Manushyanam sahasreshu kaschidyatati siddhaye |
Yatata mapi siddhanam kaschinyam vetti tattvatah ||
(Bhagavad Gita 7.3)
(Out of one crore human beings only one strives for Yoga Siddhi.
And out of them only one succeeds in knowing Me in Truth)
---Thus Spake Krishna !
'Divinity' is much easier topic to talk about. Otherwise how can one explain for the plethoric mushroom growth swamijis delivering spiritual discourses magnanimously with great oratory skills, all over the globe today taking advantage of the high speed proliferation by media coverages. In fact way back, Swami Vivekananda had described about the millions of audience who seek newer and newer sensational 'para' knowledge every day as 'Opium Addicts' ending up no where on the spiritual path.
Voracious perusal of books on ' Art of Swimming' and exposure to relevant audio visual material on that subject may not save the novice from 'drowning', without practical training in water under proper guidance of an authorised and experienced Instructor. So much so, about the Sishya (Disciple) - Sadhana (Practice) - under Guru Siksha (Guidance) ; The best path for Divine Realisation. A genuine seeker has to persevere with steadfast commitment in and out. Purity of Thought, Speech, Action in every day life, in every breath, is quintessential for him.
The poet savant Annamacharya describes about this subject in his sankeertana "Andari Vasama Hari Neruga".
'Is it possible for all to know about the Almighty? Out of many millions hardly one succeeds in his sustained efforts to realise the divinity. There are people who struggle and succeed in their goals of mundane interests. But having the sole commitment to realise divinity only and nothing else is not seen among them.
'Even though born into high caste Hindu Brahmin family, many do not show interest in learning Vedas. (Please remember this was written well nigh seven hundred years back). Even if some are diligent in reciting Vedas, hardly one of them ardently prays for the benevolence of the Almighty.
Thus ultimately only one noble soul turns out as successful in steadfast contemplation and accomplishment of the Divinity.
'With all hurdles overcome at last only one among trillions succeeds in becoming the Jivan Mukta, The Liberated Soul or Nitya Mukta, Ever Free Realised Soul. For him the very existence is Consciousness Nothing Else. Thus identification, surrender and merger with Hari Consciousness is complete !'
A Successful Person does 'Not' have a 'Word' in his Dictionary. And that Word is 'IMPOSSIBLE ! For him, in any field, there is only one clear approach - Never Say Die; Try and Try Till You Succeed ! Ramakrishna Paramahansa said, each and every devotee standing in queue for Prasadam of the Deity in a temple will certainly get it. For some who are early to the temple and be front in queue, it may be early and for some others at a distance it may be a little late. But all devotees will be served with Prasadam. (By the by you too enjoy recently sung beautiful sankeertana in Arenar Songs blog, "Devuni Prasadamu Terala Nandukoro") . In the same way he said, every human being is deemed to get the salvation ultimately. For some it may be within this birth and for some others it may take a few more rebirths.
Having got the 'tip off' from Paramahansa, why not we enthusiastically strive to make this birth our last one!
Every Devotee Deserves Prasadam ;
Every Being Deserves Paramapadam !
Om Shanti!
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