Wednesday, August 31, 2016


'What is the best of all faculties of knowledge available to the human being?';  if one has got a question, the best answer is, It is that knowledge which leads to 'Self Realization'. It is a point of no return once again into the cycle of births and deaths, by becoming one with the 'Consciousness' !

People desirous of achieving salvation resort to various rites and rituals among which performance of Yagna is one which is rather expensive  from the point of items to be procured and payments to the conducting pandits. Annamacharya compares the best of all,  'Jnana Yajna' with the procedure followed in a regular 'yaga' in his sankeertana, "Adigaka Nijamatam Badigaka Yajakam".....

'Apart from the pure spiritual knowledge is there any better religion? Is there better Yajna? Is there better happiness in heart (hrudayananda)? Is there any other better realization?

'Vijnana Maha Dhwara' - The Yajna of pure spiritual knowledge may be compared thus.  Initially the sacrificial cow called 'sankalpa' (determined resolution - for Atma Jnana) is arranged for. It is sacrificed on the altar of 'Jnana Ananda' (spiritual bliss). Then all the 'purified senses' are offered into the 'Jnana Agni' (the sacrificial fire).

'Dispassion' acts as the majestic performer of yaga; 'Righteousness' plays the role of Brahma; All the noble traits and conduct of obeisance like 'sama', 'dama','daana', 'dhairya' are the performing (chanting vedic mantras) brahmins;

'Meditating on the Almighty is the holy water 'Soma Rasa' to the Yajna performing beings. Drenching oneself in the ocean of 'divine grace', is the required conclusive holy bath at the end of yaga - 'avabrutha snana' !'........

The striking point in this comparative performances of physical yajna and spiritual yajna is the 'Expense' involved! Is it not clear by now that it requires absolutely nothing cost wise to perform this 'Vijnana Maha Dhwara' ! Being righteous at heart, one can comprehend all the noble traits leading to  Self Realization!

Performance of Yajna !

Om Shanti !

Monday, August 29, 2016


'Jantunam Manava Janma Durlabham' ! Realizing the advantage in the form of 'Intellect' the human being has over other living beings, he should cherish the mission of his life - acquirement of True Knowledge. The academic education and other faculty learning are not called the True Knowledge, for they are in any way to be acquired for the sake of eking out one's livelihood invariably. One must be able to discriminate between what is truth, what is false; what is knowledge,what is ignorance. All this becomes possible by proper study of holy scriptures and benevolence of bodha gurus.

The various options to select from, for realization of the True Knowledge of Salvation is detailed by the poet savant Annamacharya in his sankeertana, " Ediyu Leni Deti Janmamu".....

'What for is that life if it doesn't have some purpose to fulfill? One who has taken this human birth shall become wise by acquiring the True Knowledge about "Self" !

'One should meditate upon the Almighty. Or he should be blessed with riches of eternal bliss.  Atma is the ultimate goal to achieve by all.  It is the only Truth embodiment associated with divinity. He has to realize in the ultimate analysis that himself is that all pervading Atman (Supreme Consciousness).

'He has to learn with proper understanding  the spiritual scriptures and become pundit. Or at least serve the learned scholars.  Or he shall become a 'Karmishti' that is, performer of only noble deeds for the welfare of all in general. Or he shall happily become an ardent devotee of the Almighty and perform all laid down 'deekshas', austere measures expected of a devotee.

'He should always be compassionate towards all living beings.  Or he should bring all his senses under his control and become poised. Or he should live with veneration for the ardent devotees of the Almighty.'........

Being blessed with this beautiful human birth with invaluable attribute of  'Intellect', let us  pick up one of the options furnished above and justify our mission on this earth; that of acquiring the knowledge of 'Self'' and become one with the Ultimate !

"Ediyunu Leni Deti Janmamu"

A Bunch of Multiple Options !

Om Shanti!

Friday, August 26, 2016


Honesty is the basic trait of the true seeker who keeps away from the pretentious knowledge of the so called pandits of high erudition particularly in spiritual matters. The scholarly depths in the ultimate probe fail to realize the Divine Truth. Simple acceptance of the right path of total surrender in all humility will certainly lead us to deliverance from bondage.

In the snkeertana, "Bhavincha Le Revvarunu Bayalu Vakeru Gani", the great poet savant Annamacharya describes this theme of honest acceptance of our ignorance of scholastic vanity and need to surrender to the Almighty...........

'O Lord! In spite of talking in public of so many things by the multitude in pretension of having understood for sure, in essence nobody can ever ponder about the Truth. We know only one thing. That is about Your Existence and unconditional surrender to You for deliverance.

'It can not be thought of and comprehend by us about, how the Salvation would be; how the True Knowledge (Awareness) would be and how the Act of God (Fate) would be. What is in store for us in future and in which directions our mind drags us every time, that too we can not ever be able to guess.

'We are ignorant of what the holy scriptures,Vedas are about; what does 'detachment' actually mean, what is the genesis and what is the culmination of this creation. No matter how much deeply probed, we can not understand what is 'Atma' and what is 'Paramatma'; we do not know either, what is 'duality' and what is 'non duality'.

'We are in the dark about, and difficult to realize, what is the outcome of  'Karma Phala' (results of actions), what is the devotional approach towards Almighty, what is intellectual awareness about discriminating between,what is good and what is bad.  But despite these shortcomings in our life, O Lord! We know only one thing in certain about You. Hence we stand quietly before You surrendering unconditionally. Please show mercy on us by showering Your grace!'.......

My practical experience to share in all honesty, when I tried to go through some contents circulating in face book and whatsapp, the plethoric versions  propagated by individual spiritual masters in their own vein, started to boggle my mind. When I found they are only distracting my internal peace, I simply retreated from them. Paradise Regained !

As Many Spiritual Strains !

Om Shanti !

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


A Pilgrim's Progress, spiritual journey,  is embarked from 'avidya', total ignorance. through 'vidya', the right knowledge.  In this process lies our awakening and becoming aware about the Only One who can deliver us through thick and thin of this mire of earthly bondage, to the safe shores of Salvation!

Thus the beacon light of our safe passage  is described by Annamacharya, in the sankeertana, "Atade Sakala Vyapaku Datade Yatura Bandhuvu"........

'The Almighty is the all pervading. He is the companion to all those afflicted with various ills in this worldly existence. When could it be possible to have Him in our constant  attention!

'Who is there, if not He, to steer us to safe shores when being tired of swimming through the ocean of earthly bondage. Who is there, if not He, to show us the passage like beacon lights, when groping in the darkness of ignorance.

'Who is there, if not He, to show us right direction when lost in the wilderness of papa-s ( all wrongful deeds). Who is there, if not He, to disentangle us with a word of encouragement when  we are entangled tightly in bondage of desires and passions.

'Who is there, if not He, to boost up our sagging morale with a word of support  and extricate us out safely by extinguishing the wild fire of difficulties and vicissitudes, engulfing us from all sides. There is only one  who can uninhibitedly come to our rescue with gracing of countless divine benefactions, Let us surrender to Him !'.........

When we come to know that we are under the protection of the proper authority, we have great relief setting aside all fears and doubts about the passage through the mighty ocean - 'Sansara Sagara'. It is simple and pure gesture of unconditional total surrender to the Almighty!

Almighty Shows  Safe Abode For All !

Om Shanti !

Monday, August 22, 2016


When the  Chaitanya - driving force within, is the 'cause' of all our actions generated in reckoning this worldly existence, it is but proper for us to seek remedy  from the same Chaitanya for deliverance from the actions of illusory existence with name and form.

Resorting to the Almighty only, ultimately, for the deliverance is being dealt in the sankeertana, 'Edi Maku Gati Ika Niswaresvara', by  the poet savant Annamacharya.........

'Oh My Almighty! Where is the way out for us?  Please show mercy with your grace and lead us to our destination, liberation!

'Our actions are repeated time and again without loss of any interest or being vexed up. We continue to ponder over the past pleasures experienced without any exhaustion, in a repeated manner. We  pay constant  attention  on our family relations, wife and children and our thoughts repeatedly hover around them.  The food served in our plates is relished time and again day after day without any loss of interest.  But Oh Lord! we do not ponder over  You and  Your guidance towards liberation!

'We gaze repeatedly at the same persons and happenings without any frustration or fatigue. We listen with pleasant attitude, matters liked by us  again and again, without getting bored. Our mind revolves around the  amusing pleasures experienced in the past and wish them to be repeated once again in our lives. But on no account we ever contemplate on the highly exalted You!

'We are engrossed with the earthly belongings of  family, shelter, fields and getting deeply attached with them.  But  we do not ever think about the Almighty! O Lord, having known about all our misdirected leading of life, please shower Your mercy on us nevertheless and grace us towards liberation !'.......

We go on experiencing  in our entire life,  the path of pleasure hunt chosen as always right, despite the fact that we actually lose our bearings in the process. Ultimately wisdom dawns on us to wake up from our ignorance and seek  our destination, liberation with the help of the lodestar, Almighty!

The Lodestar !

Om Shanti!


Tuesday, August 2, 2016


"In the Kaliyuga, man being totally dependent on food for life, can not altogether shake off the idea that he is the body. In this state of Mind it is not proper for him to say, 'I Am He'.  When a man does all sorts of worldly things, he should not say, 'I Am Brahman'.  Those who can not give up attachment to worldly things, and who find no means to shake off the feeling of  'I', should rather cherish the idea, 'I am God's servant; I am His devotee !' "
- Ramakrishna Paramahansa

'Tapas' (penance) in general is construed as deep meditation with austerity in seclusion with an aim of either seeking appearance of a chosen deity or  for sheer salvation.

However Annamacharya provides us a broadened connotation of of 'Tapas'.  For realization of 'Self', one's becoming ardent seeker of the Almighty  is the only proper 'Tapas' in this age, as against going to ascetic life for penance in solitude in a deep forest or a  dark cave or in the snow clad mountains.

This theme is to dealt in his sankeertana, "Haridasu Dagute Yadi Tapamu"......

'Becoming devout seeker of the Almighty is the real Tapas and all other attempts  are only fruitless.

'In this world, some people bless us and some others denounce us.  In being balanced in mind by treating both situations equally is the true Tapas. All the acts of rites and rituals as per the customs, traditions and scriptures, performed with austerity and pomp is only vanity exhibited, which is fruitless  in the ultimate.

'When we approach people for some necessity, some may concede in favour immediately and some others may show empty hands.  The trait of being cheerful in both the situations in equal measure is the real Tapas.  Performance of all pious acts in public is only a pretension which is fruitless.

'When we seek help from others, some may readily come to our rescue and some may slip away with a murmur (of disgust).  If one maintains has pleasant disposal (without slightest consternation) even in the latter case, it is the real Tapas. Instead of wandering in far of places for 'Realization' and getting exasperated in vain, it is wise to become austere devotee of the Almighty with unconditional total surrender.  That is the real Tapas !'.........

In this context, we may consider hear the saying quoted at the outset from  Ramakrishna Paramahansa, who venerated both Form and Formless Almighty equally.

Thus, we find with rather a note of surprise that many many centuries back itself  Annamacharya had professed, 'Self Realization' through the 'Devotional Surrender to the Almighty' approach - the most practicable way for the common man !

A devotee's contentment is that of a simple flower !

Om Shanti !