Friday, January 29, 2016


It Is 'Intellect' Instrumental In Imbuing 'I'-Consciousness In Introvert.

Endowment of this factor I - the Intellect differentiates and elevates the Human from other Beings of Creation. Thus this factor I is quite essential for realisation of life's purpose. People hear about so many instances of calling for high austere  measures like Japa (Chanting)  Tapa (Penance) renunciating from the world retreating into deep forests and caves of mountains. How many know that all these extremities are not at all necessary for realisation of life's purpose - Salvation. The most powerful instrument in one's hand, that is, one's Intellect helps in making 'Atma Anatma Vivechana', discreet discrimination between One and Only OneTruth, Parabrahma,Supreme Consciousness and the rest of illusory, transitory Srushti (Creation), Jagat; It guides one towards becoming Introvert. And then only starts the spiritual journey towards Salvation. So to say every thing about the Search for Salvation is 'Within'!

The sankeertana 'E Tapamulu Nela E Danamulu Nela' of Annamacharya throws light on the above mentioned aspects of spiritual strides.

'Why need various Tapas (penances);  Why need various Danas (charities); Serving the Almighty within would realise life's purpose.

'Subjugation of all senses in one's body equals body's attainment of divinity. Contemplating on 'So Hum' ( I Am that Atman) and turning one's vision from outwards towards inner realm (becoming introvert) would visualise all deities within self.

'Retention within of the outgoing breath is equal to acquirement of benefits of Tapas (penance). Gradual subsiding and merging of all thoughts within equals merging away all bondages of sinful deeds.

'After this achievement in spiritual progress  it is better to renunciate from the family matters of both pleasure and pain.  If lived like this one would be Liberated quite early within this span.  Thus the ultimate realisation of Salvation is by seeking refuge in the Almighty Within !'

'It is easier said than done' - this dictum may come into one's mind after going through this 'Easier' method towards Salvation by Annamancharya. But what is Salvation ! Realising that once all illusory being is merged into 'Within',  only One Truth remains, that is the blissful 'I' -  the Supreme Consciousness !

"So Hum -  I Am Atman" Contemplation

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


For those who are well aware of the purpose of life, the Almighty is only One !  By whatever name being addressed in different parts of this world or in other realms, only He is the ultimate Liberator.   A longest journey starts but with small steps only.  The highest spiritual knowledge - Atma Jnana and Brahma Jnana sought by the seekers requires prima facie certain basic precepts of conduct.

These basic aspects of divine life are detailed in the sankeertana, "Devu Dokkade Guri (aim) Telisina Variki" of Annamacharya....

'Restraining of Anger is better than a crore of Japas (sacred chantings); There is no superior Tapas (penance)  than abstaining from sinful deeds; Controlling of one's mind is equal to paying visits to all other Lokas (realms/planes).  Even if searched till the approach of night one can not find better modes than the above mentioned.

'There is no better pious person than the one who abstains from other women.  Renunciation from wants and desires is supreme compared to consuming Soma Rasa (an euphoriant of vedic period) during performance of Yajna.  One who maintains Silence equals an ascetic. There are no better means to Salvation than the above mentioned.

'Salvation is not found somewhere else.  there is no other path to Liberation than renunciation of both pleasures and pains.  There is  no better Yogic path to Liberation than putting an end to vacillation of mind.  This is the Supreme Knowledge of the Almighty.  Only the kind hearted wise ones can show such path of salvation.' ....

Inculcation of all the traits detailed above in one's enthusiastic initiation into the path of divine life and their steadfast adherence with unflinching devotion  through thick and thin (even in difficult times) would certainly yield the sole aim of realisation of the One and Only One Being - the Almighty Within. These are the unswerving steps towards Brahma Jnana - Divine Knowledge.!

"Devu Dokkade Guri Telisina Variki"

Stepping Stones to Salvation

Om Shanti!

Monday, January 25, 2016


Means are as much important as the End itself.  It is not enough if we dream about the sublime goal of final Salvation. Wisdom lies in well thought out preparation for it.  Basically having such bent of mind, one has to show keen interest in the relevant scriptures, meet the sagely personalities of the contemporary period, ardently try for a suitable Sadguru for accepting as one's disciple and give 'Upadesa' for regular follow up, start living an austere life with unflinching devotion, practising to become as much as possible towards being introvert, and if possible pay a  visit or two to the holy shrines and holy rivers - 'Satsangama, for devotional bhajans and spiritual discourses;  Satgrandha Patthana, (For Intuitive Spiritual Awaakening) and Teertha Yatra', for the holy atmosphere reverberating with spiritual chants over centuries). All these form the proper well laid - by the seers of the yonder ages - staircase for climbing up to the terrace, that is, the final Salvation. 

And how, in reality,  things happen to us in this worldly life as a matter of distraction in our earnest effort of spiritual journey. thus making us laughable ones, is described by Annamacharya in 'off the beaten track'  hilarious sounds, like 'A ha ha, O ho ho and I hi hi' in his sankeertana "Tapa Leka Meda  Lekka Dalachemu" (We seek to climb up terrace without staircase- steps). 

In this present spiritual path, just as I said about my oil paintings of Ravivarma et cetera, creativity has become boundless and the Almighty Within ordained for 'own tuning' for the first time of this Annamachaarya Sankeertana. I believe that you too will enjoy the effortless instant composing by Him !

'We hope to climb up the terrace without staircase ! We have thoughtless unbridled mind that seeks pain less (effort less) obtention of salvation. What a foolish and laughable proposition it is !

'Being ignorant of the proper knowledge and awareness about the right approach we are whiling away in the company of unqualified persons for salvation. Just as a fallen young woman treats every male of the town as her man. Does it better her life in any way ?  The result is that people laugh at her condition.

' we are becoming engrossed in painful living thinking that we are in comfortable position as in our eyes every body we encounter is a well wisher of us. Just as a muddleheaded one presumes the mirages as water ponds and wanders there relentlessly. How funny it is !

'We are enacting our lives as in  a stage show under false assumption of pleasures instead of finding refuge in the Almighty within. Just as toiling up and down the rugged terrain with the hope of realising the smoothness (illusory) of far off hills.'

Whatever is detailed above is only for a few reluctant novices trying to control themselves.  And I am sure that all serious seekers among you will not yield to  any sort of distractions whatsoever either by the earthly mortals or the deities of other realms. You have the Staircase  and you have the grit to reach the Terrace - Salvation !

How To Reach Terrace Without Stair Case (Steps)! 
Om Shanti!

Friday, January 22, 2016


Just it happened like that. Strange coincidence indeed. As I pondered over today's post about the role play of Mind (a fathom less subject matter) and finished recording of related audio at about 9.00 pm last night, just then I received a call from Swamiji of Amara Yoga Vikasa Kendra Ashram and we deliberated for more than half an hour  exclusively upon the 'Mind'.  The gist of it:  'Presence of Mind is 'Presence of  World;  Absence of Mind is Absence of World. The ultimate realisation is dissolution of Creation in the Creator and there is only one Being; that is Supreme Consciousness. In the Yogi's parlance, "Turiya Atita" state !'

Sadhana - committed and persistent  practice - with the help of tools like Shravana, Manana, Nidhidhyasana etc only can handle the most fluid elusive Mind. Once tamed, the Mind is one's best Friend, Philosopher and Guide and if let lose, it drags down into the abysmal depths of entanglements and ruin. (Already most of the readers are well aware of the sloka 'Uddare datma Atmanam..." of Gita mentioned in my earlier postings)  Knowing such importance of the role play of the Mind  plethora of hymns emanated from the poet savant Annmacharya. Highly adorable spiritual knowledge is being imparted by him in the present sankeertana, "Paarakumi O Manasa, Pantamu Viduvakumi O Manasa !"

'O Mind! Don't run away like the timid. Don't relax from your obstinacy and stubborn determination.  If you let it go you will face downfall. On the other hand if you come nearer to your cherished goal, you will be acclaimed for honours.

'O Mind! Don't let your thoughts linger after sensual pleasures of flesh. Otherwise you will become trapped in entanglements and be spoiled. Let it be known that youth and age are like 'kavadi kundalu' - pots in slings of the yoke on shoulder, oscillating in  nature.  Happenings of good and bad, gain and loss are all cyclic.  Time is not stable but fleeting. Hence O Mind! Turn to the Almighty within and you will realise that there is no better deed than this.

'O Mind! Don't while away your precious time in revelling about amusing happenings of the past.  Don't get disturbed and worried by whatever seen by the eyes and heard by the ears. O Mind!  Know that the lives of all beings on this earth are like wax and wane of the full moon, rise and fall, come and go in  cyclic pattern. It doesn't matter how long one stays on earth or in heaven. It is how much sublime one leads life that matters.

'O Mind! Don't get hooked by the sight of the amorous ladies and be embarrassed later.  Don't get cheated by the mischievous and wily conversations.  Don't  allow blemish of your esteemed status. O Mind! Know that even for all the gods in the higher realms the key for final liberation is same. It's turning towards the Almighty within.  With this thought be freed from wavering.'

How much beautifully tackled the fluid nature of the Mind  on one hand and at the same time highly optimistic approach of controlling it in the form of enthusiastic suggestions by Annamacharya. I ardently wish that all seekers will derive best benefit from such divine knowledge imparted in the form of his sankeertanas.

"Parakumi O Manasa, Pantamu Vidakumi O Manasa !"

'Kavadi Kundalu' (pots in slings of the yoke on shoulder)
Divine Persuit - 22.01.'16

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Strange but true to hear about such laughable queer actions of the human beings. Let us hope  we are not of that kind when go through this oft-quoted  story of an old woman.

' An old woman in a village was searching for something on the ground outside of her hut. The passers by stopped for awhile and started to help in searching. Finding nothing lying on the ground they asked her about the thing she was searching for. She replied that she lost her needle. After vain efforts they again asked about the exact location  where she lost it. She coolly replied that she lost it inside the hut. Now the public were puzzled and asked her instead searching for the needle inside the hut why she was on the road. She replied without hesitation that since it was dark inside the hut she was searching for the needle under the light of the lamp post on the road!'

In addition to the above we have a story from Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa too....In the late night a villager went to his neighbour's house and knocked at the door. The neighbour opened the door  and asked what was the matter. The  first one said that since he had the habit of smoking cigar at odd times, he came to his house  for fire to lit his cigar. The second one exclaimed that, was it not strange to seek fire outside while  carrying lantern in his own hand all the way....

And now let us have another version of telling the same subject by Annamacharya in his characteristic devotional way.  The sankeertana is , " Vedaki Vedaki Choppu Lettuchunu Vicharinchitini Innallu".

'O Lord ! I made an intensive search  for your whereabouts  in various places and at last could find you very near to me on this hill of Tirumala.  Upon somebody's advice I searched for you at Tulasi gardens, in Lotus gardens, As some others advised me, I searched among your devotees singing in eulogy of you.

Some others directed me to the Solar plane (Surya loka). But can I afford to reach there? The list of suggestions is endless.  Their advises about your abode varied from one learned one to another -  Ksheerasagara (ocean of milk); Vaikunttham;  residence in the hearts of all;  this very world of his own creation; and in the pious places of yagnas.  O my Lord ! when I could find you here with your consort, Almelmanga where is the necessity for me any more for searching at distant places.'

Thus, all seers are clear about this truth that instead of making futile exercises of searching for the Almighty externally, it is wise to become introvert and find Him with steadfast devotion.This is the right path of realisation, of liberation.

'Searching outside for needle lost in the hut'

Om Shanti!

Monday, January 18, 2016


A seeker is always contented, balanced and unaffected by the  conditions of dualities and extremities. He only responds in a befitting manner in any given situation.  We  are dealing now and then how the seeds of salvation blossom in an ardent devotee since bhakti and jnana are obverse and reverse of the coin 'salvation'.

Recently we had come across the word ' Vaishnavite'.  And there is another such epithet namely 'Haridasu' denoting the ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. Immense pleasure they derive in hearing discourses as well as spreading more often in the lyrical form the magnificent stories of their deity, Vishnu. Singing of such devotional episodes of Hari becomes 'Harikatha' as a profession. How ever we must have broader understanding that who ever is a theist and has unflinching faith in the Almighty and worships as a true devotee can be treated as 'Haridasu'.  Thus all those seekers  who are on devotional path are 'Haridasu's from the point of view of Annmacharya.

As we discuss the supreme qualities of such devotees on the path of salvation. we come across another typical sankeertana about this subject, 'Atuvanti Vaduvo Haridasudu'.

' A true contented seeker, a man of deep devotion, Haridasu is one who overcomes worries. He regards equally the situations of praise and denounce. He is balanced in  both the situations of facing a killer or being invited for enthronement. He responds equally  when called for to taste the sugar or to taste the bitter neem (margosa). He shows no discrimination between relatives  and persons unrelated. He does perform actions as ordained but does not  expect any results out of them, whether good or bad. He is unaffected by either results of 'punya' (pious) or 'papa' (sinful)' in his devotional stride. Such contented devotee is in effect a liberated one,  on account of his refuge and total surrender to the Almighty within.'

In the context of the seeker's qualities mentioned above,  we have here a popular story about the times of Alexander in India. He sends one of his military officials to seek and fetch a jnani. After a long search the official finds one yogi in a remote place. The official introduces himself and asks the yogi  to go along with him to see Alexander. The yogi refuses to obey him.  Then the official draws his sword and threatens, " I will kill you for disobeying His Majesty's orders". For this the yogi answers with a smile, " You can neither bind me nor kill me. I am deathless. I am Eternal Atman. Sun can not dry me up; Rain can not wet;  Wind can  not sway away; Fire can not burn me up. Tell this to your Majesty". Felt aghast with this answer, the official returns back....

In connection with the above anecdote I would like to say that as the seeker's consciousness deepens he loses all the attachment about his gross body - physical being with the experiencing of elated state of his eternal being. I mean it when I say that when there is hearty welcome and fondly caressing by the new parents in new environment which is going to be definitely highly spiritual on account of the sequel to the present acquirement,  I - 'the contented one' - am fully prepared for change of the cloaks!

"I Am Deathless, Eternal Soul !"

Om Shanti!

Friday, January 15, 2016


'See the nature - trees, flowers, grass grow in silence.  See the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence.We need silence to be able to touch souls'.
--- Mother Theresa

'Cool Breeze, Pleasant Atmosphere, Beautiful Scenery' - These are the mantra-like soft, soul soothing ripples from the gentle voice of our venerable Yogacharya entering into our ears like incessant flow of manna. The way of imparting of yoga by him is par excellence as it really requires extra ordinary stamina to be able to perform 'asanas' (physical nourishment) and deliver discourses (spiritual nourishment) simultaneously.  Hence I was complacent about the supreme package of 'Yoga Plus' of this outstanding mentor in many ways.

Some time ago an institution named SAAOL (Science And Art Of Living) held a medical check up camp at Krishna Kant Park and after going through my revelation of regular Yoga practice, advised that Yoga alone would not suffice for keeping away unforeseen health problems.  They said everybody should do both yoga and walking as supplementary exercises (not alternative to one another).

So recently I thought of the walking part of regular exercise advised by the SAAOL.  Of course, Krishna Kant Park has a vast stretch of earthen track for walking. But quite often than not it is over crowded. More over it is rather in my opinion 'conditioned walking on conditioned path with conditioned mind' confined to given track in a stereotype manner. I contemplated about hundred percent attention of my mind on walking only. I got the solution ! To try for simulation of village side foot track. I recollected my childhood summer holidays spending in villages.  I experienced walking on different terrains with rugged surfaces -  some part of earth soft some other part hard,  with lots of twists and turns glancing askance floral beauties and muddy pools. 

Lo, I got one such place for my heart fill.  In the image furnished below see  how I am enjoying 'mindful walking' with fully alert and aware about the earth to step on amidst a tree with three benches in the centre of the high rise mound, with ever changing course  and without beaten track and touching the  small plants with affectionate daily greeting "how are you my friends?". Amusing part of the course is to visit a deer with flower stalk in her mouth. To be frank, the thrill derived from this mindful walking can be doubled by going on barefoot - an intimate direct contact with the Mother Nature Earth.  'Barefoot Walking' is preferable because, among many benefits, one is,  the tiny granules of earth coming into direct contact with the foot have an 'acupressure' effect on the nerve endings at the bottom. And another, the prana essences of various minerals in earth activate our body when barefoot is in direct contact with earth !

This soulful walking is the guiding principle in my spiritual path too in day to day happenings to keep me always cool and blissful. In this connection  I wish to bring before you a good piece of saying from Thich Nhat Hanh, "When we are mindful deeply in touch with the present moment, our understanding of what is going on deepens and we begin to befriend with Acceptance, Joy, Peace and Love".  A condition-free mind is the condition for one's  blissful nature.

On this day of Sankranti Festival, I wish to share my voice in the form of a melodious Sankeertana from Annamacharya, "Kommalu Chudare Govindudu" (O Gopikas !  Behold the Lord Krishna) !

Marking of Mindful Walk
Up and down of the mound
......amidst plants

Up and down of the mound

A deer with flower stalk in her mouth

Veneration of Mother Earth
- Barefoot walk amidst woods !

Up and down the Mound

Om Shanti!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


"For the Kaliyuga the path of devotion (Bhakti Marga) described by Narada is best" said Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to Pandit Shashadhar in explaining the efficacy of Bhakti for modern times.  'Salvation through Devotion' is exemplified by, apart from Ramakrishna, other luminaries like Meerabai, Ramadas, Sri Chaitanya Prabhu, Namdev, Tulsidas, Tukaram, Annamacharya ; just to name a few.

How the life is led by an astute devotee of Lord Vishnu - named as Vaishnavite, his mental attitudes about the worldly matters are all of interesting information for the seeker on spiritual path of divine knowledge. So let us enlighten ourselves about this thrilling theme in the sankeertana, "Chintalu Rechaku Mammu Chittama" by the poet Sri Annamacharya. It is in the nature of metaphorical addressing to one's own Mind....

'O Mind! Please do not cause us any anxiety.  Rather,  it is better for you to live by following us with determination.

'You shall know that our mother is Goddess Lakshmi Devi and our father, Lord Vasudeva. The entire Brahmanda  (Infinite Space) is our house. There is no dearth of prosperity for us in our house. Our unflinching devotion is in the Mighty Almighty - Sri Hari.  Hence we never accept (or expect) Karma Phalas (Fruits of our Actions).

'The wealth we possess is the 'Spiritual Knowledge".  Our  ornamental possessions are all the Vedas.  Our earnings are the Vairagya (renunciation) Our  daughters are our devout practising of services to our gurus. The only problem is with our bodies.  Because of our attachment to it.

'Our faith in and worship of the all pervading Almighty, is everything for us.  Our relatives are all the seekers surrendered to and graced by the Almighty. All our prayers to the Almighty is the royal way to our Salvation. What more we need? What else is there to be bothered about?'

Reaching heights need ladder is of every body's knowledge.  So in the spiritual journey  of this body, gradual awareness  and  conscious effort are necessary through devotional path for transformation from 'Tamo guna pradhana'  to 'Rajo guna  pradhana'  and from'Rajo guna pradhana' to 'Sattva guna pradhana' and finally, jettisoning even the Satva guna and become 'Gunatita' (beyond the consciousness of any attributes) by the time niche reached, that is the Ultimate Salvation.

How the unforeseen  twists and turns  take  place  in the upward  growth  of Bhakti-Jnana ladder I narrate here.  On 27th Dec 2011,  I had drawn my one hundredth oil painting  with the theme Om and Gayatri with foot note saying "Na Swasa,  Na Dhyasa, Na Upiri - Gayatri ! "  My Japa, Tapa,  Manana,  Dhyana Everything- Gayatri ! And added that "In this,  the invisible hand of the Almighty  (Paramatma)  is Implicit ". Now all those are merged in my Consciousness. 

 Being fully conscious about what we actually are - The Consciousness,  still I close my eyes daily at the bed time in sublime soul soothing sankeertanas and get up cheerfully in early hours of Brahmi Muhurta. That is the indivisible relationship between Bhakti and Jnana !

My hundredth 
Inspirational oil painting 

On Shanti!                                                                                                                                              

Monday, January 11, 2016


Who is Almighty ?  "Jagannataka Sutra Dhari " - The ennobled 'Puppeteer' holding (dhari) strings (sutra) of the 'Beings', playing their roles (nataka) on the mighty stage called the 'World' (jagat). He is 'Master Puppeteer' of all puppeteers in this world. 

Every body comes in to this world with a predetermined role play and once their mission  completed vacate the stage. And  this drama is repetitive for all beings with only change in roles in each birth. Then, when is the relief from these exhausting role plays. Certainly it is in the hands of the owner of the troupe - the Almighty who liberates the deserved in the opportune time. And for this the qualification is faithful devotion and unconditional total surrender.

Now let's have what our great poet savant Annamacharya has to reveal about this subject  in his sankeertana "Atavari Guditoura".

'In the magnificent sized auditorium called the 'world', a large screen called 'Illusion' is hung up. The hurdles called 'ignorance' are surrounding the screen. To overcome these hurdles a light  called 'divine knowledge' is to be lit.

'In this mighty auditorium grand puppet show is going on.  The puppets (Beings) are filled with air (prana vayu) for playing their roles. Once deflated, their role play  on the stage comes to an end.  No body can have the idea about the quantity of air filled in each puppet (thus unaware about the longevity of their role play). Their actions are enjoined with all 'nava rasas' ( nine emotions or moods namely, Srungara, Hasya, Karuna, Vira, Roudra, Bhayanaka, Bhibhatsa,  Adbhuta and Santa) arousing vibrant emotions in the audience all around.

'All the audience are appreciative of the enthralling show by the Master Puppeteer but no one can give any thing in return to Him. Since He is the most benevolent benefactor. Who can match Him? Only very few among them are liberated  by total surrender to Him.'

A Jnani, the liberated one knows that every thing in this world is moving as per the ordaining by the Almighty only. Hence he becomes a witness for all happenings around him. And as a seeker I know the status of a 'relieved mind' on account of annihilation of all 'reactions' giving way to only 'responses' to the happenings around me. These ennobling qualities may be imbibed by all the seekers following these posts and see the difference in their divine life journey too.

"The Puppet Show"

Friday, January 8, 2016


Who made me enter Krishnakanth Park which turned my life entirely towards 'Being' what I am today before you ?   It is the Almighty within, without any doubt, revealing Himself more prominently.  Hence I realised that in this world nothing is more important than absolute, unconditional surrender to Him, for becoming 'Aware' of what you are !

He is the guiding factor in casting off various frivolous worldly karmas (actions), revealing to us the illusory nature of our environment. And Annamacharya too enlists blocks to be cleared for becoming 'Aware' of our True Being, in his sankeertana, 'Innita Norayaka Yerukedi', (Yeruka is Awareness).

'Awareness' is attained only when one overcomes various stumbling blocks in the path of spiritual quest.  For this too one needs the grace of the Almighty within.

'Shrinking (nullifying) of Anger is the prerequisite for eradication of all sins committed.  One has to become desire less for getting absolved from the 'Tapatrayas' (Three cravings namely, Adhi Bhoutika, Adhi Daivika and Adhyatmika - copious detailed explanations about 'Tapatraya' are offered by various seekers in the net).

'When the Actions (karmas) are minimised and  'karma phala Nirasaktata' (not at all interested in the results of one's actions) reached, then only all mundane entanglements are snapped away.  Only when one becomes unmindful about the sense organs, detachment (vairagya) becomes possible.

'When flirting in tastes of hunger is zeroed only, the true pleasure is obtained. And all the achievements mentioned above are derivable only when total  unconditional surrender to the Almighty within is made.'

What a sense of relief and joy at the same time for the thought of having with us - for sharing - abounding advisory spiritual knowledge in beautiful lyrics by the great poet savant, Annamacharya. If perfect deciphering ( or translating into the modern usage) is possible,   one can relish  in more than fourteen thousand lyrics. Any how for the present, let us be contented with a few hundreds of gems out of them.

'Being desireless 
is end of all suffering'

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                              

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


'Kamini and Kanchana' (Women and Wealth),  either one or both of them,  are the  two major factors of vice that sway one's  entangled sojourn in this world.  Great masters like  Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa say that,  in Treta Yuga King Ravana, an astute devotee of Lord Siva, had his invariable downfall on account of his longing for Sita, Rama's consort. And in Dwapara Yuga, King Duryodhana had his Waterloo at Kurukshetra on account of his overwhelming greediness to possess even  the portions of the kingdom belonging to Pandavas.

Unless infatuation about these two vices is ridden off, salvation is nothing but a mirage in one's lifetime.  The poet savant Annamacharya expresses this idea in a simple but effective, in point blank driving home, about the vanity of the afore said vices, in his sankeertana - 'Eda Valapeda Eda Suddulu'.

'Love, affection, cordiality'- all are name sake expressions in this world. Are they true? Or conceited semblances?

'What's the duration of flashes of lightening on rainy days ? It's momentary. Will they stay long in the sky? Will the passions of the paramours be ever lasting? They are all fleeting away expressions of love indeed!

'See the mirages. It's optical illusion of flow of rivers.  Is it possible, by depending on them, for us
to quench our thirst?  So with the women (paramour).  The passions in their hearts are not of true love. They wont remain with you for long. (They flirt away towards other patrons with opportunism).

'Amusing vast wealth that appears in the dream state of one's sleep, can not be carried  forward in to one's wakeful state. Unless one get's disillusioned about the illusory nature of the women's love and transitory riches and surrenders unconditionally to the Almighty within, Liberation  is but a mirage!'

The message of the sankeertana is as clear as writing on the wall. So it is left for our serious and conscious effort to follow such noble precepts and realise salvation in this very birth!

"Eda Valapeda Macchika Eda Suddulu"

Wealth in Dream

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                  

Monday, January 4, 2016


All beings are debtors indeed! These births and deaths are a process of raising of debts in one birth and taking another birth to clear off the earlier debts. Everything in this system of debtor relationships is, of course, as ordained by the Almighty only. Hence the scriptures say, "Runanubandha rupenam, pasu, patni ra sutalayah" indicating that all human bondages of cattle (indicative of property), wife, children are of the nature of debt servicing only.

This role play of Debtor relationship in the human beings is dealt by Annamcacharya in his keertana,
'Appula Vare Andarunu'(All are debtors only).

'The Jiva's (Individual Soul) role is only to go through experiencing the results of his earlier karmas. They can neither originate nor mutate the karma phalas as per their whims and fancies. It is in the hands of the Almighty Supreme only.

'This worldly existence is replete with troubles and tribulations, sorrows.  Who can come to our rescue in wading through this 'Sansara sagara' (ocean of worldly bondages) ? The Saviour is none other than the Almighty only.

'In this illusory world, all those which appear to be pleasures, are in reality, a sac of needles only. When the sac is on one's head can the pains of pricking of needles be avoided? No, not only that,
even being aware of the needles, carrying of the sac cannot be escaped  nor be relieved from the pain and weight.  Only (the mighty) Almighty is capable of dislodging from the bondages.

'Then when is the termination and relief from this situation of 'carried over' bondages and present self- created entanglements. One thing is clear, they will not disentangle of their  own accord. Then what is the way out? It's in the realisation  and unconditional surrender to the Almighty and indulging in only good and noble deeds.   Only then, the Grace of the Almighty will bring through Salvation.'

There are scores of beautiful ways in which the great poet savant Annamacharya  tried to awaken the people towards the Spiritual knowledge about the ephemerality of our worldly existence and and need to realise the Almighty within.  Let us be benefited from such revelations.

The Debtor 

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                              

Friday, January 1, 2016


Atmanam rathinam viddhi sariram rathameva tu |
Buddhim tu sarathim viddhi manah pragraha meva cha ||

Indriyani hayanahuh vishayamsssteshu gocharan |
Atmendriya manoyuktam bhoktetya hurmanishinah ||
(Katthopanishad 1.3.3 &1.3.4)

(Atma is owner of the chariot, body is the chariot, intellect is the driver and mind is the bridle. Senses are horses, worldly objects are the paths passed by the horses. Learned scholars say that the Jiva -Individual soul - engrossed with the 'gross body, senses and mind' is the one  who experiences this life).

A variant version  of this comparison between body and chariot is to be found in  Annamacharya keertana, 'Gurrala Gattani Teru Konka Kendaina Bari'.

'The Jiva, (Individual Soul) is driver of the chariot called 'body' drawn by horses called the 'sense organs'. The owner of this chariot is the Almighty (Universal Soul).  These powerful horses are capable of pulling the chariot to any extent without fear or hesitation.  The Jiva is driving with a sense of arrogance about the capabilities of his horses.

'This chariot has at its back a pair of peep holes, a cross bar at the base of the yoke for resting the feet of the driver, his keen sight functioning as the bridles of the horses (senses). The Jiva is driving majestically.

'The five colourful screens of the chariot are the five Elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space). The flags of the chariot are the two hands of the Jiva and above all the head of the Jiva is the top of the chariot. The Jiva is driving the chariot made of five elements.The actions  of the Jiva, both of sin  and piety are the axle nails of the chariot. The food taken by the Jiva is the wooden  planks used for pressing the wheels forward  in difficult terrains.  And the one sitting gracefully in the owners' seat of the chariot and caring about it  is the Almighty.

We are thus exposed to the knowledge about our actual status vis a vis the journey of life . The owner supervising above all others of his own  creation. And such awareness is quite useful in our spiritual pursuit.

"Life - Chariot Analogy"

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                           
