Monday, August 22, 2016


When the  Chaitanya - driving force within, is the 'cause' of all our actions generated in reckoning this worldly existence, it is but proper for us to seek remedy  from the same Chaitanya for deliverance from the actions of illusory existence with name and form.

Resorting to the Almighty only, ultimately, for the deliverance is being dealt in the sankeertana, 'Edi Maku Gati Ika Niswaresvara', by  the poet savant Annamacharya.........

'Oh My Almighty! Where is the way out for us?  Please show mercy with your grace and lead us to our destination, liberation!

'Our actions are repeated time and again without loss of any interest or being vexed up. We continue to ponder over the past pleasures experienced without any exhaustion, in a repeated manner. We  pay constant  attention  on our family relations, wife and children and our thoughts repeatedly hover around them.  The food served in our plates is relished time and again day after day without any loss of interest.  But Oh Lord! we do not ponder over  You and  Your guidance towards liberation!

'We gaze repeatedly at the same persons and happenings without any frustration or fatigue. We listen with pleasant attitude, matters liked by us  again and again, without getting bored. Our mind revolves around the  amusing pleasures experienced in the past and wish them to be repeated once again in our lives. But on no account we ever contemplate on the highly exalted You!

'We are engrossed with the earthly belongings of  family, shelter, fields and getting deeply attached with them.  But  we do not ever think about the Almighty! O Lord, having known about all our misdirected leading of life, please shower Your mercy on us nevertheless and grace us towards liberation !'.......

We go on experiencing  in our entire life,  the path of pleasure hunt chosen as always right, despite the fact that we actually lose our bearings in the process. Ultimately wisdom dawns on us to wake up from our ignorance and seek  our destination, liberation with the help of the lodestar, Almighty!

The Lodestar !

Om Shanti!


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