Thursday, March 24, 2016


Shrewdness of a devotee lies in the way he eulogises the Almighty by praising that when he is under His protection  and good looks, what if certain daily chores, behoved of him, are not adhered to or complied with.

Thus we find an element of unconditional free mind of a yogi, a Jnani, a Realised Soul, who experiences all-pervading Consciousness.  His actions, done without any desire or passion, are not questionable about their appropriateness.

The amusing shrewdness of the devotee, Annmacharya we now relish in his sankeertana, "Chittana Bettaku Mimata Sriramana"........

'Oh My Almighty! Please keep this word of mine in Your mind without forgetting.  You too know that I am Ignorant! How can I identify You after all?  Even then, please pay attention to my words of request.

'It is true that You are 'within', as all-pervading Almighty. Even if I may not remind You it is tantamount to have reminded you.  You are the Lord of all beings!  Even though I may not serve You it is tantamount to having served You.

'You have encompassed the whole Cosmos.  So even if I may not salute You in particular, it is tantamount to having saluted You, if I just look up in to the sky.  All the syllables emanated from and belong to You only.  Hence, even I may not spell a particular name of Yours, just a syllable from me is tantamount to have addressed You only.

'You are the 'Yoga Purusha!', presiding over all the 'power points' of life.  Since those are within us, even if I have not worshipped You explicitly, it is tantamount to have worshipped You 'within'.

'Oh My Almighty! Even if I am of quite forgettable nature, I am Your staunch faithful servant and refuge. (Hence, always keep in Your mind the above words of mine)'........

Thus all the 'excuses' about non-compliance (performance) of explicit daily chores of the ardent devotee in the above sankeertana, in fact, depict the state of a 'realised soul' in this world.  The seeker-followers can practise 'Nishkama Karma' as a way of life and realise that blissful state within a short period!

Om Shanti!

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