Wednesday, August 24, 2016


A Pilgrim's Progress, spiritual journey,  is embarked from 'avidya', total ignorance. through 'vidya', the right knowledge.  In this process lies our awakening and becoming aware about the Only One who can deliver us through thick and thin of this mire of earthly bondage, to the safe shores of Salvation!

Thus the beacon light of our safe passage  is described by Annamacharya, in the sankeertana, "Atade Sakala Vyapaku Datade Yatura Bandhuvu"........

'The Almighty is the all pervading. He is the companion to all those afflicted with various ills in this worldly existence. When could it be possible to have Him in our constant  attention!

'Who is there, if not He, to steer us to safe shores when being tired of swimming through the ocean of earthly bondage. Who is there, if not He, to show us the passage like beacon lights, when groping in the darkness of ignorance.

'Who is there, if not He, to show us right direction when lost in the wilderness of papa-s ( all wrongful deeds). Who is there, if not He, to disentangle us with a word of encouragement when  we are entangled tightly in bondage of desires and passions.

'Who is there, if not He, to boost up our sagging morale with a word of support  and extricate us out safely by extinguishing the wild fire of difficulties and vicissitudes, engulfing us from all sides. There is only one  who can uninhibitedly come to our rescue with gracing of countless divine benefactions, Let us surrender to Him !'.........

When we come to know that we are under the protection of the proper authority, we have great relief setting aside all fears and doubts about the passage through the mighty ocean - 'Sansara Sagara'. It is simple and pure gesture of unconditional total surrender to the Almighty!

Almighty Shows  Safe Abode For All !

Om Shanti !

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