For those who are well aware of the purpose of life, the Almighty is only One ! By whatever name being addressed in different parts of this world or in other realms, only He is the ultimate Liberator. A longest journey starts but with small steps only. The highest spiritual knowledge - Atma Jnana and Brahma Jnana sought by the seekers requires prima facie certain basic precepts of conduct.
These basic aspects of divine life are detailed in the sankeertana, "Devu Dokkade Guri (aim) Telisina Variki" of Annamacharya....
'Restraining of Anger is better than a crore of Japas (sacred chantings); There is no superior Tapas (penance) than abstaining from sinful deeds; Controlling of one's mind is equal to paying visits to all other Lokas (realms/planes). Even if searched till the approach of night one can not find better modes than the above mentioned.
'There is no better pious person than the one who abstains from other women. Renunciation from wants and desires is supreme compared to consuming Soma Rasa (an euphoriant of vedic period) during performance of Yajna. One who maintains Silence equals an ascetic. There are no better means to Salvation than the above mentioned.
'Salvation is not found somewhere else. there is no other path to Liberation than renunciation of both pleasures and pains. There is no better Yogic path to Liberation than putting an end to vacillation of mind. This is the Supreme Knowledge of the Almighty. Only the kind hearted wise ones can show such path of salvation.' ....
Inculcation of all the traits detailed above in one's enthusiastic initiation into the path of divine life and their steadfast adherence with unflinching devotion through thick and thin (even in difficult times) would certainly yield the sole aim of realisation of the One and Only One Being - the Almighty Within. These are the unswerving steps towards Brahma Jnana - Divine Knowledge.!
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