almighty, One Divinity, The All Pervading, Within and Without, Suddha Chaitanya (Supreme Consciousness) !"  is very much relevant here too.

'Dawn of Knowledge' 

Om Shanti!

Monday, February 22, 2016


Hope all of you enjoyed 'special treat' garnish of six language devotional songs along with partial, being conscious about space constraint, recapitulation of gems of spiritual knowledge in the previous one hundredth post on 19.02.2016, "Sanctum of Divine Revelation", picking up from the earlier ninety nine posts. The points covered were, 1. Relegation of Desires, 2. Being Mindful, 3. Being Unconcerned (No Expectations or Anticipations) About Results, 4. Unflinching Faith, 5.  Respond But Not React and lastly, 6. Turn Inward.

Let us take up today a few more gems worthy of cherishing as a matter of regular sadhana (practice)   in our daily spiritual based noble human living.

1. Restraint of Anger : -  'Watch your thoughts;  for, your thoughts become your actions !' (Lao Tzu). Anger is the prime enemy in distorting  proper thought process in the mind, particularly when subjected to stress.  Once balance is lost, our mind generates actions of deplorable nature, vitiating the atmosphere around us. So practise, with conscious effort, keeping your cool under any circumstances.  Thus remaining in a stable and poised state, one's mind would be able to take right and appropriate decisions for the situation warranted.

2. Abstain From Sins (wrongful deeds) : - In fact there are no sins as such. it is only committing mistakes in view of Swamy Vivekananda.  Hence, let us take in a broader sense and inculcate in such a way  that our actions should be of non-hurting nature to the other beings.  This is possible when with a conscious effort,we train our mind to contemplate only on thoughts of actions that behoves of a self less character. More over our 'Antaratma Bodha' (Advice of the Inner Voice) is the best guide in cautioning against nurturing any wrongful wicked thoughts and deeds. For seekers, heeding to the Inner Voice is quintessential -  a 'sine qua non' -  for self realisation.

3. Keeping Away From Women : -  Brahmacharya (celibacy) in a broader sense extends to Eka Patni Vrata (committed to one wife only). So in spiritual pursuit, 'para dara vyamoha' ( infatuation about extra marital relations) is a distracting and alluring attraction to be shunned and eliminated with firm and pious convictions in one's mind. We recollect here what Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa had told -  'Women and Wealth are two major evils in Kaliyuga'.

4. Practise Silence : - As a seeker one must start right from the beginning faith in the 'Real Self Within'.  So accepting it as the actual driving force behind every action in this world, it's guidance has to be pursued up carefully which requires one's becoming silent observer for the most part of the time. And being in  silence, ours decisions will be naturally highly rational and fruitful. Silence is, above all,  'conservation of our vital force' to be utilised for spiritual progress.

5. Remain A Witness : - A Jnani's (Sage) supreme attribute is remaining as a silent spectator, an unaffected and detached witness through thick and thin. That is, maintaining one's cool under all circumstances of pleasures and pains, bloom to gloom vicissitudes. Whatever happens in his stride, his  composed response would be, "So It Be !" And this noble gesture and  trait is a matter of Sadhana for any serious spiritual practitioner on the path of Self Realisation.

6. Constant Contemplation : - Above all, one's progress would be remarkably high when all the traits discussed in the present and the previous (19.02.'16) posts are imbued into one's personality by one main steadfast contemplation of 'Being Perpetual Universal Self' while breath in and breath out every moment. This is the secret of ever blissful state for any body  to achieve by faith and practice. Rising above all pluralistic personified Gods, experience One Almighty, One Divinity, the All Pervading, Within and Without,  'Suddha Chaitanya' (Supreme  Consciousness) !

A noteworthy jewel like sankeertana of Annmacharya, "Viswa Prakasunaku Veli Yeda Loneda", covering the noble attributes/traits was already dealt in the recent past post of 10.02.'16, "Kudos to Awareness!".  Hence today a general but soft and soul soothing, mellifluously worded,  Sankeertana of Annamacharya, "Palukula Deniya Lolikedi Chakkani Veladulu Koneti Vibhuni Badedare" is presented for your pleasant relish!

"Thou Are That!"

Om Shanti!

Friday, February 19, 2016


'Cool Breeze, Pleasant Atmosphere, Beautiful Scenery !'
- Our Yogacharya, Krishna Kanth Park

'Ninety Minutes Of Precious Stay, Makes Me Joyous Rest of Day !'
'My Soul Is Full of Rapture, When In Lap of Mother Nature !' 
- DP 15.08.'15

One Hundredth Post of Divine Persuit! A Mile Stone Indeed!  My humble thanks to all the spiritual seekers world over for having shown such a keen interest in my posts that, I ponder always with the satisfaction of having conveyed the traits of our lives, what we actually are and what we are ought to be.  My oil paintings of the recent past, free strokes in crayon and my gathering of information  on Tatva Jnana (Spiritual Knowledge) disseminated by great Poet Savant Annamacharya, have come handy in showcasing these colourful  and fragrant spiritual flowers. Variegated experience of introduction of subject matter, suitable anecdote,  or story, relevant audio, and an image presentation; all at one place culled together must have offered, I feel, a satisfactory menu for the seekers.

In a relaxed stance for breathing respite, I would like to reminisce about the valuable gems worthy of being picked up from these vibrant floral display for cherishing in our daily  sadhana (practice) as a sincere seeker about self realization. Though the list is exhaustive, only six will be dealt now due to space constraint and the rest will be taken up in due course.

1 Relegation of Desires : -They being the cause of all our worries, we have to make a conscious effort to take up each desire  separately and say with polite but firm voice, "Look,  I am pre occupied with some VIP Thoughts. So leave me alone for today and take your seat  in the back bench.  I will take up your case tomorrow".  Likewise  every individual desire is to be addressed and pushed back into relegation for today.  And on the next day surprisingly you will find that the desires would be in the oblivion. Thus we understand that every desire seeming imminent at the present moment is an illusion only since you are happy the next day even without recollecting those relegated desires. With bulk of such desires vanished from the mind you have a sigh of relief  with feather light  mind. (Read Mahazana story, DP 26.09.'15).

2 Being Mindful : - I have a piece of golden advice from my late wife. 'Do not run after tasks without proper judgement about their necessity to discharge.  But once you decide to take up a task, be mindful, that is, exert hundred percent concentration, devotion along with physical effort, perseverance which brings invariably sure success in your favour!'

3 Being Unconcerned About Results : -   "Karmanyeshu Varaste...."  oft-quoted Gita sloka clearly advises not to expect results. The concern or worry about the end result, outcome will only compound our distraction from the tasks on hand.  Whether one worries about  or not the course of events can never be judged before hand and one has to realise that the result is ordained by various other factors beyond one's comprehension, to  put in a single word, The Fate, Hence the proverb 'Man Proposes ; But God Disposes'.   So, leaving the results to the Almighty's disposition, our job should be limited to 'hundred percent justification' of our  Effort.

4 Unflinching Faith : - 'Faith is Life and Doubt is Death'.  Have faith in the Almighty Within, He is the driving force behind,  in every act of our physical being.  Disown your false notion of physical supremacy feeling  arising out of 'I'm the Body' consciousness'.  It is the 'Universal I' in you that is the Real Factor of your success in all fields.  Thus understanding the reality, have the audacity of total surrender to the Almighty Within. The Real Journey in spiritual ecstasy will be your new experience.

5 Respond But Not React : -  What do you do when you are travelling on a plain road and unexpectedly find some hurdle like a small rock boulder blocking your way?  Just approach it, try to move it to a side of the road if necessary with the help of a few passers by, and continue your journey forgetting the event then and there.  That is the cool response of mind to the situation.  Apply the same principle to any problem encountered in daily life. Otherwise over- reactive mind would be bogged down in confused thoughts, and confusion gets worse confounded, misleading in arriving at right and appropriate decisions  for tiding over the problem on hand.

6 Turn Inwards : -  I dwelt several times on this aspect of turning inwards and taking refuge in  the Almighty Within.  It implies that we have to take the cognisance of the existence of 'Antaratma' and it's Bodha' - The guidance of the Inner Voice.  This is possible only when we become calm and listen carefully inside us. The Divine Guidance showers like manna from the sky following which with all respect, yields  desired results for you.  All the problems arise because of one's egoistic disregarding and stifling this Inner Voice and landing into untold misery.  I had shared my divine revelations in DP 09.09.'15 and DP 13.10.'15.

Mission for Mankind - Vasudaika Kutumbakam : - My Utopian Dream some time back used to be, 'Can I ever realise,  One Universe with One Race - The Sublime Human Race !'  -  With all peace loving populace without exception  though culturally variegated,  reflecting diverse hues. No more religious paraphernalia of pompous rites and rituals of colossal expenditures, due to the awareness of divine equanimity in  every Being on this earth.

Now and then we see in media about strange things like  gigantic Sri Yantra glyph of 13.3 miles lines in Oregon, Emanation of AUM (OM) sound from the Sun recorded by NASA,  OM shaped ice formation on Om Parbat,  ubiquitous finding of lingas (symbolic of worship of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction process),  in various parts of the globe, Mortal remains burnt by radiation in Mohanzodaro indicating use of atomic energy in the ancient India, Vayu Purana detailing about air borne vehicles in ancient times, presence of Rama Sethu (Adam's Bridge) and submerged Dwaraka testifying authenticity of our old scriptures ; All such findings should be acknowledged with open mind by all nations and with due honour help together with common funding  for serious research of our old scriptures and unearth the divine secrecies embedded by the sages of yore, for the common benefit of all human race ! I am optimistic about my Present Utopian Dream to become a Future Reality like a few fictions of H. G. Wells that became reality in later times.

On this hundredth mark, I acknowledge earnestly with thanks the continued interest in spiritual awareness by all seekers around the globe. As a 'special treat',  I present seven devotional songs from seven languages and a few images of the Abode of my Turning Point in Awareness !

                                                  Bengali : -  Tathaiya Tathaiya Nache Bhola (Vivekananda)
                                                  Budhist : -  Ena Dhammam Pravartitam
                                                  Hindi : -     Chhote Chhote Gayiyan, Chhote Chhote Gwal
                                                  Kannada : -Bhgyada Lakshmi Baramma (Purandaradasa)
                                                  Marathi : - Anandacha Kanda Harila (Tukaram)
                                                  Sanskrit : - Govindam Parmanandam
                                                  Tamil : -    Chinna Chinna Padam Vaitthu, Kanna Ni Va Va Va

Cool Breeze, Pleasant Atmosphere, Beautiful Scenery !
                                                   - Sanctum of Spiritual Yoga, "Krishna Kant Park" !

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


'Karma - Phala';  'Action - Result' : The Circle of Births and Deaths; The Cause and Effect philosophy upheld by the Indian Vedanta about 'Being'. and root cause  for this again 'Maya' (Illusion). Affected with the inescapable power of luring by Maya, the Being does involve in actions which invariably bear fruits (results) to be experienced perpetually by taking births time and again. Then where is the end for this vicious circle ?  Is there any exception where it can not cast its attractive net over ?  If so who are those lucky  few that are beyond the reach of the subjugating power of Maya?

In the sankeertana 'Enni Badhalu Betti Echedavu Nivinka', Annamacharya apostrophizes Kaarma and propounds convincing answers  for all those questions raised above. Sufferance is a must for all beings invariably, for being in the circle of births and deaths.  But a way out as a ray of hope, a silver lining in the dark thick cloud is shown facilitating the  means of breaking the chain and putting an end to the vicious circle.

'O Karma! How long still you harass us like this? Yet  how many  more tortures you continue to inflict on us? You are making our lamentations limitless. Unable to bear this, ultimately we are approaching you only to show mercy on us and grant respite. Will you please be kind to us?

'O Karma! Because of you only  we are indulging in numerous sinful misdeeds. And  these entanglements are generating grief and melancholy in us. But you are not touching the few ones who are 'Jitakama'- conqueror of lust. You are subservient to the 'virakta' - detached ones. Why don't you be kind to unwitty like us and show the way of escape?

'O Karma! By binding us with ropes called desires and hopes you surrendered us to a cruel person called Fate. We lost our honour and became your stooges. Please don't  push us down with further disgrace. You are making us restless by forcing us to indulge in  all trivial acts. Why are you so much fond of possessing us by you?  Can't you please relieve us at least for once by disowning?
Won't you say for once, 'I want you no more'?

'O Karma! Even if you are not prepared to hear our entreaties at least pay attention to our advice. After all, it is for your benefit only. The acts of our  being driven by you from pillar to post, is out of the Almighty's Maya (Illusion) only, but not your greatness in anyway. You can not do any harm to us. Since we are under the refuge of the Almighty within.  You can no more tease us. Can any fool standing on the ground ask a majesty seated high in an elephant 'ambari', for a help of 'chunna' (slaked lime) for his 'paan' (betel leaf)?  (That is, seeking paltry things from the  'out of reach' distinguished one). Similarly, beware that we are far out of reach to you. You can not lay your hands on us,  because we are under the refuge of the Almighty Within!'

What more detailed explanation we require about the straight answer for all our dithering in search of 'Life of Bliss' - Unbound by any Actions.? Hope  you realise  now how much 'Blissful,  Being Inward!'

"Enni Badhalu Betti Echedavu Nivinka"

Seeking Paltries From Majesty!

Om Shanti!

Monday, February 15, 2016


Divine Sounds, in the form of a mantra, a japa, a hymn, a sankeertana effect Divine Manifestation. The Power of Sound - from deep within - from the heart has immense impact.  The invigorating activeness in daily life  can be experienced by anybody who invokes AUM from the  Nabhi (navel) to Sahasrara (crown of head). The mantras of Yajna  effect desired results like fall of rain.  Musicians like Tansen, Tyagaraja had  shown miracles like blooming of flowers, breaking of stones et cetera with their devout performance.

A sankeertana ardently sung by enchained Annamacharya effected  breaking of iron chains, right in front of the king Salwa Narasimharaya, who imprisoned Annamacharya  for denying to write sankeertana in eulogy of the king. Coming into senses and realising the divine power of Annamacharya the king Salwa Narasimharaya prostrated before him. So it is desirable for us to see the inherent power of the words used by the great  poet savant that caused the  divine miracle.  The keertana is,   "Akati Velala Alupaina Velalanu".

'In the pangs of hunger, in the tedious condition of hard work, the power of solace and succour is obtainable only in the faith of Almighty within. In dire situations,  of jobless difficult days in eking oust livelihood,  of becoming disgraced in one's community, of  being imprisoned by others, one has to seek refuge in the Almighty within. There is no alternative.

'When one is encountered with unforeseen mishaps, subjected to blemish, involved in  deeds of ignominy,  trembled in fear, the encouraging fillip is refuge in  the Almighty within. There is no alternative, even if toiling fruitless in other means.

'When one suffers on account of imprisonment by another due to animosity (enmity), being threatened on life, embarrassed by the obstructing lenders, it is the refuge in  the Almighty only that can give respite.  Other means of hard pursuit for relief  is in vain. Hence total surrender to the Almighty Within is the only  solution to overcome in one's all trials and tribulations.'

The 'faith in  the divinity within' is well brought out in the above keertana. All acts of ours yield positive results when coupled with unflinching faith.  Some time back  (Faith - That Works Wonders dated 24.09.'15 ) we had the quotation  from Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa,  "God can be attained through faith alone. He who has faith has all and he who lacks faith lacks all....It's faith that works wonders, for faith is life and doubt is death." A  relevant anecdote to follow.....

'When a kingdom was faced with severe drought conditions for three years continuously, the  worried king consulted the royal priest.  He told that the famines were on account of growing atheism in the public and suggested for conducting Varuna yaga (appeasing the Rain God for rains and prosperity) for three days, but upon one condition that the Yaga would bear fruit only if at least one among the populace had belief in the divinity. As the Yaga was through, on the first day and second day there was no sign of any clouds. And as the third day was coming to end the  king was getting worried. But all of a sudden at the fag end of Yaga in the evening, dark clouds loomed large in the sky and it started to rain. When king wondered about who might be the God - believing among the gathered folk, the  Royal Priest lifted his finger towards a little girl who alone was carrying an umbrella in her hand in staunch faith of God.' - while all others had come as spectators for a curious event !

So, unflinching Faith in the Divinity Within is the Success Mantra through thick and thin !

'Faith in Almighty'

Om Shanti!

Friday, February 12, 2016


Seeing 'Drop in the Ocean' is Innocence;  Realising 'Ocean in the Drop' is Wisdom !

The whole world is within us. Burst of blooming flora with rich colours and intoxicating fragrances of harmonious and peaceful living  on one hand and filth and rubble of restless squabbles on the other. All the battles of Kurukshetra magnitude occur in our mind only. we have lots of fights between deities and demons within us. To siege the Fort of 'Magnificent Divine Graced Human Body' and bring it into their control,  an incessant warfare is waged between two Super Powers, Virtues (all noble traits grouped together,  supported by mutually cooperative and well balanced Three Commanders - Trigunas namely Satva, Rajo and Tamo) and Vices (backed by the Arishadvargas, namely, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and Matsarya)  -  All within us ! Then,  why amuse about external phenomena ! The post of 30.08.2015, "Ksheera Sagara Madhanam (Churning of Ocean of Milk)" provides detailed metaphorical mention about this subject.

Amusing nature of our foolish run to behold performances of magic, trickery, wire walk, acrobatics in the external world, while already being engrossed with such intriguing art of performances within us, is adeptly described by Annamacharya in the Sankeertana, "Anniyu Nalo Nundaga Navvala Nemi Chuchemu" (When all are within me, what do we  see  out ?)

'O My Mind ! When all those things (going to be detailed by me) are within me why should I seek  for them somewhere else outside ? Can n't you realise that this is on account of the 'Illusion'  unknown ever before ?

'This very material world (samsara) before my eyes is in itself a greatly enthusing magic show. What a strange person am I ? Apart from this magic show before me,  I am embarking on beholding another show some where else. Occurring in sequence, one after another, all my births are of different Forms. Once an animal, once a bird, once an insect and once a marine creature. Still I run after some magic show performing creation of different Forms (like rabbit, pigeon etc.)  What a brainless am I ?

'Already I am living this life like an actor with an assignment to perform on  a stage show. But I go after seeing dramas with  performance by fictitious characters,  foregoing sleep in the night. Already overwhelmed by illusion I behave  on many occasions as if in a trance or  hypnotism in my daily life ; Still, I run after seeing  trickeries  of other magicians. What a witless am I?

'Already I am struggling with highly risky balancing in difficult performance of 'Papa Punyas' (righteous and sinful deeds).  Still I run after gazing at high wire walking performers. But today, I am being awakened to the Truth  by the Almighty within. And amusingly smile within,  for my deeds of the past !'

There are enough performances  within us to execute  with devout balancing.  While discussing about the scourge of war within, we had highlighted the importance of Meditation ( in the  earlier post referred above). Constant practice of meditation, gradually purges off all evil thoughts and acts, purifies the mind, involves only in ennobled thoughts and actions and finally leads one to attain 'True Knowledge' !

"Anniyu Nalo Nundaga Navvala Nemi Chuchemu"

High Wire Walk
 Balancing Papa Punyas (Pious, Sinful Deeds)

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Form or Formless, Thou Art That (You Are That)!  Awareness Par Excellence. Awareness of What ? Awareness of Attributes, of the Almighty, of the Supreme Consciousness acceptable by all folds of the spiritual realms in this world and beyond.

We had gone through, on an earlier occasion, and once again recollect here,  Four Maha Vakyas (Great Statements) from Upanishads.  They are...

1. Prajnanam Brahma (Consciousness is Brahma) from Aitireya U.;
2. Ayam Atma Brahma (The Self is Brahma) from Mandukya U.;
3. Tat Tvam Asi (You Are That)  from Chandogya U.; and
4. Aham Brahma Asmi (I, Self  am Brahma) from Bruhadaranyaka U.

And one must also  have heard about the following four other Maha Vakyas. Namely,

1. So Hum (I am He - Brahma);
2. Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya ( Only Brahma - Supreme Consciousness - is Truth and the rest, that     is Creation, is Illusory);
3. Ekam Evadvitiyam Brahma (There's no duality except Only One that is Brahma); and
4. Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma (All of this is Brahma only, nothing else).

Having brought back into our memory, the revelations from the sacred spiritual scriptures of yonder times, now  we shall also revel in this joyful Awareness of our 'True Being ' embedded  gracefully in the jewel like sankeertana of Annamachaarya, "Viswa Prakasunaku Veli Yeda Loneda" (Where is Outside, Where is Inside for the Omni Lucent Almighty)....

'The Almighty is formless, ever blissful, attribute less. the whole universe is illuminated by Him. Where is Inside and where is Outside for  Him?  He is the Eternal,  He is always there. For Him where is  the Origin (birth) ?

'When the whole creation is of his own making, where is the necessity of being bound to worldly affairs. He is Liberator, Omni present, all pervading; Then does He need an abode? He is beyond imagination and comprehension.

'For the one who  exudes Divinity  everywhere,  where is the Origin and where is the End?  He is Omniscient, sees all and knows all.  Where is This side or that side (terrestrial or celestial)  for Him?
He resides in the divine  hearts of the sages in meditation;  Then where is the necessity of words for Him?  How can one see with naked eye or hear with ears this embodiment of Knowledge?

'He is Ascetic of all ascetics in renunciation; Then where is the demarcation for Him about known and unknown people.  When He is confined to witness role and when Himself being the Saviour of all,  how can He be expected to be involved in the acts of piety or sin and bear effects (fruits) of such acts ? To seek such Almighty,  even explicit idol worship is not required. With ardent fervour He is realisable within you !'

Though the sankeertana is on the Almighty having taken the form Lord Venkateswara, the attributes very well match with the Jnani in this world. And we have to remember in our view there is world but for Jnani, detached from this world with ascetic temperament,  it is  all pervading Awareness beyond space and time, attribute less, abode less - whole space he encompasses. And is it now clear that our passing through this present spiritual journey is enabling us to experience  the blissful, gradual blossoming of those attributes of the Almighty latent within us for so many years all along when we were unaware ? Kudos to Awareness !

Be All And End All

Om Shanti!

Monday, February 8, 2016


In 'Atma Bandhu - Soul Mate'  post of 23.08.2015, heart - melting, tear trickling 'old man story' being dealt with, with  some elaboration along with my oil painting made me to postpone  befitting Sankeertana of Annamacharya with it's detailed explanation on that day due to the thought of too lengthy space occupation. So we are going to relish that beautiful sankeertana today.  It is "Itaramu Lanniyu Nada Mantramule, Enchi Chuchinanu Intanu, Hitavagu Bandugu (Well Wishing Mate) Yishwaru Dokkade, Itanini Maruvakumi Jivatma !".  I earnestly exhort the seekers to invariably go through the 'old man story' of Atma Bandhu to make a comprehensive gamut of ' Subject (Prelude) - Sankeertana (Gist)  -  Story (Illustration) -  Song (Audio) - Scene (Visual)'.  Annamacharya addresses the Individual Soul by way of counselling alarm against falling into the trap of illusory happenings of this world.

'O Jivatma (Individual Soul) ! Only the Almighty (Eswara) is the perfect well wishing soul mate. 
All others are transitory like windfall fortunes appearing and vanishing intermittently. Don't forget this truth.

'O Jivatma ! When a being is carried away in flux - in  abysmal pit  of births and deaths, it's only the Almighty who is never abandoning mate. He accompanies through thick and thin equally.   In one's days of pleasures in heaven,  He doesn't shorten one's duration there and turn away. When in the tortures of hell,  He does not pretend ignorance of it and desert. Down on this mundane world as well as up in the heavens above He is the eternal Almighty Within. So, He is never to be forgotten.

O Jivatma ! When by misfortune  of karmic results (karma phalas) one has  to take the births of beasts, birds or insects, all the wisdom of human birth would be lost.  Even in such a situation one's non deserting mate is the Almighty only. When one is depressed in difficult days of  problems and worries, He is the only mate who does not abandon. From  womb to tomb, cradle to grave, - through all stages of life, childhood, youth, and old age and even thereafter, He is the non deserting  Soul Mate. And He is the Almighty Within.  Keep in your mind that He is same Vishnu who had taken ten incarnations (Dasavatara) for upholding Dharma (Righteousness) on this earth.

'O Jivatma ! When you were exhausted in the amorous pleasures of youth, He took care of your life forces (Prana). During the performance of Karmas in this world  and in reaping their results in the other worlds (hell or heaven),  He is the only mate. For those who are conscious of his Divinity and seek his refuge / shelter  He is the Protector and Benefactor. Trust and Venerate the Almighty Within for Liberation.'

Annamacharya's lyrics are eternal springs of divine knowledge that sweetly drench all seekers of this world in spiritual manna.   Let's have awakening realisation about the purely short lived 'coming together in one moment and going far away in another moment' nature of various objects floating on gushing flood waters and apply this reality to the mundane attachments and detachments of earthly beings - kin, relatives, friends, other living beings and objects.  This awareness makes us to close in towards - The Almighty Within, Soul Mate, Hitavagu Bandu, Atma Bandhu !

Old Man's Atma Bandhu (Soul Mate)
Divine Persuit - 23.08.15 & 08.02.'16

Om Shanti!

P S :- Yesterday one soul phoned, 'Sir, I am unable to find Divinepersuit with name except Om Shanti.' I replied with a smile,'Om Shanti, My Name and Form  have become Incognito in all deeds including charitable ones. (Avoiding photo)

Friday, February 5, 2016


I attended final rites of my late eldest brother's eldest son yesterday (04.02.2016). Some elderly persons were engaged in philosophical deliberations in  which an young enthusiast interfered abruptly and asked "What will happen after 'Death'? "  I smiled and naively enquired " What is 'Death' ?" Being felt on tenter hooks,  he immediately slipped away from the scene.  Why  only the young, in the gathering there was one relative (with walking stick) about to become nonagenarian who is still too worldly about assets and tastes. The same relative used to say when I was young that he knew the Bhagavadgita slokas very well by heart and I used to admire him about his knowledge of spiritual scriptures. Now I understand that it is not Gita on lips  but it's message being cherished in our daily life practically, that is warranted.  That's it!  In the case of the two persons I referred above, perhaps it is hard to digest the fact that energy is indestructible, it is only cycling of transformations of  Forms (Rupantara) between energy and matter. And the deliberations were about the Universal Eternal I ! Self Realisation is panacea for all our misunderstandings and consequential woes bogging us down without respite.

We are trying to understand as many keertanas as possible dwelling on Tatva Jnana (The True Knowledge).  Annamcharya's "Manujudai Putti Manujuni Sevinchi..."  (two stanzas only) is one such keertana serving as guiding light on spiritual path...

'It is rather strange that when  all beings coming into this world are equal before the eyes of the Almighty, one human being is serving another human being! And not only that, instead of feeling happy he is grief-stricken about this. He is engaged in hard work for a small stomach of about a span. To eke out livelihood  and earn fistful of morsels who knows in how many unsolicited  places, one has to wander. being subjected to uncountable humiliations and demeaning by other human beings in the process.  Having his mind  attached to the place of birth, he is unable to come out of the entanglements.  Ultimately what is his achievement in this world ? Nothing worthwhile.

'So  after knowing how a commoner is bound  in the entanglements, the repercussions falling out of this also are befitting to his (mis)deeds. He (The Atman) is taking  births time and again in many wombs and growing up with many parents. These include births into many smaller kind in the ladder of creation. If known clearly about these self acquired bondages  recurring in birth after birth, is it not wise for one  to open eyes at least now and seek  shelter in the Almighty Within, which would facilitate obtention of the final Salvation! '

Parents give us the body but it is for us how to utilise it for our best benefit in this as well as in the other world. It is not the class in which one happens to take birth and grow up that is important. Almighty's awareness  is necessary, for end of our woes. A fruitful life is every body's choice.  One who wishes to possess a rose must be careful about the accompanying  thorns too!  Let us avoid the thorns of entanglements and be mindful about our true mission of realisation in this very life.

Means of Livelihood

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


This human birth is most precious gift of the Almighty.   As we understand from the oft quoted saying from Sankaracharya,  "Jantunam Nara Janma Durlabham" - of all living beings it's difficult to possess human birth.  Knowing this fact one must have comprehension of how to make best of it and leave this world with satisfaction when time is ripe for curtain drop.

'Contentment' is the password for such a good life fraught with assured peace of mind through our existence on this earth. "Appu Leni Sansara Maina Pate Chalu" by the great poet savant Annamacharya describes the ways of happy living in this world.

'One should always be guided by the Almighty Within.  One should not go in for committing wrongful methods of living out of vanity and land  into difficulties. It is advisable to be satisfied with whatever hard money  honestly received instead of going in for entering into debts. When a stage is reached about inability to clear of debts with compounded interest liability the condition becomes woeful. One should be satisfied with the legitimate income, even though a little.

'Even living in a hut is worthwhile provided the thatched roof  does n't have chinks/ holes. Even a ladle of simple porridge  would suffice for a worry free life. If the wife is of good and amiable qualities, why bother about caste or sect from which she hails ? It's enough if she is not wicked natured. Paltry money earned honestly is far better than a fortune raised out of illegal means.

'Living for only a day is worthwhile it it is without any blames and humility. Offering food, even if it is only fistful, to others before defilement by self is worthwhile. Simple living with honour is far better than acting high and becoming cheap in the presence of many. Since 'fine words butter no parsnips', it is better to help whatever little extent possible as per one's mite than mere delivering of grand words of  sympathy.

' A hassle free life is far better than a living entangled in lots of problems and worries. How can a pillar with slippery mud surface can be helpful for support? Better to quit instead of struggling with it.  So, instead of harbouring relentless thoughts in one's mind it is far far better to live a happy complacent life by taking refuge in the Almighty Within.'...

It may come into one's mind a childhood story about vanity versus simple living.  A prodigal woman of ten cows approaches her neighbour with only one cow for a debt and later repudiates having ever taken debt with so may cows being as her asset. When approached by the neighbour woman for justice, the  king asks them to walk in the mud clean their feet and come back. The prudent woman of one cow spends only one pitcher of water while the prodigal woman wastes many pitchers of water to clean her feet. Hence the case decided in favour of the former rational 'contented'  woman and end result for the prodigal....humility before the king and public!

Simple Living with Contentment ...Contentment....Contentment......The Sublime Mantra for ennobling of  one's prudent life for divine pursuit towards Salvation.

Prudent Versus Prodigal

Om Shanti!

Monday, February 1, 2016


'Pidikili Minchani Manasulo,  Kadalini Minchina Asalu'
(Oceanful Desires  In  Fistful Heart)

Abysmal fathom between the physical size of the human body and the incomprehensible countless subtle  yearnings within it is well expressed in the above telugu proverb.  The amazing contrast between body and mind can be expressed with comparison to a candle. The wick of a candle is hardly a few millimetres and stable in length while the light emanating from it spreads far and wide in all directions. Likewise the physical body, particularly in meditation, is fixed and stable at one place but the mind encompasses realms of the whole cosmos. This expanding nature of the mind is more than an ocean to hold any thing in contemplation.

How to face this type of incongruous human nature is explained by Annamacharya in a tatvic (spiritual knowledge) keertana "Ede Jenalu Yi Dehambunu".  (This body is seven spans - stretch between thumb tip and little finger tip - only).....

'This human body is hardly seven spans in size but it's behavioural aspects are beyond any one's comprehension.

'This body is coupled with 'Mind'.  Mighty oceans may be filled to full but not so with this Mind which is insatiable. All the plantations on this earth may yield crop fully  but the sinful acts have no fruitful end.

'Speedily crawling away snake may be caught effortlessly but the slipping away age can not be held back - day by day increase in age is in other way reduction in longevity day by day.  Fire may be extinguished  by water within no time but the fire of anger can not be extinguished in any manner.

'It may be possible to reach down  the far off 'Patala Loka' (last of seven planes/realms downwards from Bhu Loka (earth)  in the Indian philosophy) but it is not possible to visualise the future ahead.
Under these conditions, there is only one way out.  As per guidance of the, rain fall drops like umpteen anecdotes about the Almighty, by the seers, it is wise to take refuge in the Almighty Within......'

A subject (like mind) liable to vast expansion must be reversible in action ;  That is, with proper sadhana - practice, it is possible for the earnest seeker to minimize, zero down and thus vanishjng of the mind from the scene, in the inward journey thus leading oneself towards only  the  'Consciousness' !

Candle - Body Analogy

Om Shanti!

N.B: 100 th Post Scheduled on 19.02.'16