Happy life is an accomplished life that doesn't end with death but with eternal life !
(Angelo Scola)
Iha para sadhana, which is quintessential way of life in the Indian culture lends the thought of leading happy righteous life through this mundane sojourn and finally attaining the Ultimate Reality, the Eternal Life.
Here we have the knowledge about the ways and means of leading a happy life in this world described by Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Vatti Lampatala Badi Boraluta Kante, Vottina Virati Nura Kundute Sukhamu" !
'Instead of this mortal body being carried away by the bondage and entanglements, to be still in quietude with detachment leads to happiness.
'Discarding of all sinful deeds in this world fetches happiness.Possessing the attribute of maintaining peace by leaving anger results in happiness in life.By implementing steadfastly the instructions of wisdom received from one's guru keeps one happy.The day, on which one does not fumble into attractions desires and infatuations, is the happy one.
'In this world, the mind which relaxes, with all fickleness subsided, dwells in happiness. This birth is worthy of happiness when the being is indulged in righteous chores passed down from the ancestors. Judicious selection and regular following one appropriate course of practice for deliverance in this world as well as for realization of the Eternal Existence, gives happiness.Being self contented rather than entertaining countless desires and expectations fetches happiness.
'Wealth acquired by fair means without squeezing fellow beings keeps one happy. Plain and truthful talk only gives one happiness. In this world, happiness lies in serving the Almighty with astute devotion and leading a well defined peaceful course of life in quietude'.
The words by William Law that "He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life", fortify the last line of the above text of sankeertana. Thus total surrender with devotion to the Almighty is the panacea for a holy, pious, happy life in this world and the other, the Eternal !
Source of My Happy Life !
Om Shanti !
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