Monday, October 5, 2015


'Let the mind be cheerful but calm.  Never let it run into excesses because every excess will be followed by a reaction'
---Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi

"Can you please request your spiritual guru if there is any possibility-any channel- by which I can share, pass on at least a part of my blissful state to noble seekers and well wishers like you?"   With a childlike naivety I had pleaded with my senior yoga colleague once.  He smiled because he knew that  I was fully aware of the appropriate answer for myself.  Of course,  you too know that I can not describe and share with you the exact taste of honey ( or spiritual manna) unless you experience for yourself by putting a drop of honey on your tongue.  I can only say that at this state our minds are pristine pure and always open to grasp any fresh knowledge that enhances  our elated being.

The quality of the image reflected depends on the clear and bright surface of the mirror. So with the mind;  an impure mind crammed with worldly things cannot receive the spiritual knowledge essential for realizing one's True Self.  Hence removal of filth is necessary before seeking The Ultimate Truth. This is possible by resorting to serious mental exercise with rationality.  

Past:- Too much pondering over the past events certainly becomes an impediment in spiritual growth. We know that a person on race track will not look back time and again  at the other competitors lagging behind for fear of losing the pace and advantage of being ahead.   

Future:- For sure it is not in our hands.  Every thing is ordained by forces beyond our comprehension and let alone control over them. Then why should waste our time and energies contemplating on the unknown? One who adapts to the circumstances and events survives well.  The fury of floods uproots and carries away the unbending mighty trees, but the grass like plants bend humbly to the situation and are spared from the fury of the floods as a matter of survival.  

Present:- There is one Thumb Rule about how one has to pass through. Our necessities will be fulfilled somehow  but not the  desires.  So one should be shrewd enough to mind about the action at hand which poses like and in reality is a necessity.

Thus the gradual elimination of undue pile up of garbage  - the thoughts of the past, future and restless desires of the present will certainly bring calmness for the mind.  The tranquillity, serenity 
obtained ,within itself, has a pleasant blissful nature.  Now the mind has become a receptacle for any fresh and glorious divine knowledge.  One will be able to differentiate between grain and chaff and being fully aware now that the chaff leads to transitory mundane frivolities, invariably picks up grains of  knowledge for enlightenment.  Satsang - association with noble and pious persons, Sat-grandha patthana - access to only spiritual related scriptures, Pilgrimage - to see holy places;  are the building material for a healthy, pious, rapturous, elated state of mind.  With this I ardently hope that my respectful readers have shared my ecstatic moments in spiritual journey.

'Once a University professor  went to see a zen master to receive zen. The zen master welcomed him, made him sit and as a matter of honour offered to pour tea in the cup in front of the professor.  The professor was taken back when he observed that the zen master was continuing to pour tea even after the cup became brimful. When asked by the professor about his strange action, the zen master replied, " Your mind is like this cup, already full of your ideologies which need to be emptied first to make room for receiving zen afresh." '

The subject related anecdote that follows is for relaxation and passing on to your children for moral building.  Once there lived two friends in a village side by side.  Among them one was a devotee of God always indulging in pious actions.  And the other was an atheist who believed every thing was man's making only; There was no such being called God. The ideological differences between them however didn't affect their friendship.  One day God thought of imparting Divine Knowledge to the really worthy one among them by conducting a test.  He  disguised Himself as a traveller from far off uplands.  First He knocked at the door of the atheist and said, "Dear Sir, I am a traveller from far off uplands.  Please open the door and let me unload the bundle (of Divine knowledge) on my head." Without any hesitation quick reply followed from behind the closed door, "Sorry, I can not open the door.   There is no room for you and your luggage inside my house. Please go away!"  The God, making a sigh  over the ill luck of the atheist, was about to move away from the place.  The door of the neighbour theist  opened wide and a sweet voice came from within. "Oh Sir, I welcome you with full honour.  My house, though small in size, is spacious enough to accommodate you and your luggage comfortably.  Please be kind enough to grace my house  for this night."  The God was so much pleased with his hospitality that He delivered the parting gift of Enlightenment to the  devout householder.

'When the mind is left without anything to cling to, it becomes still.  There is no mind to control if you realize the Self.  The mind having  vanished, the Self shines forth, in the realized man. The mind may be active or inactive, the Self remains for him.' ---Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi.

(Almighty  with divine knowledge)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                

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