Monday, October 19, 2015


Aham (I) is the fulcrum around which our entire knowledge is based.  Right from our birth we are brought up in such a culture that raising and directing our right index finger towards our chest we are taught to identify ‘I’.  So, our physical stature is taken for granted as true ‘I’.  And most part of our journey in this material world we crave for all earthly pleasures and in the process suffer pains with this 'I the body ' consciousness.         
                                                         What is real happiness is never found on these superficial moorings -anchoring at notional places of paradise,  just as a person holding a wrong or misspelt address in 
his hand, can never reach the right address.  Only a postman who is possessing sufficient knowledge about each and every door of the place can help you to decipher the proper address and guide you to reach the right destination with great relief, putting an end to your anguish of tiresome searches.
The postman is none other than the Sadguru.  With his kind bestowal of knowledge you come to the surprising reality that your raising and pointing of right index finger towards your chest for ‘I’ is absolutely correct but with a sea change in your awareness. It is not at all the physical body but the ‘hrudguha’ (spiritual heart) within - the real abode of ‘I’, the ‘Atman’, the Essence, the True Consciousness.  Sri Ramana Maharshi alluded to this, being located at slightly to the right of your physical heart. Now you are awakened! Your illusion about the body consciousness being identified with ‘I’ is driven away. You have come to realise that the real I - That Is You - are Immortal.
This Supreme knowledge was revealed by our learned sages expressed in four ‘Maha Vakyas’ (Great Statements) of Upanishads.  They are, Prajnanam Brahma (Brahma is the Supreme Knowledge, Consciousness), Tat Tvam Asi (You Are That), Ayam Atma Brahma (The Esssence,Consciousness and the Supreme Consciousness are Same) and Aham Brahma Asmi (I Am The Brahman, The Supreme Consciousness).

‘Once a prospective seeker went to a Guru and asked, “Guruji please accept me as your disciple.  I wish to learn 'Brahma Jnana’ from you”.  For this the Guruji replied without hesitation, “You come after ‘I’ die!” The prospective seeker got perplexed pondering about how could it be possible for the Guruji to impart anything after his death? He prostrated before the Guruji and prayed for explaining about what the Guruji meant by his bewildering statement.  Then the Guruji elaborated that, so long as the ‘Aham - I’ of body consciousness predominated in one – as revealed in the words, ’I’ wish to learn - he would not be ripe to receive ‘Brahma Jnana’.  The annihilation of Egoistic ‘I’ is a must to become worthy of receiving the Supreme Knowledge.’

‘Consequently, the prospective seeker had another doubt to be clarified, “Excuse me Guriji, how can I realise that the egoistic ‘I’ completely vanished in me leading to spiritual ripening and come to you for the Supreme Knowledge?”  The Guruji took him to the nearby wheat field and asked him to observe the heads of corn. Some were erect and many others were drooping.  Then Guruji explained, "When erect head is slashed, no grain comes out, because it has no grains at all.  Whereas when a bowing head is slashed, all the grains fall off.  That is, if one removes Ego from his head and bows his head before God, he is spiritually ripe!  Otherwise, if his head remains erect with Ego, he is not spiritually ripe.”

So, with sufficient spiritual nectar you all relished through these ‘anecdote – garnished anthologies' on Tatva Jnana (True  Knowledge) till date, it is my earnest conviction that you are all, with all humility of spiritual awakening and ripening, the ‘stout and drooping heads of corn!'

               Igo-free head bows down
Om Shanti!

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