Thursday, October 15, 2015


Watch your thoughts, They become words;
Watch your words, They become actions;
Watch your actions, They become habits;
Watch your habits, They become character;
Watch your character, It becomes your Destiny!
---Lao Tzu

Buddha lived and preached in a way and left this world; Christ lived and preached in a way and left this world; like them many other luminaries that dart the columns of the spiritual history, left their blazing trail as the glowing examples of Wisdom Par Excellence.  Their teaching are gems of knowledge. If some observation of their life history is made, one will come to know that those personalities never thought of imitating or copying any of their predecessors.  Their ‘mind’ and 'Intellect' were the most vital factor, being the source of generation of impulses termed thoughts, ideals replete with two basic ingredients namely Love and Compassion which were translated into their utterances – preaching.  And their greatness lay in strictly putting, what was preached, into practice! Their Creed and Deed were One !

So let the mind be free from all such stuff - husk and chaff which is irrelevant.   ‘We have to see only the gentle way of living with occasional responses of healthy thoughts that are generated in the mind- as per our True Nature within us, that of Love and Compassion. This state elevates one to peaceful, blissful condition of mind.  Buddha came into this world, got enlightenment, passed on his knowledge and left the world.  No body need become same Buddha again.  Similarly, nobody need try to become another Christ, another Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, another Ramana Maharshi.  The question is, ‘Why one should try to duplicate those names?’  The world does not require repetition of the same personality.  Better try to Be Different, Be What You Are!   Live naturally with 'condition-free mind'. Your 'thought-speech-action' process is to be originated from the Divine within.  (I had shared in my earlier ‘Efficacy of Mantra’ theme, the divine ecstasy of the mellifluous OM ‘nada uccharana’ – chanting of the Primordial Sound ‘OM’.) You can emulate the 'Incarnations',  but in your own 'way' you will have to become the Guiding Spirit for the contemporary as well as the posterity.   Everybody is a potential Buddha by nature.  Only requirement is to make sufficient effort to brush aside the veil of ignorance about the illusory, transient material world.

‘A priest had an ardent desire to be called by his people as ‘another Moses.’  He toiled very much towards this end by resorting to various philanthropic activities. Years passed by and he grew old but the public din’t recognise him as another Moses. Once the worrisome priest had a dream in which  The  Almighty appeared and asked about the cause of his worry.  He explained about non fulfilment of his desire of being called another Moses.  The Almighty smiled and told him, ‘When you come to the gates of Heaven I do not ask whether you are a good Moses, I only ask whether you are a good Priest. Try to be yourself.  If I wanted a Moses again, I would have created another Moses.’  With this the priest was relieved and had peace of mind since then.’

On important thing is that one has to coolly settle down,  pose himself the question ‘Who am I?’, and seek the answer from within. The realisation about the ‘Divinity within’ that is, the True Self blossoms.  To arrive at  'I',  start discarding whatever is  'My' , by pursuing till the end, the principle 'neti', 'neti' (not this or I am not this) - my hands, my legs, my lungs, my liver, my heart, my my thoughts, my mind, my intellect and so on - go on discarding. You come to  realise that you are that Super  Consciousness  which is awake in all the four states of consciousness of one's  existence, namely  Jagridavastha, Swapnavastha, Sushuptavastha and Turiyavastha (States of wakefulness,  dream, deep sleep without dream, and highest state of Consciousness). You will also realise that ‘I am performing through this three tier matter having 'Nama Rupa' (name and form) – gross, subtle, causal bodies: The three gunas (attributes) - Satva, Rajo, Tamo - and their effects  are related to this body only.  I, the Super Consciousness, am playing the role of only a Witness !’  In such a state, you will start experiencing the Divine Bliss! Please do not forget the Universal Consciousness scribbling  through this existence 'Om Shanti' is with you in your sincere efforts for Realisation.

Blessed with the hassle free life, most of the day I prefer to remain silent.  My mind is like ‘relaxing oxen or horses’ relieved from the burden of yoke of plough or cart.   My yoke was the Ego of "I am Doing" .  What a sense of calmness and coolness like that of the full moon enjoyed lying on the bed after dinner.

A conscious mind need not worry about the ‘conditional’ meditations of time and space – that is, worrying about what to meditate,  where to meditate and when to meditate. My full awareness is so much complacent that I feel within myself, ‘Why should I leave my natural state and sit stringently fretting about an outcome unknown.  The known is my Experience, my Being - Already in Bliss; what more I require ?

Actions I do – for,  any vibration, movement is an action in this mundane world.  Only difference is that I try to understand each activity and relegate the one which is not relevant for me.  Such conscious relegation of unwarranted responses through action keep my mind free and relaxed.  A free mind feels that the unbounded happiness and compassion is within us.  We must not search for them somewhere else outside. That very staunch belief provides you Peace of Mind.  With a feeling of belonging in each and every cell and atom of this creation - animate or inanimate, animals, plants and all other beings without differentiation – I salute, within my heart, to the Super Consciousness - Paaram Atma- pervading  in them too!  Their divine blessings are the source of my Bliss!

      (Christ in dream of the Priest)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                             

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