Saturday, October 17, 2015


Samam sarveshu bhuteshu tishtthamtam parameswaram,
Vinasyatsva vinasyantam yah pasyati sa pasyati ll
---Bhagavadgita 13.28

(One who sees the Super Soul accompanying the Individual Soul in all bodies and who understands that neither the Individual Soul nor Super Soul within the destructible body is ever destroyed, actually sees)

The purpose of a mirror in the dressing table is to reflect one’s features. That is about one’s face, hair – curls and plaits if any to groom, and to ensure decency of attire. Well, this is about the external features.  Can this mirror be of some more help, in respect of my Interior?  I thought so.  The mirror being a must for everyday use, I thought why should not I scribble something that constantly reminds me about my mission in this world. because as the elders say " Out of Sight,  Out of  Mind".  So, I wrote OM with Gayatri Mantra - for, Krishna said in Gita (10.35) ‘gayatri chandasa maham’ (among all the grammatical perfect mantras, I reside in Gayatri). 

One more notable scrawling inter alia is ‘Kah Satru’ ( who is the enemy).  Perusal of good books influence positive thoughts and sometimes have a transforming effect on the discerning reader.  Yes, this one word -Kah Satru-wrought upon me into visualizing the Paaram Atma –the Supreme consciousness  - in every being, as the tears rolled down, when being deeply immersed, I subrogated into the  ‘feelings’ of Indra, at the time of his Enlightenment.  I share the story behind this ‘Kah Satru’.

Indra , is the name of a post, that of  Lord of Devas in Heaven.  Generally he is depicted as immersed in pleasures, wine and women – his court having glamorous dancers like Rambha, Urvasi, Menaka, Tilottama.  Eyeing for this exalted position, the Danava (demons) kings used to wage wars, catching Indra unaware, dethrone him. He used to run away and seek help from the Trinity-Brhma, Vishnu, Maheswara-  in turns for his restoration.  After regaining his throne he used to slip into pleasures and lose throne once again in the war by demons. This vicious circle continued during the regimes of several Indras.  Vexed up with these repetitions, one indra seriously thought of finding a permanent solution  for this affair.  He went on Tapas (penance). Years passed by but he couldn’t find the answer.  Undeterred by initial setbacks he stepped up his austerity in Tapas.  Finally, Enlightenment dawned upon him.   With utter amazement he visualized his own being,  ‘Indra’ in each and every other being.  There were no more rakshasas (demons) but himself, no more dancers, devas, Trinity – in all of them he himself was seen.  No more a friend or foe;  a wicked or gentle, a good place or bad place; all differences dissolved into Oneness.  All illusory plurality of creation vanished with the oneness of Super Consciousness!’ -  For me, it was a memorable transcendence in my 'awareness',  in my life!

Keeping in tune with the above-mentioned Truth, of late, our yoga group has imbibed new way of exhortations :-

"O All children, Ladies and Gentlemen ! O All animal and plant Beings ! You are All One  Almighty.  You Are All Playing Different Roles of One Almighty !"

I suggest to my friends circle to hear some of the tatva jnana (spiritual knowledge) based devotional songs by Annamacharya. Hope you too will relish the content given below as a glimpse.

‘What is the Being and what is the non-Being, for is it not the Almighty that pervades in all forms.?  Whom shall we rebuke and whom shall we praise?  For who is Independent apart from the One who is present in all.  So our praise or scorn are deemed to be addressed to Him only.  Which place is good and which one is bad when every place is His abode.’.  This is the essence in brief of a tatva jnana (spiritual wisdom) based kirtana by Annamacharya – ‘Ainadedi kani dandulo nedi nanarupi Srinadhude kaka ‘- melodiously sung by famous Priya Sisters (available in you tube).

If a cool pondering over the above narration generates sincere interest towards understanding the Universal  Consciousness – 'That is Thou' ;  I will be justified !

'Ainadedi kani dandulo nedi' sung by me

  "Indra's Enlightenment" (17.10.'15)

Om Shanti!

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