Friday, March 11, 2016


Your mind is your instrument; learn to be it's master and not it's slave.
'Rule your mind or it will  rule you' - Horace

The incomprehensible mind is always a riddle to solve and the mindful one succeeds at the end. It's the diligence of mastery over slavery that decides one's victory. 

So in understanding the attributes of the mind, in order to be able to master over it diligently, we may peep into the lyrical flow of Annamacharya in the sankeerana, ' Kanchu Gadu Penchu Gadu, Kadu Beluchu Manasu'.

'Oh My Men! Look at the strange attributes of this Mind. It is hard but not a metal like bronze; It is fragile (brittle) but it is not earthen tile. In fact, it can  not be assessed in proper perspective. nor can it be shared with others.  In the ultimate analysis, It is incomprehensible for the human being. But for those who are bent on subduing it, there is no way other than taking refuge in the Almighty within.

'It is not possible to hold in one's hands because it is not outside. Nor is it water current flowing around us. It is with us but it is not our relative. Being with us still it is uncontrollable.  How strange is this Mind?

'There is no specific 'form' , shape and size,  for this Mind.  But desires (likes and dislikes) are endless. It prompts countless aspirations in one. It can not be compared to the precious gold.  It is hard like a stone to get melted (softened); but this is not a stone. In this world as well as in the other world this is the one  which exercises authority.

'Wonder is, it's within me; but certainly it's not the Almighty Within as mistaken by many. Even if one desires to bundle out; it can not be bound.  It is invisible ; but it is not air.  Even such a tricky stuff meriting for getting ridden off,  at the same time, this Mind 'comes out with flying colours' in its divine mission of Self Realisation by taking refuge in the Almighty Within.'

With this clarity about the attributes of the mind, it is now for us to find the ways to harness it to our advantage in fulfilling our mission in this world.

'A quiet mind is all you need.  All else will happen rightly.  Once your mind is quiet, as the sun once rising makes the world active, so does Self-awareness affect changes in the mind.  In the light of calm and steady awareness, inner energies wake up and work miracles, without effort on your part ' - (Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj).

If the Mind dwells on 'Reason' and 'Logic',  Heart is the seat for 'Love' and 'Compassion'. A judicious combination of both, striking an equilibrium between the two, spells one's personality and progress in this world and into the other !

Equilibrium of Mind and Heart

Om Shanti!

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