Wednesday, November 4, 2015


When a mother cautions her child, “Look, don’t go near the fire and put your fingers in it, it burns!”,  an understanding child heeds the elderly advice and avoids fire accidents.  The Almighty has given such a supreme instrument, unique to the mankind, called ‘intellect’  so that, if it is understood properly and wielded adeptly, by keeping safe from engulfing earrhly matters- like the wise child from fire - divinity is realised in this very existence.

The way one has to live in this world, for realisation of the divinity within, is well explained by the great seers of the past and present. They have shown us the path.  It is for us to reach the goal with the greatest asset possessed, ‘Wisdom’.  As we embark on the spiritual journey, we find so many wayside establishments luring; in the form of different schools of thought, different practices of meditation, different ritualistic austerities.  And ultimately if we are dazed by their attractions we are lost in a labyrinth of  'practices'  only, for the rest of our life!

For my part :  After going through a few spiritual books and discourses of the noble saints, I have visualised and evolved a definite process by following which, I thought, there  would be every possibility of attaining the Supreme Knowledge, well within this existence.... 

Firstly, to start with,  I thought of getting rid of ‘taste consciousness’ for annihilation of the state of ‘slave to the tongue’ ( Jihva chapalya nivrutti ).  Got mixed up all items of main dish, side dishes, solids and liquids – all in one 'begging bowl' - dining plate. Lo! I reached a stage where I don’t know what is going to eat from my (begging) bowl till I open my eyes to start eating every day.  

Secondly, to get rid of fragrances, cut into small bits many brands of soaps with variety of fragrances and made into a single ball for my bath.  Result?  No more infatuation for a particular fragrance. Smell consciousness overcome successfully !  

Thirdly, become 'beyond Time Consciousness' (kaalaateeta), that is, with the conviction that everything originates from the Consciousness inside, every moment is proving auspicious for me; Thus no more observation of inauspicious moments like Rahukalam, Durmuhurtam and Yamagandam in the calendar for doing a work.   

Fourthly, most important of all, where many seekers give up in testing times, ‘Being Desire Less’.  For this, zealously I switched off my mind to 'desire-related' thoughts. The result achieved? Moulding in to a perfect “Nishkama Karma Yogi!” (Doer without expectations).  

Lastly, a difficult practice indeed, I left out absolutely, Selfish attitude of I and My - in respect of actions involving benefits and family relations.   For them -  I am daddy, grandpa etc., But for me -  they are “Different Forms of One Single Supreme Consciousness”.  I whole heartedly salute to the Supreme Consciousness in a black cat, a dog , a watchman, a garbage collector; I do not see in particular the external forms of physical bodies of existence.  And the Result?  Divine Revelations shared by me with you from time to time! 

Above all, I humbly acknowledge that The Almighty within was very kind enough to give fillip to my sincere determination and steadfastness.  The Outcome?  "I am what I am"!

And to testify this sincere approach of mine, today (4.11.'15) morning  I received a phone call from a spiritual well-wisher, saffron clad,  Sri Pamuleti Swami, specialist in  Hatha yoga and Meditation, running Amara Yoga Vikasa Kendra, at Nandyal.  He is credited with having performed thousands of yagnas, (a ritualistic sacrifice with a specific objective), And by propitiating the Varuna Deva (Rain God), he got rain successfully by the same day evening!  After exchange of pleasantries of spiritual practices, he asked me “How is your Sadhana (practice)!"  I smiled and replied, “No Sadhana, No Meditation,  No Practice – No Conditioning of Mind ! I simply 'Revel in my “Being”! And when I briefed the revelations like that of recent episode of train, (mentioned in last para of “Fleeting Reflections”), the Swamiji wholeheartedly appreciated my ‘Being’ in That Knowledge truly!  Laurels are for the Body Conscious Ones – Not for Me!

The greatness of the celebrities lies in their humble acceptance in public of the mistakes committed inadvertently which act as eye opener for them.  An anecdote, related to the subject matter under discussion  and essential for those seekers on spiritual path……

‘Once Jaipur Maharaja, Kshetri invited Swami Vivekananda for an audience of Surdas Bhajans by a woman -  prostitute by profession. Being a Sanyasin, initially Swamiji politely rejected the invitation. Later after  hearing from a distance the divine songs of Surdas he attended to them. The content of the song was, “ O Almighty! Please do not count my bad attributes. Are you not equal-minded about all beings in the creation ! One iron piece gets shape of an idol in a temple, another one becomes knife in the hands of a Butcher ! But both are turning into gold when touched by Sparsa Vedi (Alchemist’s Stone which upon touching the base metal turns it into gold instantly).  Is it not so?”   Later, Swamiji confessed that, “after hearing the Surdas keertana I pondered over that, 'Is this my Sanyasatva (renounced form of life)! Being Sanyasin how could I think of difference between her and me ! What an ignorance!’ That keertana became eye opener for me. Since then taking into my heart that every being is One Super Consciousness only, I stopped having any slighting attitude towards any being whatsoever !" 

Being a naive,  plain speaking ardent seeker I opened up 'things of bosom'  to you all, for I see in you all -  One Super Consciousness !

Swami Vivekananda (20.10.'09)

Om Shanti !                                                                                                                                             

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