Thursday, October 1, 2015


When I attained Enlightenment I didn't feel, as the mind feels, any arbitrary conceptions of spiritual truth, not even the slightest.  Even the words, Total Enlightenment are merely words, they are used merely as a figure of speech.
---Goutama Buddha.

Among the seeker community when one has remarkable experiences on the path of spiritual journey, I feel it is to be shared with other seekers with all humility whatsoever.  A candle’s brightness does not diminish in any way, even if a thousand candles are lit with it.  Quite often than not the ‘inner bliss’ dominates so much right in the thick of some physical, domestic problems that the coexistence of spiritual ‘internal bliss’ and domestic external problems is quite amusing for me. For at this matured stage, all those problems are not more than drifting feathers in a windy sky – certainly not bogging down in my heart.  

Observing this pristine pure ever-joyful countenance, my yoga guru asked me to stand near him facing towards the practitioners ( to enable them to see face to face my spriteful, highly motivating gestures)  at the time of 'heartful and boisterous laughing exercise' daily, to declare to the whole world with a loud ' trumpet voice' that – "There is no sin in me!, There is no misery in me!, I am the (omnipotent) reservoir of infinite power!, I am the reservoir of infinite peace!, I am the reservoir of infinite bliss!" I do obey my Master in veneration. But in right earnest I humbly submit to you that, I am only a witness, unaffected by any accolades or admonitions ;  bouquets or brickbats.

When a person is greeted by many, it is because of the love and compassion he nurtures in their hearts.  For more than six years (x365 days) and continuing still, I cordially greet the watch and ward staff of the park, “Good Morning! How are you!”  I enthuse them to upgrade their answer from ‘Fine’ to ‘Excellent’.  Till date they don’t know my name. But they cherish me in their hearts as ‘Good Morning Sir',  That is enough!  Similarly, I thought of driving away into the oblivion the original identity and make it suffice for my benevolent followers, the present nom de plume ‘Om Shanti’.

The afore mentioned is not at all mind boggling if one understands and appreciates one of the basic tenets in spiritualism.  Suppose a person does a work (for example donating) to another person.  There are three things involved 1) The person acting. 2) The person for whom he acted and 3) The Act.  A seeker shall not carry the thought  that he had done a certain act, he shall not carry the thought  for whom he had done and he shall not carry the thought  of what (the act) he had done. Then he is not in those three so to say.  Living this way he becomes blissful and Liberated! Just as a salt doll plunging into the sea to know its taste, loses its identity itself by melting away, an enlightened one after losing body consciousness, merges into the Universal Consciousness and won't say 'I am enlightened'.

‘ In a certain village news spread overnight that  a wood-cutter got Enlightened! So a person from the neighbouring village wanted to interview him personally.  Making enquiries he traced the address of the wood-cutter. When he came to see him the wood-cutter was seriously involved in cutting of wood into pieces with his axe. The visitor wondered as he was of the opinion that the Enlightened would be sitting under a tree like sages of yore.  He asked the wood-cutter, “Sir, it is the talk of the town that you have become jnani (Enlightened one) recently.  Can you please explain me about any shift in your attitudes and behaviours ‘before’ and ‘after’ Enlightenment?” The wood-cutter replied with a smile, “Sir, before getting Enlightenment I used to cut wood, fetch water from the well.  I am cutting wood, fetching water from the well even ‘after’.  Before Enlightenment I used to do the tasks wearily with a feeling that ‘I’ was doing them.  In the present tasks, after Enlightenment, ‘I’ am not in them.

If one's mind is used in such a way that it will be free from any attachment, then it's the Enlightenment !

On Shanti!

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