Monday, November 30, 2015


'Sense objects are more powerful than sense organs';  My mentor says every day in yoga. Why the 'Illusory' world is taken for Reality by the beings and what keeps them  on chasing after the mirages, throughout their existence on this earth, has the answer in the  afore said dictum.  A shrewd man of wisdom realises what is the Ultimate Truth by proper identity of himself. For all the acts done by him is he responsible? The learned one understands with right perspective about the play of Illusion  by the Almighty within. Knowing this he joyfully seeks  becoming one with 'That  Source', by the ennobling act of 'total surrender'. He will take refuge in  the Almighty within by merging his ephemeral body consciousness into the eternal Supreme Consciousness!

My dear seekers. I whole heartedly share with you  the fact that, there will be  really a 'pleasant coolness of the Full moon' in your 'being', as you too are on the path of 'total surrender'.  I never contemplated in my past life  that  I could have a turning point of 'total surrender' and the divine revelations were so much impelling within me that, they are well received by the noble souls world over. Just you will feel queer about my instant revelation while I am still on the computer...

A few hours back it happened. My grandson (age 2 plus) saw a tiny fly - probably 2 to 3 mm - was sticking to the room wall by my side. As he went near out of curiosity, it flew away in to the open balcony.  He started  crying for it.   "Pipilikadi brahma paryantam" - that is,  the Supreme Consciousness is present in,  right from the micro level  tiny ant to the macro level boundless cosmos. Hence I asked him to repeat my devote words of exhortation  to the Almighty in the fly "O tiny fly! Please come back for my sake. I don't disturb you this time". Lo, honouring the lad's prayer, the fly came  back to the same spot on the wall. My  grandson shared the joy of 'return of fly' with his parents. The contrast between the 'tiny fly' and 'immense 
happiness' in the spotless lad's heart is that matters most.  

That is the belief in the all pervading  Almighty one should have in every breath on this earth. This lesson as told by Annamacharya for our liberation after being disillusioned from the ephemeral worldly objects, is in the keertana, "Edi Tuda, Dini Kedi Modalu" ( where is the beginning  and where is the end for this Almighty's Illusion)....

'No beginning and no end  for the lamentations of this existence.  Various vocations undertaken, various masters served, pride, woe, pity, passion, bondages as if owned  exclusively by him only, by passing through various pleasures and pains of this world.  But he is not aware of the fact that he is unattached Individual Soul and no material world happenings would affect the Eternal that is himself. This is the work of Illusion cast by the Almighty. So, it is difficult  for one to come out the maze unless becoming aware of what is Eternal Truth and one takes refuge in the Almighty in total surrender....

'The Almighty's Illusion is all encompassing of the  'Being' sprawling out its roots ensnaring the individual with bondages. Where is the beginning and where is the end to this Illusion ? Is it in one's comprehension at all?

'How many woes, worries, pleasures and pains, contemplations to the 'being'.  The wailing is not limited to one but seizes all the beings, pervading through ages.

'Various jobs, posts , followers, desires, passions, some boosting up one's spirits, some others sagging down, all are unending throughout this existence. They are countless and beyond one's comprehension.

'For how many woes shall one lament? For how many pleasures one shall feel elated.  For how many one shall aspire about ?  All these are the part of Illusion of the Almighty. Only proper  knowledge about this shall give respite to one and get liberated  from the Illusion by way of becoming refuge in the Almighty and exist with the sense of 'Total Surrender".

My message is very very clear like writing on the wall. Enjoy the fruits of Total Surrender like the 'pleasant coolness of the Full Moon' within you !

 Edi Tuda, Dini Kedi Modalu

'Return of the Fly'

Om Shanti!

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Mana eva manushyanam karanam bandha mokshayah.
bandhaya vishaya sango, muktya nirvishayam manah ||

(Mind is the cause of bondage and mind is the cause of liberation.  Mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation)

The human mind is like a knife serving in two ways, to cut vegetables in kitchen, or to cut throats by the malevolent elements in the society. How to realise the true purpose for which it is being enshrined in the human body by the Almighty?  Here one has to consider how one's mind is being conditioned from the childhood. The parental care, their interest in the child in inculcating good thoughts, good habits, moral and ethical based story-telling, taking to places of worship and satsangs are all healthy 
gestures, sowing the seeds of a noble character that sees flowering of a venerable personality in later life.

I am thankful to my parents for providing me such idealistic environment in my childhood.  My father, (pencil sketch in 'arenart'), was a public servant of the rank of Deputy Collector. He was versant in Urdu, as of official necessity, to read land documents. None the less  he was very much spiritual. We had regular magazines from Divine Life Society, Rishikesh.  He was such an admirer that, I have faint remembrance of some yogies from north India being invited by my father as guests. It seems their blessings latent in me then - like a bamboo seed - are on the path of fruition now.

My thoughts shared above have specific purpose of understanding the less fortunate ones in this world who could not be brought up in  an healthy environment with proper monitoring by the parents
and gurus from the childhood.  Such people become slaves of their own mind, which leads them astray to many vices in this society.  How much difficult  it is to extricate ourselves from such entanglements in  the worldly matters, is narrated as a matter of caution  by the savant Annamayya 
in the language of metaphors. The keertana is, "Bharamaina Vepamanu Palu Posi Penchinanu".

'Bitterness' is the natural attribute of the neem (margosa) tree.  Even if it is nourished by (sweet) milk regularly, can it change its quality?  Can it transform from bitterness to sweetness?  If a dog's tail is straightened and tied to a stick, does it change it's quality? Does the curved tail become straight?

'The mortal body tends towards flesh pleasures. What is the use of better advice given to them, when they turn deaf ear. They revel in being entangled in the lurch. Let alone with any piece of good counselling to them.

'If a sharp-edged axe is immersed in water and left in a corner, does it become softened (flexible) and lose its sharp cutting down qualities, over a period of time?

'Mind is accustomed to indulging in 'Pancha Maha Patakas' (The five great sins are, killing of a brahmin, intoxicants, theft of gold, adultery with guru's wife, lastly befriending with those, indulging in the said four) and became entrapped in them. How much relentlessly persuaded, the mind is not coming on to the right path.

'If a scorpion is brought, wrapped in a cloth and kept in our lap  with affection, does it stop stinging thus cause untold pain and misery?

'The best way is to awaken and surrender our egos to the Almighty within, the path to mukti, liberation!'

'A silver lining in the dark cloud' ! Such  is the magnanimity of messages from noble souls like Annamacharya passed down to us with concern for our betterment and realisation !

"Bharamaina Vepa Manu Palu Posi Penchi Nanu"

The NeemTree

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Can we avoid 'mud' ?  Yes, a million dollar question certainly for a serious spiritual seeker, if not for others.  Before venturing to answer, one seeks some more details about the conditions prevailing. As we know;  for a potter, brick maker, farmer in the field, miners and men of some such vocations, the coexistence with mud is inevitable. They accept it as their daily bread earning environment. Their stance towards 'mud'  as a 'part and parcel of their life', shall be our enlightening knowledge.

We, the mortals, being composed of Five Elements, came in to this world with pure mind.  Our journey begins with the slow creeping in of 'trigunas' (three attributes namely, Satvaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna) affecting and polluting the otherwise prestine pure mind.  Our virtues  and vices are imbibed from the environment we grow in. If our virtues lead to pleasant and peaceful living, our vice drag down into 'muddy' conditions which offer semblance of paradise, to the Fallen. 

We owe  much for our seers who gave knowledge about this 'mud' - The entanglement of bondages
arising from hopes, desires, aspirations fraught with resultant untold grief. Trace it to get the roots ! It is after all the tricky mind, which in its turn being ordained (manipulated) by the Almighty residing within.  Thus we have knowledge about root cause of our role play and  we shall get benefited from
the savant, Annmacharya for the 'remedy' for safe play in our stage show. He has shown how to break the seemingly perpetual vicious cycle of births.

The  tatva jnana (spiritual knowledge) loaded keertana by Annamacharya "Kadu Nadusu Chora Nela. Kallu Kaduga Nela" amply exemplifies about the prelude passages above.  The content  of his message is explained in the following paras.

‘The Almighty Himself is residing in the form of Soul (Consciousness) in all of us.  Being encompassed by the attachments of the worldly bondages, we are carried away in the ocean of recycling births and deaths. We are stuck up in the ‘mud’.  As the attachments are growing one after another, the mind is being engrossed with acts of sin thus forgetting about the Almighty residing within.  Fallen we are though, we ourselves only- by individual efforts, have to search for Him and realise. Till then no respite from these difficulties, indulgences and woes.  Noble souls like our sages and savants have shown the path to Supreme Knowledge. And if we are still not benefiting from them, that must be a pity!

‘Being well aware of the place, why one should walk in to the mud. And waste lot of time and energy in washing away to get rid of the stuck up mud on the legs. Similarly, is it wise to commit unwarranted actions which are throwing us into vast ocean of births.

‘The main reason for committing sins is one’s attachments only.  The reason for these attachments is aspirations cropping up from the unending desires.  And for all these, the root cause is entanglement on account of maligned bondages.

‘Endless bondages are resulting in untold grief. The grief and woes are turning out in to arrogance. For all these happenings the root cause again is, no one else but the tricky Mind.

‘Who is behind all the divergences of the Mind?   It is the Doer, the Almighty within. It is by one’s own individual efforts only He can be known.  It is only possible by meditating on Him and taking refuge in Him. Again for such happening in our lives His Grace is essential.  Else the vast ocean of births becomes inevitable'......

A great relief indeed in coming to know about such remedy passed on to us by noble souls.  Let us become enthusiastic about implementing the steps suggested for our liberation.

"Kadu Nadusu Chora Nela, Kalu Kaduga Nela"

'Wading Through Mud' (26.11.2015)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                           

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Brahmarpanam Brahma Havih,   Brahmagnou Brahmana hutam;
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam, Brahma karma samadhina ||
---Bhagavadgita (4-24)

(The Act of offering is God, The oblation is God, By God it is offered in to the Fire God, God is that which is to be realised by him who performs Actions pertaining to the God).

Realising the sublime nature of the Food, Indian culture has given place of 'prayer' to the sloka before taking  daily food.  And here we try to know some thing about our noble practices, regarding 'Annam' bequeathed from the sages of yore.

The 7 to 10 in Bhruguvalli of Taittiriya Upanishad mention about four vows to be observed in regard to Annam (Food), since Brahma Jnana is materialized through the gateway of 'Anna Brahmopasana' (austere practices  for realizing Brahman). They are,

7  Annam na nindyat tad vratam - Food is not to be blamed/abused/nor scorned at, it is the vow...
8  Annam na parirakshita tad vratam - Food  is never to be rejected scornfully/slightingly. 
9  Annam bahu kurveet tad vratam - Food should be gathered/ collected as much as possible....
10  Na kanchana vasatou pratyaachaksha tad vratam - Never turn back without Food, a guest came for shelter.

Lord Krishna tells Arjuna about The Omnipotent nature of the Almighty, His presence in the life-sustaining Food, in Vedas;  in the slokas 12 to 15 in Chapter 15. Purushotttana Yoga.

15-12  'Yadaditya.'...Understand that the radiance, the effulgence which emanates from the sun illuminating the entire universe and which is in the moon and in Fire is from Me.

15-13  'Gama visya cha'....Permeating through the planetary systems I maintain all moving and stationery beings by my strength, potency and having become the essence of the moon I sustain all plant life.

15-14  'Aham Vaiswanaro'......Being the Fire of Digestion I am entering in to the  body of  all living beings and digesting the food, with the help of prana, life force - in four ways (Bhakshya-cutting hard items with incise and canine teeth, Bhojya-chewing soft  items with pre molar and molar teeth, Lehya-very soft items like ice cream, payasam taken in by tongue, and Choshya-liquid food like juices, beverages for drinking)

15-15  'Sarvasya Chaham'....keep surveillance in the hearts of all beings, I cause the power of remembrance, forgetfulness in the beings. I am the One sought by the Vedas  and Scholars of Vedas and I am the very Vedas, (more specifically, 'Vedanam Sama Vedosmi'- I am the SamaVeda (Gita 10-22).

As I was familiarising with easily understood songs of Annmacharya I was rather astonished to find that he touched these sophisticated slokas also and  converted into intelligible keertana for common folk with such an ease, possible only for him,  starting with the words 'Thus spake Krishna to Arjuna'. 'Ani Anaticche Krishnu Darjununito'.

Annamachaarya advises, 'It is wise to adore the Almighty with devotion  after hearing what Krishna told to Arjuna as explained below;

'O Arjuna !  I am supporting with my might (being omnipotent) all the living beings on this earth. Being the Moon with my rays causing healthy plant life meant for consumption by all beings.

'Being in the form of Vaiswanara (fire god, Jattharagni) within the beings carrying  on the activity of digesting and assimilating food taken. I am residing in their hearts.  Being entrenched there I am causing awareness, remembrance and forgetfulness in  them.

'O Arjuna ! The One sought to be realised by the vedas and vedic scholars is Myself. In fact, I am the very veda, 'Vedanam Sama Vedosmi' (Gita 10-22) -  Among  all the Vedas, I am Sama Veda.  The Almighty settled on Venkatadri with consort Sri Devi is Myself !'

What is Sadachara?  Good practices by way of customs and traditions as passed down by the learned sages and  savants to our present generation  to be implemented in day to day chores for our well being in this world. The observation of sanctity towards the Food by prayer and following the four vows about Food, will go a long way in the realisation of the Almighty !

* "Ani Anaticche Krishnu Darjununito"

'Annam Parabrahma Swarupam'

Om Shanti! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Clouds come floating in to my life no longer to carry rain or usher storm , but to add colour to  my sunset sky---'Gurudev' Rabindranath Tagore

Senility - the most important phase in one's lifetime on the threshold of another grand Sunrise.  A phase full of maturity, wisdom seeking realisation of The Real, The Truth of one's existence. All the initial faltering steps encountered in the role play on the stage show reminisced at the climax scene before curtain drop, with clearing minds of all illusions. A smile at last with satisfaction of one's performance of the role allotted.

Yes, this should be the awareness  for every reader, to be conveyed through these  writings. In this effort I am also introducing works of the noble souls of centuries apart but with their wisdom relevant for all times to come in future too.

Annamacharya's approach to the man on the street for exposing the down to earth realities  of bondages of this world which cast a net from reaching the 'Almighty within',  is expressed
in multiple keertanas with an intent of opening of eyes to see the divinity that is eternal.  One such keertana is "Venakedo Mundaredo Verrinenu". (Here I have to clarify that every song, I discuss now and then, is available in You tube with feast of melody by professional singers). Now let us have the freelance meaning  of the keertana as I understood.

'What more can I say, where is the medicine (or cure, remedy) for those aimless beings indulging in sensual affairs, blindly assuming the temporal life as eternal.  A dullard like me, how can know what happened in the past.  What is going to happen in the future.  O my mind! What is the remedy for the infatuations we are indulging in the worldly affairs. 

'I prayed a lot for becoming affluent in my future births also.  What can I say about my foolishness. How can I know, in to which 'Form' I take rebirth. I wish I have a sound sleep, but I am not sure if I get up after the night sleep. 

'Every day, from the time of my getting up from the bed, I see the world which gives me the impression  of being Real and of permanent nature, before I go to bed in the night.  But after going to bed, during the deep sleep, I do not see this world. I do not know where it has gone. Is the world lost in my mind during the deep sleep Real? Or, is the world giving sense of permanency while I am awake,  Real?

'I am a fool being ignorant of Truth. Sensual pleasures of women are surrounding me whenever  the opportunity arises.  I am not mindful about my senility.  

'Every day I am committing sins and ignorant about their being accounted for in the hell above.   I am seeking the Almighty externally elsewhere, being not aware of the fact that He is very much within me.  What a dunce am I !'

Thus the hints given by Annamayya about necessity of avoiding faltering steps in our prime life, to be treated as guiding lights in our journey. As each day is well spent we remember 'Gurudev' giving thanks to the Almighty 'being grateful for the Gift of Another Day!'

'Gurudev' Rabindranath Tagore

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                               

Friday, November 20, 2015


It has passed three months since I started - on 15.08.2015, (Independence Day) - sharing spiritual matters, some from scriptures and some from direct experience by divine revelation. To be frank enough right in the beginning I had taken a decision, not to turn back for my shadow following which might hinder my satisfactory pace in spiritual realisation with the head held high towards Blissful Being, revelling in the thought of seeking well being of other noble souls on this earth.  Hence, my only request to my readers is to forgive and forget, if the opinions expressed by me are not at all acceptable, on account of readers having knowledge from their better gurus. As matured seekers the readers shall have the noble quality of forbearance of my writings, particularly about non acceptable propositions, if any, of mine.

 I shall tell you one example, when I too remained  in humble acceptance of the things as they are happening around us.  I happened to see in the net that the original name of Taj Mahal was 'Tejo Mahalaya', a Siva Temple, with all  proofs locked up in a cellar room, with court decision, against opening it.  And when I went through the 'The Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahamsa Yogananda, I read that he mentioned it as Samadhi (mausoleum) on his visit to Agra. Then, of course this happened a few years back, I got a doubt that he being Paramahamsa why he did not reveal the truth behind Taj Mahal to the world.  Perhaps, I realize now that, it might be due to his thought of not disturbing the hornet's nest, affecting the prevalent religious harmony in India. So, I left that matter then and there only. The present recollection was due to mentioning of his name in the previous post about 'Paramahamsa' (Supreme Swan).

Recently, I opened two more blogs:- 'Arenar Songs' ( and 'arenart'
(  The reasons for taking this step must be explained by me in all honesty. Though initially I opined that frequent mentioning of Annmayya and his spiritual works would affect inter continental readership following the scribblings. But the continued  overwhelming response to my spiritual exposing is encouraging me to open up and share more information available with me.
I have  good number of  'tatva' based (spiritual knowledge) and devotional songs, of course in telugu.

My request to the non- telugu readers is to enjoy the spiritual text in priority and also observe discerningly the Sound of the 'Consciousness within' originating from the navel making this human body a medium (a tool) to reach you all, since language is never a barrier for the melody arising on account of 'total surrender'. In corroboration of this point, I refer to you my school days' poem "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth. Stepping in to his shoes, just like him you would ask me, "Will no one tell me what she sings?" (in country folk dialect). Be enthralled by listening mine too......

                       "O listen! for the Vale profound
                         Is overflowing with the sound.
                       'Whatever the theme the Maiden sang
                        As if her song could have no ending.

                       'The music in my heart I bore,
                        Long after it was heard no more."............

When the poet, William Wordsworth enjoyed the high land lass's song - melodious but in unintelligible language, hope you will too relish with a noble heart, my devout voice.

One more thing about the songs. I have noted  at the outset in the blog that a star mark " * " is placed before some interesting songs for 'please don't miss' listening.  Here some may feel that when my 'profile' is clear about my transcending the tastes and smells, likes and dislike of the mundane by positively declaring - Nil, why the asterisk (star) consciousness?  This exercise was mooted  only to facilitate you in selecting from many many hundreds of songs in the offing very soon. But for me, every bit of this creation is manifestation  of Supreme Consciousness only!
'Our sweetest  songs are those that tell of saddest thought' (P B Shelley) ! True in my case too! To come out  from the melancholic gloom of my better half's demise, my son  suggested me to hold a painting brush (painting is known for concentration) for alleviation of the heavy heart by diversion. So, I
was blessed with creativity in challengingly attempting for famous Ravivarma Themes. So, I thought to share with you now, those 'colourful' adventures in my new blog on paintings exclusively.The painting activity has really done a good thing for me by mental relaxation and some good output in hues that  withstand the test of time on the walls.  Right now, instead of  'The Solitary Reaper' painting enjoy the amusing vivid painting of my better half in the role  (local dress) of a "Tea Leaf Picking Lass" in the Tea gardens of Darjeeling, India, in October 1993.

So, I hope ardently that, the new two blogs serve you, all inter continental noble souls, my 'art and voice'  beyond language bariers; considering these two by you, as my acts of "divine persuit"!

 'Tea Leaf Picking Lass'
Wife in Darjeeling Tea Gardens, 
West Bengal, India (Oct 1993)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


In Indian mythology,  'swan' is taken symbolic of  Purity, Piousness, and embodiment of Satvaguna (the  noble one of the three gunas - attributes, the living beings are imbued with, from womb to tomb).  In addition to these noble qualities, the swan is said to have the unique attribute of separating and consuming only the creamy part of the milk and leaving aside the whey (water part of the milk).

The sages and noble souls who realised God are compared with the swan, in that they are able to differentiate between what is Real, the One Supreme Consciousness and what is Unreal, the illusory material things in this world.  Like swan, they pick up only Punyas (pious deeds) and forsake the Papas (sinful deeds).  Hence they are honoured with the title called 'Paramahamsa' (Supreme Swan). In the nineteenth century we had most venerable Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and in  the following century, Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda.

As we understand from the foregoing, the concept of 'Paramhamsa' is related to the noble souls who realised the God on this earth. And when Annamacharya extended this concept of  'Paramahamsa' even to the Almighty Himself in a unique way, I felt I should share this divine proposition of Annamayya, expressed in his sankeertana - "Dibbalu Vettuchu Delina Didivo"- with the noble souls like you.  (The sweet voice of the popular cine play back singer, P B Srinivas can be heard in the You tube)

'Annamacharya compares the Gitacharya, the Almighty with the swan; and says just as the swan separates milk from water, the Lord considers only the punyas (pious deeds) of the human beings and leaves the papas (sinful deeds), since the Almighty does not interfere in  the karmic deeds and their attendant fruits (karma phala) affecting the human beings.  Thus, human beings continue to take birth after birth on account of their prarabdha karmas of the previous birth, and their liberation comes through only when they realise the God  by annihilation  of their karmas, by coming  in to the path of spirituality. The selection of the Punyas of  the beings by the Almighty is on account of His magnanimity only.

'One swan swims over the vast ocean, as if it is a single stupendous mainland for it. That is, it is not afraid at all about the vast ocean.  It considers only the punyas  (pious deeds) of the individual soul and leaves out the papas (sinful deeds).

'And it also is a swan, Its habitat is lotus lake water in  which it swims gracefully.  Lord Srimannarayana also moves in the lotus lake called the heart of His consort, Sri Lakshmi Devi.  Not only that He resides in the lotus lakes of the Individual Souls, considering only their Punyas (pious deeds) . In what is called 'Vasudeva Tatva', the Individual Soul annihilates its karma phalas, gets liberated ; and finally merges with the Universal Soul.

'The Almighty abides in all Parama Yogis of this earth. And not only that, just as a swan perches its wide wings to protect umpteen number of its cygnets (swanlings or baby swans), The Almighty in the form of Lord Venkateswara at present  is abiding on the Venkatadri hill to protect His own creation. And this activity of the Almighty is unending.'.....

The noble traits of a 'Paramahamsa' namely, Purity, Piousness, Satvaguna (noble among three attributes) and acumen towards picking up of only 'grain' called Punyas (pious actions) and leaving out 'chaff' called Papas (sinful actions) shall be emulated by the serious and steadfast seekers on spiritual path. The efforts may look bitter but the fruits are certainly of immense sweet. That is the Liberation and God Realisation !

The Supreme Swan (18.11.2015)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                           

Monday, November 16, 2015


Cherish your happy moments; they make a free cushion for old age
--- Booth Tarkington

'Old age is the crown of life; our play's last act! ' (Cicero).  So, when a 'soul' ponders over its 'role' played in the human body donned on this earth, what is the outcome? Without hesitation, the answer is, it all depends on the way one 'lived' prior to the 'autumn of life'!

‘Winter/Autumn of one’s life’ is the time of brooding over the performances during one’s spring time.  And of course, my oil painting on 'Winter Life' below perfectly reflects the way of my present graceful and enlivening 'Winter Life'! Thankful to the Almighty within! You are all aware of the reasons also for my present state on account of opening up of my heart to you in the earlier scribblings.

For some people however, when embarking on a long and tedious journey, if the destination is still not within the visible horizoneven after covering most of the distance, a day will come – when they feel to give up, being tired of the journey and with moaning, lament over the past by way of reminiscence.  For these people, who did not open their eyes in time, the lack lustre fag end stage is replete with repentance about the divinity pushed in to the oblivion at the haughty, self- centred phase of their life.

Annamachaarya subrogates in to their garb and depicts their feelings vividly as if his own!   In his pursuit for realisation of the Almighty, feeling desperate, on one occasion he groans with pathos, about being liberated from this earthly human body, in the sankeertana, “Enta Kalamo Kada Yi Deha Dharanamu”......

‘O Lord!   How long still, shall I have to live in this human body?  What is the benefit do I get from this?  Thoughts, desires and attendant problems are incessantly coming, pushing me through inveterate hell.  Being immersed in sensual pleasures, I could n’t open my eyes.  I had to bear this human body fraught with dangers.  Had to live with illusions. Ignoring to serve the Almighty, I had fallen into hellish pit.  Loitered aimlessly…..

‘O Lord! I don’t know how much more time I have to live in dragging with this human body (as I grew old).   What is the benefit from this accruing to me now?  I had to pull along all the way by being entangled in problems arising out of incessant desires.

‘Is it not due to being ensnared in the net of un-ending passions that I had to fall in the inveterate hell and wade through the foul place!  Is it not because of being  over -whelmed  by the windfall sensual pleasures that I had to push through ignoble narrow bylanes!

‘Is it not because of being bound by the ropes of sins that I had to don this human body prone to frequent dangers!  Is it not due to desiring for the pleasures generating from the intent looks that I wandered like fly attracted towards lamp!

‘Is it not because of not serving the Almighty that I had to be mangled by falling in to the abysmal hell!  Is it not because of non-obtention of the grace of the Lord that I had to drag this life by now by pleading to the people around for my help!......'

How much gratefully we shall show our gratitude to the poet savant, Annamacharya for passing on such a divine knowledge for being cautious and awake!  'Have regular hours for work and play, make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well.  Then you will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets and life will become a beautiful success!' (Pindar).

So, let us pursue righteous path in our 'spring' time to make our lives a 'pleasure trove' even in our 'autumn' !

                                                  "Enta Kalamo Kada Yi Deha Dharanamu"

"Winter Life" (13.08.2009)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                             

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Whatever be the Supreme Knowledge we gain gradually over a period of our spiritual pursuit, we use rather consciously or unconsciously, the word “Thank God!” for the benevolences received from the Almighty. Because it is the trait in our blood learnt from our parents in our childhood. Even at the higher stage of understanding  all pervading  ’ One Consciousness’,  the grateful acknowledgement in the form of “Thank God” continues to be used  in the execution of worldly transactions.

Let us see how ‘thanks giving’ to the Almighty, for bestowing this wonderful human birth, is nicely expressed by Annamacharya, in his sankeertana, “Hari Hari Ni Maya Mahima”.  As we have known already, ‘devotion with total surrender’ is the best way to realise the Almighty within us.  

And at one time it so happened that, the Almighty within made me get up from the bed at 12.30 in the mid night (to be meticulous, the night of 9/10 May 2015) and sing in  my cell with full depth on account of melting of heart for Him, with rolling of tears. You will perceive this change in  tenor of my voice below, - from the words " malasi antalo" in the midst of the lyric.  This is called “bhava -avesa” and “ardrata” in telugu.  I can only explain it as ‘melting of heart with tears rolling’ on account of deep merging with the Almighty.  The transformation of my voice enabling for devotional singing is the Almighty’s gift only!

Thes text of the sankeertana is furnished below:-

‘O Almighty! (Hari), You have bestowed me with benevolence to understand gradually, your ‘power of Illusion’.  I am thankful to you.  You are my Deity, my Mother, my Father, my Guru; You are my ‘Prana’ ( life-force)  You are ruling over me with attention! This is enough for me in this life span.  Since only You are in my constant vision whether with closed eyes or open ones, what more I require in this life?

‘O Lord! Let me try to understand gradually, the mode of the play of Illusion.  I regard You as my Deity, father and everything.  But in the very next moment, I forget this on account of Your Illusion.  As if in a dream, I forget everything and start worrying much with a feeling of having lost something. There is no respite from this Illusion.

‘Sometimes I salute to You quite frequently, and sometimes I pray eulogising You as my Lord. Sometimes I believe You as the Creator of this whole Universe. I am elated (inflated) and proud with strong conviction with a feeling that You are on my side. Then I start dwindling, resulting in untold grief.   There is no respite from this Illusion.

‘O Lord! By visualizing Your Majestic stature, I firmly believe that You will certainly grace Your benevolence upon me. This act of Yours, I visualize as a wonder in all the worlds.  O Lord! I have Your blessings.  Now I am Blissful. And this is perpetual. I am thankful to You, O my Lord!’….

How much relaxing it is,   in the thought of the Almighty within, the source of everything. Merge with that! You have a disillusioned spriteful living on this earth!

Sri  Jagadguru Adisankaracharya
(Backbone of Indian Non Dualistic Philosophy)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                 

Thursday, November 12, 2015


My mentor used to say, ‘If a wise one commits one thousand mistakes, the ignorant one commits ten thousand mistakes and does n’t learn even after.  As we recollect 
last but one para of the previous blog (Cloth Merchant), I had said that ‘In the ultimate analysis, we come to realise that everything is as ordained by the Almighty present in each and every form of creation.   Accordingly, one……succeeds in his mission of passing through – in this world – safely!’  This is the crux of Vedanta. We are wise enough to realise the Almighty’s role play in different forms of this world. So, pleasure and pains, actions of good and bad classification, all become part of His illusory stage show.  Then having become aware of this, what we are supposed to do?  Feel relaxed having ‘totally surrendered’ to that Almighty and discharge our actions in righteous way.  We are confident now that He won’t let us down, as we are in His constant protection.

The way great poet – savants present such themes as above,  are really matchless.  For instance, Annamayya in his tatvic keertana, “Ekkadi Manusha Janmam Betthina Phala Memunnadi”, sympathisingly starts off saying ‘What is the use of taking the human birth which has become useless - on account of indulging in so many “Errors of Omission and Commission”! -omitting actions ought to do,  committing actions ought not to do.  Hence let us trust the Almighty. To liberate us, is up to Him.
In this keertana, Annamacharya skill fully opens up with nature of duality, that is devotee's exhortations to the Almighty, as if there are two entities. But gradually by the end, drives us to the realisation of the All pervading Almighty within, the Universal I, the Supreme consciousness, by which awareness, all actions of this illusory world  are well  understood.
‘Things which are to be forgotten, are not forgotten and which are not to be forgotten, are forgotten; Things which are to be left away, are not left away and things which are not to be left away, are left away;  Things which are to be pursued after, are not pursued after and things which are not to be pursued after, are pursued after;  All these actions of mine are due to ensnaring of ‘Vishnu maya’ (Almighty’s Illusion), resulting in not even contemplating His Protection’.
‘O Lord! What’s this human birth? Any use?  No. It is left to you to liberate me. I am so useless that, I cannot stop filling my stomach in all three times of the day. I cannot renounce the marital pleasures, do not get satiated in sensual gratifications. I don’t forget them but I do forget valuable knowledge, spiritual matters and the guru - helpful in realisation of God. But I am not to be blamed for these, because it’s by the encircling of your Illusion !
‘O Lord! Relentlessly I am performing all sorts of ‘papa punyas’ (acts of sin and piousness).  Unable to get rid of bad traits, I am being entangled in hopes and desires, unable to shake them off. Is it not because of your Illusion? On the other hand, I have left out observing ‘Shatkarmas’ (six body-purifying duties ordained, namely – Dhauti, Bhasti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli and Kapalabhati);  not bothering about ‘renunciation’ and even forgot about observing laid down customs and practices.  It’s due to your Illusion only !
‘O Lord! I get trapped in problems and bondages.  Not able to set my mind on any effort for salvation. Despite these shortcomings why should I lose heart ?  I have your blessing.  You are happily protecting me as the ‘All-pervading Almighty’.   Then why should I bother about your ‘Illusion !’
So, I am very happy to share this knowledge with you - the elite ones !  Now you are all clear in your understanding the Almighty’s play – the perspective of  His Illusion is now welcomed by you all, as taken for granted. The True Essence  of which you are made of,  now dismantles the myth of False Reality that was (for,  now we are awakened to the reality)  - ‘Illusion’ !

Annamacharya (12.11.2015)

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                           

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


A floral garden displays vibrant eye catching colours and exudes variety of fragrances making the visitor to the garden feel relaxed and refreshed and his  mind and body become salubrious as a result. Whether some flowers are less colourful; some more and some flowers less fragrant; some others more, the visitor is   not particular about. The joyful experience among the flowers of the garden is the
"essence" that counts ! 

This conceptual understanding is essential for all human beings about the "essence" they are made of. The Almighty is One and He became many in the form of creation for his play sake.  Hence, the Elements, the Attributes are all filled by him into multiple forms of creation to carry His play.  Wisdom lies in realising this ‘playful hand’ involved in one’s own existence on this earth - One Essence in different roles to play.

It is said of the wicked  Duryodhana that, at the time of his final departure he realised with surprise and acknowledged before Lord Krishna that such a role as of his was directed by the Lord Krishna residing in himself.

In one of his spiritual renderings, “Vadala Vadala Venta vadevo”, Annamayya diligently compared the Almighty to a  mobile ‘Cloth Merchant’ selling His handwoven sarees in this world.  His consort Lakshmi too involves herself for increasing the business by showing off gold threaded sarees to the buyers. Once accustomed to this Cloth Merchant, the mundane ones are spending their fortune (money) called Karmas, in the earthly market, as per the rates fixed by the Lord.  And the Lord is shrewd enough to see that His business of ‘saree vending’ is perpetual on this earth.

'See the ‘cloth merchant’ selling colourful handwoven sarees at different places and streets.  For Him all the five "Elements", namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space are the 'yarn' dyed with variety of colours.  Threads are stiffened with 'starch' called "unsteadiness" (chanchala swabhava).  And the threads are wound to the 'spindles' called "Trigunas"  (three basic attributes namely Satva guna, Rajo guna and Tamo guna that decide the human behaviour).  Weaving sarees with them and vending is His hobby (sport).

'His consort, Lakshmi is also smart one. Pretending annoyance over bargaining, she is enticing the beings in to purchasing, that is, committing wicked-natured acts on one hand. And on the other hand at the same time, He is disposing of His sarees - with attractive cross and straight stripes - to the earthlings.

'Attracted by His colourful sarees, people are gathering into the market place.  They are spending their money called Karmas.  He being present in all human beings, making them trapped in illusion, and thus fall prey to the karmic bondages, nobody is ever able to dare Him.’.....

“Vadala Vadala Venta Vadevo”  rapturously sung  in  cine format by ‘Padma Bhushan’, ‘Gana Gandharva’,  most popular classical and cine playback singer, K.J.Yesudas.   His Bollywood ever green song “Gori Tera Gaon Bada Pyara", scintillates in young hearts.  (Relish both songs with fine music in You tube).

Let us try to understand what the work of Annamayya intended to convey.  In the ultimate analysis, we come to realise that everything is as ordained by the Almighty present in each and every form of creation. Accordingly,  one who understands fast and furious current of the river, is not afraid at all but adapts to the river flow and succeeds in his mission of passing through (in this  World) safely !

We are all of one mould, one essence, the Supreme consciousness. This shall be our guiding principle of observation in our dealings with fellow beings in our day to day life!

 Cloth Merchant (10.11.2015)

Om Shanti!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Ram was very active on that day because it happened  to be his School Annual Day.  Many cultural programmes including Fancy Dress competitions were in the offing to enjoy on that eve. He goaded his parents to start as early as possible to have front seats in the  School Auditorium. As they were about to enter the main gate a beggar in rags, with a bowl in his right hand and a stick  in the left hand approached them with distressing looks. Ram's father felt pity on the beggar's condition and dropped a few rupee coins in his bowl. The beggar's face filled with pleasing looks thanked them and left the place to beg in another spot. Ram's family were seated  comfortably near to the stage.  The programmes began. The beggar was seen in and around the auditorium and Ram's parents wondered how careless were the organisers in permitting him. As the prizes of  Fancy Dress competition were announced, behold ! the beggar was called on to the stage as the recipient of First  Prize. And when the beggar showed his real face, Ram got shock! He was none other than his own neighbour and schoolmate Sam, his parents having a mansion with two large sedan cars.

'An affluent in  a role play of dire poverty'.  In reality Sam was rich and he acted poor 'in full consciousness' for a short time for the stage show. And exactly, this is our life cycle, a stage show- entering  with an assigned role, justify our role and exit  when our role is finished. If this is understood with wisdom then why get absorbed in the role play and be lost in the experiences.  Like Sam one should be aware of the permanent abode of eternal happiness  that  belongs to him and not the temporary stage show.  Even in our daily yoga prayers, we declare that 'This world is one stage show. I am a 'nishkama karma yogi' (resorting to actions without anticipations) I am playing my role in this world.'  Naturally, as per the dictum 'yat bhavana tat bhavati' ( you beget what you contemplate seriously), the imbibing of the noble prayer cleanses our minds for rich spiritual crop.

The whole philosophical Truth is showcased by Annamacharya in pithy keertanas. It is said that, while singing 'nanati batuku natakamu'  (every day life, a drama),  so emotional he became that his 'ektara' (a simple musical instrument with one string) snapped and he took it as an omen to leave his place permanently for Lord Venkateswara's Abode at Tirumala for his Liberation. This heart rending song by Bharata Ratna, Nightingale of  Carnatic Music, Smt M S Subbulakshmi is available in You tube).  My freelance explanation...

'This whole life which we are thinking that we are experiencing is in reality, like a drama (stage show).  Liberation is the only thing that we get from our past good deeds.... Our birth is a reality, That, we exit on one day is also a reality. But between these two, what we perform is stage show only. We see the world in front of our eyes.  But our true abode is Liberation only......We take food, wear clothes, but all these come with our birth and end with our death. And all those come to us in between are instruments (tools) necessary for the stage show only.....After final settlement of the accounts of the bundle of accumulated karmas (past actions) only we realise Liberation. Till then invariably the shows have to be continued......As long as the show  is continued our sins and pious deeds are committed unendingly. And  because of them, our drama turns out to be either hilarious or melancholic.  The Lord of the Seven Hills is the Almighty. And one's Liberation is in  His Firmament Above.'

Here we have to understand that being fully aware of the quintessence of Advaita vedanta of the Formless Supreme consciousness,  Annamayya recommended the devotional (Almighty in FOrm) path for the masses as a sure way for Deliverance.

Let us share the educative wisdom by the great savant, which is quite helpful in bringing solace and peace with a spiritual direction to our unwary minds.  If we realise that our role play on this stage called the World, is only transitory and we in truth belong to the permanent abode above, our hearts become soothing and blissful!

Om Shanti!

Friday, November 6, 2015


All seasons;  namely, summer, rain, winter, autumn are all perceptions of one cycle of the year; Repetitive in nature. So is the 'Life Cycle'; The pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrow, experienced in relation to the body are temporary; they come and go; one should not be disturbed by them but should tolerate them and continue with spiritual realization.  A seeker has vivid understanding, of the difference between perceptions of the gross body and his True Being - The Consciousness,  in the episode of sage Jada Bharata and King Rahuguna....

'Once king Rahuguna was going in a palanquin to the sage Kapila to gain spiritual knowledge. As one of the bearers got tired, the services of  a person working in a nearby field was requisitioned for awhile. He was sage Jada Bharata.  In obeisance of the king's order he started bearing the palanquin. But due to inexperience  in such heavy duties his steps could not keep in pace with other bearers, thus resulting in bumps and jerks, which annoyed the king. He scolded and inflicted injury to Jada Bharata. However, the latter was cool and said to the king that his scolding and injuring didn't affect him in any way because he was not the body. Upon hearing this, immediately Rahuguna got down from the palanquin, bowed to Jada Bharatta prayed for his pardon. He requested further for imparting of Atma jnana.  Jada Bharata explained that all physical forms of matter in  this world like king, bearers, other living and non living beings are all but transformation of the element - Earth, which again is illusory manifestation of the Super consciousness called as Supreme Godhead. In the ultimate analysis, all are one Godhead only.'

To say  'one has to be beyond body consciousness' to enthusiastic seekers of recent awakening, is like attempting to feed indigestible 'spicy fried rice' in the 'starting of solids ceremony' (Anna prasana) of a baby.  The spiritual course should be gradual and smooth.  Hence the devotional approach of total surrender seeking prop from the Almighty, for wading through the entanglements of earthly pleasures and pains, is suggested by the great seers.  Here again we shall relish the beautiful spiritual 'rendering on surrendering' by Annmayya. "Chaluvaku Vediki Sariki Sari" ( For melodious singing by the Maestro. Classical Singer Mangalampalli Bala Murali Krishna...Please refer You tube).

'The body related Egoism is not shaken off unless passing through the turbulent life replete with woes. In parallel with the seasonal changes in a year,  pleasures and pains also visit in rotation.  There is no way of escaping from experiencing them.  More and more one becomes bookish, more and more doubts abound. By only surrender to the Almighty can one reach the shore safely.

'O Lord ! Pleasure and pain on account of Prarabdha (fruits of action of the past births) are invariable. They visit us like cold and hot seasons of nature.  So, there is only the way of surrender to you.  The moment we start breathing in a body on  this earth, all attributes both good and bad (six arishadvargas namely, kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya) predominate the body. The 'being' restlessly runs after tastes (experiences).  O Lord, can we hope to seek you for liberation, - before the fag end of our life ?

The moment my hunger is satisfied with 'stomachful' , all of my five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) become vigorous with full of desires entangling in multiple relations. Then how can I get the much sought after liberation ?  The more and more one is plunged in reading, the more and more cropping up of doubts. Then why these untrusted reading of books ?  O Lord ! You are the Saviour, I surrender to Thee.  It's for you to dispense !'

The exhortations to The Almighty externally is the true guidance for transforming by gradual revelation towards the introvert Awakening !

Royal Palanquin (6.11.2015)

Om Shanti !

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


When a mother cautions her child, “Look, don’t go near the fire and put your fingers in it, it burns!”,  an understanding child heeds the elderly advice and avoids fire accidents.  The Almighty has given such a supreme instrument, unique to the mankind, called ‘intellect’  so that, if it is understood properly and wielded adeptly, by keeping safe from engulfing earrhly matters- like the wise child from fire - divinity is realised in this very existence.

The way one has to live in this world, for realisation of the divinity within, is well explained by the great seers of the past and present. They have shown us the path.  It is for us to reach the goal with the greatest asset possessed, ‘Wisdom’.  As we embark on the spiritual journey, we find so many wayside establishments luring; in the form of different schools of thought, different practices of meditation, different ritualistic austerities.  And ultimately if we are dazed by their attractions we are lost in a labyrinth of  'practices'  only, for the rest of our life!

For my part :  After going through a few spiritual books and discourses of the noble saints, I have visualised and evolved a definite process by following which, I thought, there  would be every possibility of attaining the Supreme Knowledge, well within this existence.... 

Firstly, to start with,  I thought of getting rid of ‘taste consciousness’ for annihilation of the state of ‘slave to the tongue’ ( Jihva chapalya nivrutti ).  Got mixed up all items of main dish, side dishes, solids and liquids – all in one 'begging bowl' - dining plate. Lo! I reached a stage where I don’t know what is going to eat from my (begging) bowl till I open my eyes to start eating every day.  

Secondly, to get rid of fragrances, cut into small bits many brands of soaps with variety of fragrances and made into a single ball for my bath.  Result?  No more infatuation for a particular fragrance. Smell consciousness overcome successfully !  

Thirdly, become 'beyond Time Consciousness' (kaalaateeta), that is, with the conviction that everything originates from the Consciousness inside, every moment is proving auspicious for me; Thus no more observation of inauspicious moments like Rahukalam, Durmuhurtam and Yamagandam in the calendar for doing a work.   

Fourthly, most important of all, where many seekers give up in testing times, ‘Being Desire Less’.  For this, zealously I switched off my mind to 'desire-related' thoughts. The result achieved? Moulding in to a perfect “Nishkama Karma Yogi!” (Doer without expectations).  

Lastly, a difficult practice indeed, I left out absolutely, Selfish attitude of I and My - in respect of actions involving benefits and family relations.   For them -  I am daddy, grandpa etc., But for me -  they are “Different Forms of One Single Supreme Consciousness”.  I whole heartedly salute to the Supreme Consciousness in a black cat, a dog , a watchman, a garbage collector; I do not see in particular the external forms of physical bodies of existence.  And the Result?  Divine Revelations shared by me with you from time to time! 

Above all, I humbly acknowledge that The Almighty within was very kind enough to give fillip to my sincere determination and steadfastness.  The Outcome?  "I am what I am"!

And to testify this sincere approach of mine, today (4.11.'15) morning  I received a phone call from a spiritual well-wisher, saffron clad,  Sri Pamuleti Swami, specialist in  Hatha yoga and Meditation, running Amara Yoga Vikasa Kendra, at Nandyal.  He is credited with having performed thousands of yagnas, (a ritualistic sacrifice with a specific objective), And by propitiating the Varuna Deva (Rain God), he got rain successfully by the same day evening!  After exchange of pleasantries of spiritual practices, he asked me “How is your Sadhana (practice)!"  I smiled and replied, “No Sadhana, No Meditation,  No Practice – No Conditioning of Mind ! I simply 'Revel in my “Being”! And when I briefed the revelations like that of recent episode of train, (mentioned in last para of “Fleeting Reflections”), the Swamiji wholeheartedly appreciated my ‘Being’ in That Knowledge truly!  Laurels are for the Body Conscious Ones – Not for Me!

The greatness of the celebrities lies in their humble acceptance in public of the mistakes committed inadvertently which act as eye opener for them.  An anecdote, related to the subject matter under discussion  and essential for those seekers on spiritual path……

‘Once Jaipur Maharaja, Kshetri invited Swami Vivekananda for an audience of Surdas Bhajans by a woman -  prostitute by profession. Being a Sanyasin, initially Swamiji politely rejected the invitation. Later after  hearing from a distance the divine songs of Surdas he attended to them. The content of the song was, “ O Almighty! Please do not count my bad attributes. Are you not equal-minded about all beings in the creation ! One iron piece gets shape of an idol in a temple, another one becomes knife in the hands of a Butcher ! But both are turning into gold when touched by Sparsa Vedi (Alchemist’s Stone which upon touching the base metal turns it into gold instantly).  Is it not so?”   Later, Swamiji confessed that, “after hearing the Surdas keertana I pondered over that, 'Is this my Sanyasatva (renounced form of life)! Being Sanyasin how could I think of difference between her and me ! What an ignorance!’ That keertana became eye opener for me. Since then taking into my heart that every being is One Super Consciousness only, I stopped having any slighting attitude towards any being whatsoever !" 

Being a naive,  plain speaking ardent seeker I opened up 'things of bosom'  to you all, for I see in you all -  One Super Consciousness !

Swami Vivekananda (20.10.'09)

Om Shanti !                                                                                                                                             

Monday, November 2, 2015


Triveni Sangama  - Confluence of Three Holy Rivers, as we studied in our child hood school books;  Right?  And ‘My Swan Song’ captioned is also Triveni Sangama – Convergence of Holy Trio!  To know how it is so, let us get in to the details…

Our traditional cultures are manifest still, at least to diminutive degree, in the villages and small towns which are conspicuous by their absence in metropolitan cities largely because of busy scheduled urban life style. Even now, as I hear ‘Mangala Vadyas’ (music of festivity) from a house in the small towns and villages my mind immediately surmises ‘Oh, there must be some  festive event like Kalyanam (Wedding Ceremony), Gruha Pravesam (House Warming Ceremony), Dolotsavam (Cradle Ceremony),  Shasti Purti Mahotsavam (by men at the age of 'Sixty') or some such event being celebrated in that house.'

Contrary to this, when I happen to see a shamiana (a flat tent with optional detachable walls) in front of a house and sound of Bhagawadgita by Ghantasala from loud speakers, my mind picks up the thought of some body having 'passed away' in that house.  Of course, in my child hood I tried to avoid that house and lane, being 'scared' about the ghastly sight of preparation (on public road) of the corpse for the final journey to cemetery.

One sound ‘dynamic’, another ‘depressive’;  Both are part of our life. So, I thought can I have a peaceful pleasant ambiance for my final journey?  At least if it happens in own house, I could do something about the pleasant sounds (of course devotional) falling in my ears - a swan song at bidding adieu to this noble birth.  I hit upon one such thing during my exercise of devotional songs recently.  As I said already, it’s A Holy Trio. “Pruthula hema koupina dharah” is confluence of  1) Devotional Sanskrit (Deva Bhasha, Language of the Gods) kriti by great tatva jnani, savant, Annamachaarya, 2) Melodiously sung by Nigtingale  from Bollywood and Guinness Record holder, Bharata Ratna,  Lata mangeshkar, 3) Accompanied by heartful  Mangala Vadyas - Shehnai, Tabla  and Vina (Mangala Nadam for My Mangala Yatra) :  ‘Triveni Sangama’  indeed ! (Pruthula Hema Koupina Dharah by Lata Mangeshkar in You tube).

In this Sanskrit kriti,  Lord Vishnu’s incarnation of Vamana murthi is vividly eulogised for boons/benefactions (not for earthly pleasures) worthy of a seeker'.   (My apologies for freelance translation) -  "O Noble One with gold coloured loin cloth! Celebrated Celibate! Bestow me ‘Strength’.  O Vamana Form, my salutations to you.  You show kindness to the pious ones. You have discarded anger, animosity etc., Noble of the nobles. You rule over cow like ‘individual souls! O lord I pray thee for sanctifying my attributes. This young boy (Vamana) with umbrella, holy vessel and holy stick (used by sages at tapas - penance) in  both hands, is pious and kind hearted and always in praise by the devatas - Srimannarayana, please bestow sacred intellect ! He that occupied all the three lokas (planes) with his feet is none other than the present Lord Venkateswara, the one who feeds all living beings in the world. O lord of the universe bestow me with Intellect!"

In our journey into the next birth, it is not only the Soul but also other subtle ones like mind and intellect make the immortal journey carrying vasanas (sub-conscious, latent tendencies) of this present  birth. Hence so much stress on ‘bestowing good intellect’ by the Almighty in the above kriti by Annamacharya.

So, with good intellect thus bestowed we can come back directly in to this world again, donning Saffron robes, with a ‘name  and form of a jnani’ – the wise one ! – for deliverance of the fellow beings.  Hence it is worth hearing by me (happily prepared for the other world any moment, any day) frequently, this mellifluous "Swan Song" !

Vamana Avatara (2.11.'15)

Om Shanti !