Friday, October 23, 2015


Satsangatve nissangatvam, nissangatve nirmohatvam,
Nirmohatve nischala tatvam, nischala tatve jivanmuktih ||
(Sri Sankaracharya in Bhajagovindam)

(The company of the good leads to non attachment; non attachment leads to 'free from delusion'; 'free from delusion' leads to calm stable mind; stable mind leads to liberation from life)

The Day – Thursday, Twenty Second October Two Thousand Fifteen Anno Domini :-

*The day to celebrate major festival in India, Dasara, symbolic of victory over evil: 

*The day to go down in history of India as Foundation Day of Amaravati (by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi) – the cynosure Capital of Andhra:     And,

*The day to turn out for me , a special way of dawning, with awakened state throughout the night, frequented by blissful visions.
On this auspicious day, I turned up at the park for yoga as usual half an hour before time.  And to my great surprise, long time missing (on account of hectic shooting schedules) bosom yoga colleagues and twins, Ram Lakshman (exceptionally high spirituals yet reigning Fight Masters - with non attachment -  in cine world, Nandi Award winners for several years) appeared.  Within a couple of minutes of their arrival, another senior colleague and veteran in long period meditation and yoga, 
above all my best well wisher,  Sri G N Rao joined.
I confided to them, last nights’ totally awakened state, the blissful visions experienced prompting me to shift my original stand, ‘I am leaving no stone unturned in my sadhana to make this present birth - last one‘, towards new stand that, ‘It is more thrilling to opt for coming back time and again into this beautiful world – to share all activities related to spiritual blossom and fragrance with all noble souls around the globe.”  In addition I quoted our sages saying that, ‘Only through the human birth, it is possible for one to realise the final salvation.  That is why even angels who are not at all enlightened, come back to human form for getting Liberation (Mukti).” And it was my wish to initiate divine knowledge in as many as possible in future births too.   
Then Ram Lakshman confessed that they too had visions of similar nature in their deep meditation prompting them to come to the conclusion that our human birth is par excellence, compared with other planes.  They propounded that we are at vantage point because, we are blessed with two  types of bliss;  One, ‘Dehananda’ – relating to the playful  but well harnessed subtle Mind  under ‘Our’ observation  and Two, ‘Atmananda’/’Brahmananda’, attained in the deep state of meditation. Thus the human birth is far superior to any other in many respects.  The way of practically successful ‘water drop on lotus leaf, ‘detached state in affluency’ of these twins is impeccable.
‘Wisdom up to the hilt’, is Sri G N Rao who, partaking in the deliberations about rebirth, clinched with a benign smile, “Nothing is in our hands!.”   Of course, if you remember, is this statement not in consonance with what I mentioned in the first line of recent ‘Fleeting Reflections’?  That is, “reconciliation with what is ordained from time to time”.  Yes, everything on this earth, for that matter, the whole Creation (encompassing  'birth - sustenance - death'  circle), is as ordained by the Supreme Consciousness – our ‘rebirths’ or ‘no births’ are up to It.  We are only Witness ultimately!
Hope you have heart fully enjoyed this lively and exhilarating true ‘Satsanga’ among us, the ardent seekers. Our spirits fly high with joy with a trickle of drop from our saturated eyes, as we share such spiritual snippets laden with divine nectar. One point to drive home in this is that genuine feelings in a seeker need not be suppressed!  Have you not heard about  avatars like Shirdi Saibaba and Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi shed tears at the final departure of their devotees?  Emotions have their role in the gross existence though the Consciousness is above and apart ! A subtle difference indeed!
One thing I assure you, 'Satsanga' has an ennobling role of  'cleansing and purifying the soul' !  So, it is a Golden Path Towards Enlightenment with Enjoyment at the same time. Blessed are those who are already initiated or getting inspired to participate in Satsangas around their vicinity. Always remember it is not logic,reasoning,weighment, argument but only Faith in Divinity that springs from your heart and awakens you !

Still Water enables Reflections,
Still Mind enables Emancipation
(My reflections in Treasure Island Resort, Gandipet, Hyderabad)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                         

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