Sunday, November 22, 2015


Clouds come floating in to my life no longer to carry rain or usher storm , but to add colour to  my sunset sky---'Gurudev' Rabindranath Tagore

Senility - the most important phase in one's lifetime on the threshold of another grand Sunrise.  A phase full of maturity, wisdom seeking realisation of The Real, The Truth of one's existence. All the initial faltering steps encountered in the role play on the stage show reminisced at the climax scene before curtain drop, with clearing minds of all illusions. A smile at last with satisfaction of one's performance of the role allotted.

Yes, this should be the awareness  for every reader, to be conveyed through these  writings. In this effort I am also introducing works of the noble souls of centuries apart but with their wisdom relevant for all times to come in future too.

Annamacharya's approach to the man on the street for exposing the down to earth realities  of bondages of this world which cast a net from reaching the 'Almighty within',  is expressed
in multiple keertanas with an intent of opening of eyes to see the divinity that is eternal.  One such keertana is "Venakedo Mundaredo Verrinenu". (Here I have to clarify that every song, I discuss now and then, is available in You tube with feast of melody by professional singers). Now let us have the freelance meaning  of the keertana as I understood.

'What more can I say, where is the medicine (or cure, remedy) for those aimless beings indulging in sensual affairs, blindly assuming the temporal life as eternal.  A dullard like me, how can know what happened in the past.  What is going to happen in the future.  O my mind! What is the remedy for the infatuations we are indulging in the worldly affairs. 

'I prayed a lot for becoming affluent in my future births also.  What can I say about my foolishness. How can I know, in to which 'Form' I take rebirth. I wish I have a sound sleep, but I am not sure if I get up after the night sleep. 

'Every day, from the time of my getting up from the bed, I see the world which gives me the impression  of being Real and of permanent nature, before I go to bed in the night.  But after going to bed, during the deep sleep, I do not see this world. I do not know where it has gone. Is the world lost in my mind during the deep sleep Real? Or, is the world giving sense of permanency while I am awake,  Real?

'I am a fool being ignorant of Truth. Sensual pleasures of women are surrounding me whenever  the opportunity arises.  I am not mindful about my senility.  

'Every day I am committing sins and ignorant about their being accounted for in the hell above.   I am seeking the Almighty externally elsewhere, being not aware of the fact that He is very much within me.  What a dunce am I !'

Thus the hints given by Annamayya about necessity of avoiding faltering steps in our prime life, to be treated as guiding lights in our journey. As each day is well spent we remember 'Gurudev' giving thanks to the Almighty 'being grateful for the Gift of Another Day!'

'Gurudev' Rabindranath Tagore

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               

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