Who is Almighty ? "Jagannataka Sutra Dhari " - The ennobled 'Puppeteer' holding (dhari) strings (sutra) of the 'Beings', playing their roles (nataka) on the mighty stage called the 'World' (jagat). He is 'Master Puppeteer' of all puppeteers in this world.
Every body comes in to this world with a predetermined role play and once their mission completed vacate the stage. And this drama is repetitive for all beings with only change in roles in each birth. Then, when is the relief from these exhausting role plays. Certainly it is in the hands of the owner of the troupe - the Almighty who liberates the deserved in the opportune time. And for this the qualification is faithful devotion and unconditional total surrender.
Now let's have what our great poet savant Annamacharya has to reveal about this subject in his sankeertana "Atavari Guditoura".
'In the magnificent sized auditorium called the 'world', a large screen called 'Illusion' is hung up. The hurdles called 'ignorance' are surrounding the screen. To overcome these hurdles a light called 'divine knowledge' is to be lit.
'In this mighty auditorium grand puppet show is going on. The puppets (Beings) are filled with air (prana vayu) for playing their roles. Once deflated, their role play on the stage comes to an end. No body can have the idea about the quantity of air filled in each puppet (thus unaware about the longevity of their role play). Their actions are enjoined with all 'nava rasas' ( nine emotions or moods namely, Srungara, Hasya, Karuna, Vira, Roudra, Bhayanaka, Bhibhatsa, Adbhuta and Santa) arousing vibrant emotions in the audience all around.
'All the audience are appreciative of the enthralling show by the Master Puppeteer but no one can give any thing in return to Him. Since He is the most benevolent benefactor. Who can match Him? Only very few among them are liberated by total surrender to Him.'
A Jnani, the liberated one knows that every thing in this world is moving as per the ordaining by the Almighty only. Hence he becomes a witness for all happenings around him. And as a seeker I know the status of a 'relieved mind' on account of annihilation of all 'reactions' giving way to only 'responses' to the happenings around me. These ennobling qualities may be imbibed by all the seekers following these posts and see the difference in their divine life journey too.
"The Puppet Show"
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