Monday, March 21, 2016


The concept of 'Papa-Punya' is imparted in one's childhood by parents and mentors thus; Manusha Karmas (deeds  in this world) are of two categories; One, Punya Karmas (noble and pious deeds) which earn name and respect in  this world as well as Swarga Loka Sukhas ( Pleasures in Heaven) in the other. And Two, Papa Karmas (Bad, evil deeds) which bring ignominy in this world and Naraka Loka Yatana, Siksha (Chastisement and tortures in Hell) in the other. So, one shall resort to 'good deeds'. But in general no body is taught in that buddy stage that,  Punya Phala and Papa Phala (results of pious or sinful deeds) are cyclic in nature in that, after completion of term in heaven or hell, one has to take rebirth again on this earth. And that there is one thing called Liberation! Emancipation from worldly bondages; from cycles of births and deaths.

Contemplation about the Eternal Liberation is termed 'Sujnana' and itch for deeds of desire,anticipation - performance of acts with expectations of pleasures and treasures in mind - is termed 'Ajnana' by Annamacharya. Dwelling on these aspects of life, he points out at the Liberator of all in  this world, in his sankeertana, "Okati Sujnanamu, Okati Ajnanamu"....

'Oh Wise Ones ! Of the two things I am going to dwell on, one is about 'sujnana' and the other is about 'Ajnana'. Weigh them with your discretion and take up either of the two as per your choice.

'All the pleasures and pains experienced in this human birth are outcome of 'pravritti', that is, indulgence in acts related to the external world. They are not sublime but of quenching of thirst nature; fleeting, transitory without permanent happiness. At the most they breed egoism in one resulting in ignorance of benevolence to other fellow beings. Only selfishness prevails in the being.

'Sujnana is that wisdom which reveals the Almighty. One who is aware of this knowledge, is not bound by the 'kamya karmas' (acts with anticipation). He indulges in all worldly actions, but with complete awareness that those actions are a must for him to discharge  his duties and responsibilities in this mortal existence. His mind is free of any anticipations or expectations out of those actions. Otherwise, if he is bound in  his actions, the Almighty's grace on him would be lost.  Being 'Independent' in nature, the Almighty can not be bound by any body.

'Those who  take refuge in  the Almighty seek only Salvation and nothing else. A wise one would not settle for the lower benefits.  Since the offering of Heavenly pleasures is only a way of distraction from the main goal, finally one has to be above the concepts of both Sujnana and Ajnana and become refuge of the Almighty, for Liberation.'......

Thus having known about what is Sujnana and Ajnana it is worthwhile knowing something about the concepts of Pravritti and Nivrutti.  Discharging acts of duties and responsibilities in this external wosrld is Pravritti which is a must for taking this human birth with obligations towards one's family, society, and mother land. But it is not enough. One has to realise the true knowledge of the purpose of his mission of his birth for ultimate Liberation.  This is possible by spiritual path of Nivritti, turning inwards for the Almighty within for Salvation. Thus starting one's journey in Pravritti marga initially, one has to gradually switch over to Nivritti marga for Moksha !

Destination Salvation; 
Not Hell or Heaven !

Om Shanti!


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