Monday, March 28, 2016


Elderly say, one keen on 'divine knowledge' can get it only in the proper hands of a Sadguru. Otherwise one will be lost in groping through the labyrinthine studious scriptures and discerning discourses, thus missing the divine source of salvation in this very precious life span.

Annamacharya dwells on this aspect in his sankeertana, "Sakalamu Chadivina Sastramu Lerigina".

''Oh My Men! Whatever be the voracious readings one has undertaken; whatever be the magnitude of the scriptures studied, it ultimately boils down to 'One Single Truth'.  It is the same which sage Suka had taught in the ages back and later Dhruva attained by the grace of Lord Vishnu.

'Creation is the manifestation of diversity of One Supreme Consciousness.  Hence, the created do not match each other in any way. Every being in this world, by way of diversity, has individual name and form.  And, they are carried away by the play of 'Illusion' of the Almighty, thus resulting in multiplicity of cycles of births and deaths.  One can put an end to this vicious cycle of Illusion only by awareness and seeking refuge in  the Almighty Within.

'Each religion in this world propounded its own method to reach the Almighty. And in their creed of the spiritual path itself there are many uncleared doubts in their approaches. Whatever may be different propositions about 'realisation' of the Almighty, there is one last solution for the mankind, and that is 'seeking within'.

'There are variety of races in this world.  But the ultimate goal of all these races is only one, that is, Salvation - That is the state of breaking of the chains of births and deaths; and obtaining Eternal Bliss. Oh Almighty! This is the Ultimate Truth, I was imparted through my Great Guru!'

 As clear as writing on the wall about the Jewel, The Parama Guru Within veiled from search in the play of Maya. Bid adieu to bulky scriptures and discourses; Once sought and unveiled within, His Grace itself is Salvation. What is needed? 'Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya '! From Ignorance to Awareness ! That is how we are blessed with pathfinders such as above in the form of spiritual sankeertanas. Let us benefit from them with due reverence to the seers of yore!


Om Shanti!

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