Saturday, November 14, 2015


Whatever be the Supreme Knowledge we gain gradually over a period of our spiritual pursuit, we use rather consciously or unconsciously, the word “Thank God!” for the benevolences received from the Almighty. Because it is the trait in our blood learnt from our parents in our childhood. Even at the higher stage of understanding  all pervading  ’ One Consciousness’,  the grateful acknowledgement in the form of “Thank God” continues to be used  in the execution of worldly transactions.

Let us see how ‘thanks giving’ to the Almighty, for bestowing this wonderful human birth, is nicely expressed by Annamacharya, in his sankeertana, “Hari Hari Ni Maya Mahima”.  As we have known already, ‘devotion with total surrender’ is the best way to realise the Almighty within us.  

And at one time it so happened that, the Almighty within made me get up from the bed at 12.30 in the mid night (to be meticulous, the night of 9/10 May 2015) and sing in  my cell with full depth on account of melting of heart for Him, with rolling of tears. You will perceive this change in  tenor of my voice below, - from the words " malasi antalo" in the midst of the lyric.  This is called “bhava -avesa” and “ardrata” in telugu.  I can only explain it as ‘melting of heart with tears rolling’ on account of deep merging with the Almighty.  The transformation of my voice enabling for devotional singing is the Almighty’s gift only!

Thes text of the sankeertana is furnished below:-

‘O Almighty! (Hari), You have bestowed me with benevolence to understand gradually, your ‘power of Illusion’.  I am thankful to you.  You are my Deity, my Mother, my Father, my Guru; You are my ‘Prana’ ( life-force)  You are ruling over me with attention! This is enough for me in this life span.  Since only You are in my constant vision whether with closed eyes or open ones, what more I require in this life?

‘O Lord! Let me try to understand gradually, the mode of the play of Illusion.  I regard You as my Deity, father and everything.  But in the very next moment, I forget this on account of Your Illusion.  As if in a dream, I forget everything and start worrying much with a feeling of having lost something. There is no respite from this Illusion.

‘Sometimes I salute to You quite frequently, and sometimes I pray eulogising You as my Lord. Sometimes I believe You as the Creator of this whole Universe. I am elated (inflated) and proud with strong conviction with a feeling that You are on my side. Then I start dwindling, resulting in untold grief.   There is no respite from this Illusion.

‘O Lord! By visualizing Your Majestic stature, I firmly believe that You will certainly grace Your benevolence upon me. This act of Yours, I visualize as a wonder in all the worlds.  O Lord! I have Your blessings.  Now I am Blissful. And this is perpetual. I am thankful to You, O my Lord!’….

How much relaxing it is,   in the thought of the Almighty within, the source of everything. Merge with that! You have a disillusioned spriteful living on this earth!

Sri  Jagadguru Adisankaracharya
(Backbone of Indian Non Dualistic Philosophy)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                 

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