Friday, January 19, 2018


"Samam sarveshu bhuteshu tishtamtam parameswaram"- The Almighty is present in all beings, in all forms of His creation, in equal measure. All beings come into this world  with equal honour and dignity in their own placement accorded by the Almighty in His creation. However, the karmic patterns of  pious and sinful deeds in the life's journey of each individual beings,  influence their destinies. The  wise one who by discreet quest seeks the  Truth, comes to understand about the real 'manipulating hand' behind all the variegated patterns of lives of the beings as the play of the Almighty and thus becomes disillusioned !

The unveiled vision of 'Vishnu Maya' is well depicted in the sankeertana, "Puttugulu nokkate punya
papamule veru" by Sri Annamacharya. His benevolent passing of this divine wisdom makes the voice emotional.

'Births of all beings are same, neither less important nor more important, since it is the creation of the Divine with name and form. However, as the life's journey on this earth starts, with karma, actions whether of pious or sinful decide the destinies of the beings. Can any one interfere or influence with the course on which the being is ordained to pace through with  related pleasures and pains entwining the being?

'Day becomes night for certain beings and night becomes day for certain other beings. The beings which are active during day time rest at night and the beings which are active during night - nocturnal like bats, owls- become restful during day time. (Apart from the above apparent literal meaning for the  lines 'pagalE rEyi yI baDi konni jIvulaku, vogi nA rEyi pagalou nokarikini', we can infer implicit deeper spiritual meaning. While this precious and rare opportunity of human birth is wasted away in transitoy mundane pleasures with blissful ignorance and folly by some, the wise ones like Jnani-s are awake pursuing deeds befitting Enlightenment, when the former are asleep in bondages). In the same contrast, though Almighty is only one among all the beings,  the approach paths for His Realization are many making scope for sprouting of multiple religious faiths and practices. After all, this is a part of His illusory play and nothing else!

'Certain plants and trees, like neem (margosa) and bitter gourd, are bitter throughout, from root to leaf tip; at the same time, certain other plants like sugar cane grow with sweetness spread all over. Subtlety of Intellect is same in all, but creeds, postulates differ from person to person. After all, these are the clever entanglements as part of the illusory play of the Almighty and nothing else!

'The worldly existence itself is 'be all end all' of the Almighty's presence itself, for those who are enlightened.  Hence  they rejoice in this journey of earthly life. they see ocean (Almighty) in the drop (individual self). While,  for some others the deluding earthly pleasures are  as if the heaven itself has descended upon them. They are doomed for more and more entanglement of miserable quagmire  ruining their lives ultimately. How ever, when one renders service to Lord Venkateswara, intently with devotion, all the Vishnu Maya, illusory play of the Almighty, melts and slips away; leading to the realization of the Eternal Truth, all pervading 'Self'  !'....

This makes us understand more easily what the Almighty had said in Bhagavad Gita 7:7,
'Mayi sarvam idam protein sutre mani gana iva'; ' I am the string holding all the pearls' ! We are all in realization of that String Eternal !
                                          "Puttugulu Nokkate, Punya Papamule Veru"


Om Shanti !

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