Just it happened like that. Strange coincidence indeed. As I pondered over today's post about the role play of Mind (a fathom less subject matter) and finished recording of related audio at about 9.00 pm last night, just then I received a call from Swamiji of Amara Yoga Vikasa Kendra Ashram and we deliberated for more than half an hour exclusively upon the 'Mind'. The gist of it: 'Presence of Mind is 'Presence of World; Absence of Mind is Absence of World. The ultimate realisation is dissolution of Creation in the Creator and there is only one Being; that is Supreme Consciousness. In the Yogi's parlance, "Turiya Atita" state !'
Sadhana - committed and persistent practice - with the help of tools like Shravana, Manana, Nidhidhyasana etc only can handle the most fluid elusive Mind. Once tamed, the Mind is one's best Friend, Philosopher and Guide and if let lose, it drags down into the abysmal depths of entanglements and ruin. (Already most of the readers are well aware of the sloka 'Uddare datma Atmanam..." of Gita mentioned in my earlier postings) Knowing such importance of the role play of the Mind plethora of hymns emanated from the poet savant Annmacharya. Highly adorable spiritual knowledge is being imparted by him in the present sankeertana, "Paarakumi O Manasa, Pantamu Viduvakumi O Manasa !"
'O Mind! Don't run away like the timid. Don't relax from your obstinacy and stubborn determination. If you let it go you will face downfall. On the other hand if you come nearer to your cherished goal, you will be acclaimed for honours.
'O Mind! Don't let your thoughts linger after sensual pleasures of flesh. Otherwise you will become trapped in entanglements and be spoiled. Let it be known that youth and age are like 'kavadi kundalu' - pots in slings of the yoke on shoulder, oscillating in nature. Happenings of good and bad, gain and loss are all cyclic. Time is not stable but fleeting. Hence O Mind! Turn to the Almighty within and you will realise that there is no better deed than this.
'O Mind! Don't while away your precious time in revelling about amusing happenings of the past. Don't get disturbed and worried by whatever seen by the eyes and heard by the ears. O Mind! Know that the lives of all beings on this earth are like wax and wane of the full moon, rise and fall, come and go in cyclic pattern. It doesn't matter how long one stays on earth or in heaven. It is how much sublime one leads life that matters.
'O Mind! Don't get hooked by the sight of the amorous ladies and be embarrassed later. Don't get cheated by the mischievous and wily conversations. Don't allow blemish of your esteemed status. O Mind! Know that even for all the gods in the higher realms the key for final liberation is same. It's turning towards the Almighty within. With this thought be freed from wavering.'
How much beautifully tackled the fluid nature of the Mind on one hand and at the same time highly optimistic approach of controlling it in the form of enthusiastic suggestions by Annamacharya. I ardently wish that all seekers will derive best benefit from such divine knowledge imparted in the form of his sankeertanas.
Sadhana - committed and persistent practice - with the help of tools like Shravana, Manana, Nidhidhyasana etc only can handle the most fluid elusive Mind. Once tamed, the Mind is one's best Friend, Philosopher and Guide and if let lose, it drags down into the abysmal depths of entanglements and ruin. (Already most of the readers are well aware of the sloka 'Uddare datma Atmanam..." of Gita mentioned in my earlier postings) Knowing such importance of the role play of the Mind plethora of hymns emanated from the poet savant Annmacharya. Highly adorable spiritual knowledge is being imparted by him in the present sankeertana, "Paarakumi O Manasa, Pantamu Viduvakumi O Manasa !"
'O Mind! Don't run away like the timid. Don't relax from your obstinacy and stubborn determination. If you let it go you will face downfall. On the other hand if you come nearer to your cherished goal, you will be acclaimed for honours.
'O Mind! Don't let your thoughts linger after sensual pleasures of flesh. Otherwise you will become trapped in entanglements and be spoiled. Let it be known that youth and age are like 'kavadi kundalu' - pots in slings of the yoke on shoulder, oscillating in nature. Happenings of good and bad, gain and loss are all cyclic. Time is not stable but fleeting. Hence O Mind! Turn to the Almighty within and you will realise that there is no better deed than this.
'O Mind! Don't while away your precious time in revelling about amusing happenings of the past. Don't get disturbed and worried by whatever seen by the eyes and heard by the ears. O Mind! Know that the lives of all beings on this earth are like wax and wane of the full moon, rise and fall, come and go in cyclic pattern. It doesn't matter how long one stays on earth or in heaven. It is how much sublime one leads life that matters.
'O Mind! Don't get hooked by the sight of the amorous ladies and be embarrassed later. Don't get cheated by the mischievous and wily conversations. Don't allow blemish of your esteemed status. O Mind! Know that even for all the gods in the higher realms the key for final liberation is same. It's turning towards the Almighty within. With this thought be freed from wavering.'
How much beautifully tackled the fluid nature of the Mind on one hand and at the same time highly optimistic approach of controlling it in the form of enthusiastic suggestions by Annamacharya. I ardently wish that all seekers will derive best benefit from such divine knowledge imparted in the form of his sankeertanas.
"Parakumi O Manasa, Pantamu Vidakumi O Manasa !"
'Kavadi Kundalu' (pots in slings of the yoke on shoulder)
'Kavadi Kundalu' (pots in slings of the yoke on shoulder)
Divine Persuit - 22.01.'16
Om Shanti!
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